
The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

author:Taste and thought


The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

Crispy chicken wings are a mouth-watering dish that is indispensable for both a pre-dinner snack and a dinner party. Let's travel back in time to the old streets and alleys to uncover the mystery of crispy chicken wings.

One day, I met a diner in a long-established tavern. He was feasting on a plate of crispy chicken wings, which piqued my curiosity. I approached him and smiled and asked, "Where's the signature dish?" and the diner looked at me, munching on his food and smiling and replied, "This is a tavern from the old town, and she is famous for her crispy chicken wings!"

The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

When I caught fire, I immediately followed his guidance to this tavern called "Xiangge Restaurant". As I walked through the door, I was greeted by an aromatic scent that whetted my appetite. Auntie Li, the owner of the tavern, warmly greets each customer and tells them the origin of this little-known dish.

"This crispy chicken wing has a long history and is my family's ancestral secret recipe. Aunt Li said slowly, "We use fresh chicken wings in the middle, which are specially seasoned and marinated before being fried. Every detail has been carefully considered to keep the chicken tender and juicy, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and melt-in-your-mouth. ”

I listened with relish and quickly ordered a crispy chicken wing. After a while, a plate of fried golden and crispy chicken wings was served on the table, and the tantalizing aroma made my mouth water. I couldn't help but grab a chicken wing and take a bite, the tender chicken melted in my mouth, and the outer puff pastry made a crunchy sound. This crispy chicken wing is a treat on my tongue.

The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

I excitedly asked Aunt Li about the secret of making crispy chicken wings. She smiled and talked to me about cooking techniques.

First, choose a high-quality middle of the wings to remove excess bone and skin and make them neatly shaped. Then, blanch the chicken wings in cold water to remove the fishy smell. Next, drain the chicken wings and marinate in cornstarch, salt, pepper and chicken essence for 15 minutes to allow them to absorb the flavor. Once the marinade is complete, it is stirred into a paste with flour, starch and an appropriate amount of water.

To fry, fry the marinated chicken wings in a pan of oil at 190 degrees until golden brown, remove and drain, and set aside. At this time, you will smell a burst of aroma coming to your nose.

Aunt Li gave me some advice along the way. "If you want to make your chicken wings more crispy and tasty, you can add the right amount of spices such as five-spice powder, chili powder, cumin powder, etc., and adjust it according to your personal taste," she says. In addition, she told me a little trick – at the end of the frying process, you can fry the chicken wings several times to make the outer layer crispier and the inner part more tender.

The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

I was fascinated by what I heard, and Auntie Li's advice made me more confident in making crispy chicken wings. As I walked out of the tavern, I was full of anticipation and hoped to bring this delicacy to more people.

Through this chat, I have a deeper understanding of the process of making crispy chicken wings. This dish requires simple and readily available ingredients and seasonings such as fresh chicken wings, cornstarch, and flour. After careful production steps, the chicken wings can be kept tender and juicy, and the perfect taste can be achieved on the outside and tender on the inside.

Of course, everyone has a preference for the taste of the food, and the preparation process can also be adjusted according to personal taste. You can try adding seasonings like five-spice powder, paprika, etc., to add more flavor to the crispy chicken wings.

The crispy chicken wings that children love to eat, making them themselves are more at ease, simple and easy to learn, and they are tender and fresh to eat

Pay attention to the food taste and thoughts, and take you to learn more about food-related knowledge and skills.

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