
This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

author:Nago reads the world
This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

Na Ying has loved singing since she was a child, and with a full desire for music, she joined a local youth choir in Liaoning at the age of 12. I thought I could get attention, but I didn't expect that I could only be a backing singer in an inconspicuous corner in the end.

At that time, Na Ying's disappointment and pain filled her heart, and she was listless every day. thought that she sang well and that she could show off her singing voice by joining the choir, but she didn't expect the reality to be so cruel and hit her dream of being a singer hard.

After failing the exam for the first time in the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe, Na Ying was not discouraged, she mustered up the courage to continue to work hard. She understands the affirmation of her singing ability, so she does not believe that she cannot join the group just because of her lack of singing ability.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

So she racked her brains and decided to continue to challenge this hurdle. No matter how disappointed she was in her first two failures, she couldn't shake her dream of becoming a singer. This time, she finally got in and fulfilled one of her wishes.

In 1988, Na Ying participated in the singing competition and won the championship in one fell swoop with her voice very similar to Su Rui. After the competition, she was appreciated by the famous musician Gu Jianfen, and at this point, Gu Jianfen finally discovered Na Ying's talent.

Because of Gu Jianfen's excavation, Na Ying also began to get out of the trough and has a brighter future. She has already experienced failure, but the arrival of the road to fame is undoubtedly a great encouragement.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

In order to earn the first pot of gold, Na Ying released a tape imitating Su Rui. She put on sunglasses and posed very similar to Su Rui, and there was only an inconspicuous corner of the tape with the word "Su Ran" written on it.

At that time, Na Ying also had a moral conscience condemnation in her heart, vaguely knowing that this kind of behavior was not very legitimate, but she had a weak sense of copyright, and she still did it for the sake of fame and wealth.

This became the first moral suspense in her career, and it also brought a shadow to Na Ying's reputation.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

In Gu Jianfen's training class, Na Ying's flamboyant and rebellious personality was completely exposed, she frequently quarreled with other classmates, and the whole class was in chaos. She often argues theories with others, and the noise resounded in the sky, causing a big headache for the teachers.

Gu Jianfen is also quite dissatisfied with Na Ying's behavior and style, she said that Na Ying is like a "silly big sister", although she has a good voice, her brain is like a dog. Na Ying regarded the training class as her own territory, domineering and unreasonable, which caused double dissatisfaction among teachers and students.

This became the beginning of her making enemies in the entertainment industry.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

After becoming famous, Na Ying not only did not restrain her arrogance, but became more rampant in the music industry. She openly criticized Daolang's works for being vulgar and unworthy of entering the pop music charts, making things difficult for juniors in many talent shows, and even publicly provoking Zhang Ziyi, saying that she was just an empty shell vase.

Her various words and deeds have made the music industry's reputation for her fall to the bottom, and many people criticize her behind her back as the overlord of the entertainment industry, and even her mentor Gu Jianfen once commented on her as a hated tigress.

As a representative singer in the Chinese music scene, Na Ying has a place in the entertainment industry with her unique voice and strong musical strength. However, after becoming famous, her consistent domineering style and arrogant attitude have made her countless enemies in the circle, and she has been criticized and boycotted by the public many times in public. At the same time, due to the controversy over her words and deeds and private life, Na Ying was abused by many people as a hooligan behind her back, which also brought a great negative impact on her image and reputation.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

Since "Mountain Gully" became popular overnight, Na Ying has released a number of golden songs, such as "The Darkness of the Day and the Night" and "Seeing Flowers in the Fog", etc., these works have become well-known classics.

This series of excellent works has made Na Ying's position in the music industry more stable, and the double harvest of sales and awards has also made her successfully among the first-line female singers. Na Ying's strength and popularity reached its peak during this period, and music fans had to admit that this big-voiced singer was a well-deserved powerhouse.

Na Ying sang "Meet in 1998" with Faye Wong in 1998, which can be called the most glorious chapter of her singer career. Being fortunate to sing with Faye Wong is undoubtedly a perfect transformation in Na Ying's career.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

When Na Ying and the singing voices of the new generation of singers merged on the same stage, Na Ying officially became the leader of the new generation of divas. In an instant, her fame and popularity were almost on par with Faye Wong, and she became the focus of the entire music scene.

