
When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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The Spring Festival is approaching, and the community is filled with a festive atmosphere, and a free health clinic is also being carried out.

Uncle Wang, a retired librarian, came to the free clinic because he felt some discomfort in his throat recently, hoping to get some advice.

"Doctor, somehow my voice doesn't feel right. Uncle Wang said worriedly.

When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

After listening carefully to Uncle Wang's description, the doctor began to explain some of the early warning signs related to the throat that may appear during the progression of lung disease to lung cancer.

First, the doctor mentioned a "sore throat or irritation".

He notes that if you feel a sore throat or irritation for a long time, especially if you don't have obvious cold symptoms, it can be a warning sign of a lung health problem.

Uncle Wang thought back to his recent situation, and there was indeed a problem.

When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

Next, the doctor talked about "dysphagia".

He explained that the difficulty or discomfort when swallowing could be due to the larynx or esophagus being affected, which could also be related to lung disease.

Uncle Wang remembered that he did feel a little uncomfortable swallowing recently.

The doctor added two other important signals. The third is "dyspnea", and the doctor emphasizes that if you have difficulty breathing during normal activities, or if you feel a feeling of pressure in your chest, it may be a sign of lung disease.

When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

The last warning sign is "recurrent respiratory infections". If a person has a frequent respiratory infection, such as bronchitis, it could be an indication of an underlying lung problem, he said.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Uncle Wang realized that his symptoms might not be a trivial matter, and decided to go to the hospital for a detailed examination as soon as possible.

The doctor also cited some real-life cases to further illustrate the importance of these warning signs.

When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

He mentioned a patient who initially had only mild throat discomfort and difficulty swallowing that went unnoticed and was later diagnosed with lung cancer. Early detection and treatment of lung cancer is essential to improve survival rates.

Uncle Wang was deeply inspired by this, thanked the doctor for his advice, and decided to pay more attention to his physical condition.

Here, we can't help but ask the question: Why can a sore or irritated throat be a warning sign of lung cancer?

When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

A sore or irritated sensation in the throat is usually caused by the laryngeal tissues being affected.

As lung cancer progresses, it can sometimes affect the adjacent larynx or trachea, causing inflammation or pressure.

This pressure or inflammation can lead to persistent throat discomfort, pain, and even difficulty swallowing.

When lung disease progresses to lung cancer, there are 4 warning signs in the throat! It's not too late to know

These symptoms may be present in the early stages of lung cancer, but are often overlooked or mistaken for ordinary throat inflammation.

Therefore, for persistent throat discomfort or dysphagia, especially in the absence of an obvious cold or other cause, a timely medical examination should be carried out to rule out the possibility of lung cancer or other serious diseases.

Through early detection and treatment, the cure rate of lung cancer and the quality of life of patients can be effectively improved.

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