
Blood Deficiency and Wind Dryness: The "Silent Killer" of the Body!

author:Director of the Department of Andrology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ju Baojun
Blood Deficiency and Wind Dryness: The "Silent Killer" of the Body!

If you are facing these problems, you may have encountered the "silent killer" of blood deficiency and dryness.

Blood deficiency and dryness, a seemingly unfamiliar term, actually has a deep historical background in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Blood deficiency and dryness, in short, refers to the lack of blood in the body, resulting in dryness, roughness and other symptoms caused by the loss of nourishment of the skin and hair. "Blood deficiency" here refers to insufficient or poor quality of blood, while "wind dryness" refers to internal wind and dryness caused by blood deficiency.

Blood Deficiency and Wind Dryness: The "Silent Killer" of the Body!

The symptoms of blood deficiency and dryness are varied, including dry skin, scaling, itching, yellowish hair, easy breakage, fever, chills and no sweating, as well as numbness of the limbs, unfavorable joint flexion and extension, etc. Long-term blood deficiency and dryness may lead to skin aging, increased wrinkles, and even a series of skin diseases. More seriously, it may affect the internal organs of the human body, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Blood deficiency and dryness are particularly common in modern society, especially in the fast-paced and high-stress living environment, many people have symptoms of blood deficiency due to irregular diet and overwork. Coupled with environmental pollution, bad living habits and other factors, the incidence of blood deficiency and dryness has increased year by year!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of blood deficiency and dryness is related to a variety of factors. Among them, poor diet, poor mood, overwork, etc. are common causes. In terms of treatment, TCM emphasizes holistic conditioning, through adjusting diet, work and mood, as well as appropriate medication, to improve the symptoms of blood deficiency and dryness.

Blood Deficiency and Wind Dryness: The "Silent Killer" of the Body!

The following is a sharing of moxibustion acupuncture points about regulating blood deficiency and dryness

1. Quchi acupoint: located at the lateral end of the elbow striae, flex the elbow, and be the midpoint of the line between the ulinate point and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Quchi is the acupoint of the large intestine meridian of Hand Yangming, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and moistening dryness. Moxibustion koji can relieve symptoms such as dry skin and itching.

2. Diaphragm acupoint: On the back, when the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra is underneath, open 1.5 inches aside. Diaphragm is the acupuncture point of the pericardial meridian, which has the effect of nourishing blood and invigorating blood and soothing emotions. Moxibustion can improve symptoms such as palpitations and insomnia, and regulate blood circulation.

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