During this period, Na Ying won various music awards, including the Pop Music Award, the Golden Melody Award and the Top Ten Golden Songs, which can be described as fame and fortune. Na Ying is not only a talented female singer, but also starred in a box office hit musical, which brought her reputation to the peak and successfully promoted to the first-line female singer.

After Faye Wong and Na Ying performed on the same stage, Na Ying became a real new generation of "diva" in the eyes of the public, and her popularity and ability to make money reached the peak.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

While gaining fame and fortune, Na Ying has also made many rivals in the music world. She showed obvious difficulties to her juniors in many talent shows, and finally killed Yao Beina, who was expected to win the championship.

Many viewers and Yao Beina's fans couldn't stand it anymore, and they accused Na Ying of being the murderer of Yao Beina on the Internet, and some people even bluntly said "You owe her a champion!"

Na Ying was criticized by many people in public opinion, and for the first time experienced the serious failure of word-of-mouth and popularity. She also realized for the first time that her controversial practices over the years had seriously affected the public's evaluation of her, and she needed to face up to this problem.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

In the face of public opinion and the public uproar, Na Ying felt a heavy responsibility and had to face up to this matter. She realized that what she had done over the years had indeed hurt many people, and that was not her intention.

She plucked up the courage to respond positively to these controversies, showing that she has a straightforward personality and sometimes speaks without brains, which has caused misunderstanding to many people.

For the first time in her life, she confronted her problems so formally and apologized to those who had been victimized by her.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

Na Ying not only faced up to her own problems, but also publicly expressed reflection and remorse, promising to restrain the edge in her personality and reduce unnecessary arguments. At the same time, she promised her fans and fans who have always supported her that she would pay attention to her words and deeds and no longer let the record company and fans worry about her.

As a result of her deep reflection, public opinion has changed. Much of the criticism that had been holding back on her gradually subsided. This reflection allowed Na Ying to successfully transform, and she began to work hard to maintain her positive image and minimize unnecessary negative reports.

After a low point in her life, Na Ying successfully transformed from an uncontrolled "rebel" to a mature and stable public figure. We hope that she will continue to be rational and humble, and use her own experience to warn more artists to pay attention to words and deeds.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

She has the ability to rely on her influence to call on everyone to pay attention to the behavior of bullying the weak and make the entertainment industry more sunny. We expect her to become not only a diva in the music world, but also a respected and excellent public figure.

56-year-old Na Ying, who is over half a hundred years old, has now become an object of ridicule in the eyes of outsiders. Na Ying started with the sale of pirated tapes, and along the way, she shined in the music scene, and even easily beat her juniors, but some of her remarks seemed a bit middle-of-the-road, making people laugh at the wine table.

More and more young people even look down on her, because in their hearts, Na Ying has long been discredited, and a 56-year-old middle-aged and elderly person is still showing off like this, it looks like a joke.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

It is impossible for Na Ying to turn over now. The era and generational differences she represents make many post-00s indifferent to her remarks. There is no hope for her to return to the top, and in the minds of young people, she is like a funny old woman.

Now 56 years old, Na Ying is still paying the price for her mistakes in her youth. She thinks she has repented, but at every opportunity, she can't help but flaunt her status and criticize her juniors.

Recently, news broke out that Na Ying was angry with a young contestant in a variety show, which once again proves that the sharpness and flamboyance in Na Ying's bones are deep-rooted, and it is difficult to completely remove them at the age of 56.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

Her words and actions left her with only ridicule in the eyes of the young people, but she was unaware of it. She still lives in the atmosphere of her own time, completely out of touch with the current society.

In fact, many seniors have experienced this situation, they are always used to living in the era of their fame and it is difficult to keep up with the times. So can we also put ourselves in Na Ying's shoes and find some reasons to justify herself, after all, who has not had the experience of being too impulsive when she was young? Na Ying has also made significant contributions to the Chinese music scene, and deserves some understanding.

Unfortunately, she always seems to learn not to be tolerant and tolerant, especially to her juniors.

This time, 56-year-old Na Ying has become a "joke"

Whether Na Ying's actions are in line with contemporary values or not, her story provides us with a wake-up call to reflect on ourselves and transform in a timely manner.

As public figures, artists should provide positive value and positive feedback to the public, rather than attracting attention for the sake of creating conflict. We can learn from what happened to Na Ying, always be ready to accept new things, and maintain a humble and respectful attitude.

In this world, no one can stay the same all the time, and nothing is set in stone. Correcting ourselves and accepting new life is something that each of us should do.

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