
Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc

author:A new outlook of the times
Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc

Text | A new outlook of the times

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Of course, it is not easy to meet a star in reality, especially in the third-tier city where the author is located, let alone take a group photo, any one is empty!

Share 23 photos of netizens and celebrities, and take you to appreciate the different style of celebrities in reality!


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc

A girl took a photo with "Mildew" at the premiere, and her "love story" opened at the wedding party

Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo with Yi Yang Qianxi, I have to say that the eighteenth year of the female college has changed, everyone can search for photos of her when she was a child [witty]

Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc

A netizen posted a photo with Huang Zhizhong, presumably everyone is very familiar with his remake of "Bright Sword", and the author recognizes the role in "The Right Way in the World is the Vicissitudes of Life" starring him!

Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc


Share 23 photos of celebrities and passers-by, Edison Chen, Mildew, Tang Wei, Meng Ziyi, Liang Jiahui, etc

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