
Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

author:Pineapple says entertainment


A photo of a celebrity couple traveling during pregnancy went viral, sparking a widespread discussion about whether pregnant women should travel.

As a pregnant woman, should she go to a foreign country in a big way? As a husband, should he support his wife to continue to work hard during this special period? In the midst of all these doubts and criticisms, we seem to forget that every stage of life is worth experiencing and remembering.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

So the question is, is traveling during pregnancy a kind of extravagant show-off, or a romantic expectation of life?

1. Who is she: an optimistic female singer

Huang Yali, an optimistic and share-loving female singer.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

She is always good at sharing her life with fans through social platforms.

No matter what difficulties and challenges she encounters, she can keep smiling and convey a positive spirit.

In 2019, Huang Yali was overjoyed and married photographer Wang Hao.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

Soon after their marriage, they welcomed their first child.

At this critical moment, Huang Yali still chooses to share her pregnancy journey.

"I became more dependent on my husband than before, and sometimes I had terrible nightmares about him being gone, that there was something wrong with the baby," she wrote candidly...... I know it's normal, it's hormones, but I still feel anxious. "

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

Such a real outpouring of words makes many pregnant women empathize.

They finally find a confidant who can understand their complex emotions.

2. Who is he: a careful and considerate photographer

Wang Hao is a photographer with a high pursuit of lenses and compositions.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

He not only regards photography as a work, but also as a kind of spiritual sustenance and emotional output.

Wang Hao took good care of his wife Huang Yali, he noticed the source of his wife's anxiety during pregnancy, and took the initiative to take her to a completely different environment to relax before she gave birth.

This trip is not only a honeymoon vacation for the newlyweds, but also an important stage for a husband to accompany his wife through a turning point in her life.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

For Wang Hao, this is a test of responsibility.

3. A journey full of expectations

After careful consideration, the couple decided to travel to Europe, the farthest distance, to experience a completely different culture.

Huang Yali consulted with her doctor in advance and confirmed that her physical health was fully suitable for long-distance travel.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

She firmly believes that pregnancy does not mean the end of life, on the contrary, it is the most important turning point in life.

As a modern woman, she still longs to experience the beauty and possibilities of the world.

When the plane landed at the airport, Huang Yali looked at the poplar trees outside the window and excitedly clenched her husband's hand.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

At this moment, a warm current welled up in her heart, and she deeply felt the supreme security in this relationship.

Wang Hao was also immersed in this beautiful moment.

As a photographer, he decided to capture every memorable moment of his journey with his lens.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

He fixed his wife's smile in the negative for a long time.

Fourth, Wang Hao's troubles: the anxiety of not being able to shoot a perfect work

However, in this seemingly perfect trip, Wang Hao also encountered the troubles of being a photographer.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

Early in the morning of this day, Wang Hao got up early in the morning and dragged Huang Yali, who was six months pregnant, to the garden outside the Palace of Versailles.

Under the golden sun, the palace and the fountain are intertwined.

This should have been an excellent set of photos, but Wang Hao couldn't take the results he was satisfied with.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

He secretly regretted in his heart: This is an important record of my trip to Europe with my pregnant wife, how can I just miss it?

As a photographer who pursues perfection, Wang Hao often encounters such troubles - when he cannot meet the standards in his heart, he will feel extremely lost and lingering.

5. A reflection on life

This loss made Wang Hao begin to reflect on his creative philosophy all along.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

Perhaps, we should not judge the meaning of a thing by its results alone.

Perhaps, what really matters is not only those beautiful moments that can be seen in the mirror, but also those moments that are forged bit by bit.

When he turned his head and saw the happy smile on his wife's face, Wang Hao understood what was most important.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

Instead of dwelling on the perfection of technology, it is better to cherish every moment with your lover even more.

That's what travel is all about, isn't it? It was the best time of his life, wasn't it?


When the plane landed again at Beijing International Airport, the month-long trip to Europe came to an end.

Huang Yali traveled to Europe with her husband in the second trimester of pregnancy, saying that she was spoiled by her husband as the queen mother

We can't tell if the couple's choice was wise or not, but one thing is for sure – it will be a precious time in their memories that will be irreplaceable.

Pregnancy may be uncertain and uncertain, but any stage of life deserves to be fully experienced.

What's more, there is also a person you love the most by your side, holding your hand tightly and welcoming the next turning point in your life together.

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