
After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

author:Health Science Doctor Chu


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People have to experience birth, old age, sickness and death in this life, especially after entering the stage of 60 years old, 60 years old is the most important hurdle in life.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

At the age of 60, a person's body will undergo a variety of changes, especially the three major hurdles of aging in life, which will lead to cliff-like aging.

Aging is a process that everyone must go through, and some people can't help but ask, after the age of 60, will the body really fall off a cliff?

What are these three major hurdles, and how should we face them if we encounter a cliff-like aging?

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

First, the emergence of cliff-like aging

Aging is simply the "old" and "death" in birth, old age, sickness and death, because aging also means that death is not far away.

Death is a matter that everyone is concerned about, and there are many studies on death, especially in aging.

Studies have shown that human aging does not occur because of the growth of time, and aging can also have explosive times, especially at the age of 34, 60 and 78.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

Many people will wonder why there will be aging problems at the age of 34, people will only enter middle age after 40, and there are still 6 years before they are 40 years old, not even middle age, how can aging occur?

This is especially true in women. After many women enter their 30s, they will feel less plump and youthful than their 20-year-old skin or even 18-year-old skin.

They will have crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, etc., and they are also panicked about the drastic state of their skin, and they are looking for various medical aesthetic surgeries to keep themselves young.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

In fact, the reason why the skin condition of the 34-year-old is declining is related to collagen, and the more collagen, the better the skin condition.

However, the less collagen there is, the worse the skin condition will be, especially after the skin is sagging and the previous plump and radiant is very different.

At the age of 34, the skin is faced with collagen loss, and by the age of 60 and 78, this aging is not only limited to the facial skin state, but also the physical aging.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

In the subconscious mind of many people, people will have a large number of physical diseases when they are old, and they are in good health when they are young, and they can't go to the hospital several times a year, but as long as they enter old age, they are almost frequent visitors to the hospital.

There are also risks such as forgetfulness and inability to carry out simple daily life, which is also a problem that many people do not want to face, and they do not want to be a burden to their children in their old age.

Young people's views on aging will be limited to appearance and physical diseases, but in fact, aging is far more than these aging, there are also aging in psychological conditions, thinking ability, mental state, daily behavior and so on.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

Aging is not limited to one aspect, but multi-level and multi-angle aging.

When people enter middle age and age in old age, all aspects of aging are going on simultaneously, not just aging on the face like when you are 34 years old.

When entering middle and late age, there will be different levels of aging on the facial features, such as presbyopia or cataracts visually, and hearing will be greatly weakened.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

There is also a state of aging in the mind, and it is not as agile as when it was younger, and it often takes a long time to think.

These states of aging are inextricably linked to the three major hurdles of aging, which are the three most critical stages of aging.

Second, the three major hurdles of aging

The first hurdle of aging is often referred to as physical aging, which is the most intuitive and can be felt in advance, and the common ones mentioned are presbyopia, cataracts, back of ears, age spots, wrinkles, etc.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

The second hurdle of aging is the aging of cognitive functions, such as attention, learning ability, memory, reaction speed, etc., which will no longer be young due to the aging of physical functions.

The third obstacle to aging is mental health aging, which does not mean that the mental health of the elderly has lost their ambition with age.

It is because of the changes of aging, because of the sense of disparity and discomfort caused by mental health problems.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

In particular, I don't want to be a burden to my children, hide it from my children, pretend that I am in good health, and when my children find out, they have missed the best treatment period.

Since cliff-like aging is inevitable, and there are three major hurdles in aging, can we only resign ourselves to fate in the face of aging?

In fact, no, now the progress of science and technology and the development of medical undertakings have allowed people to study the problem of aging, and have more in-depth research.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

3. Correctly face the cliff-like aging

Aging is a problem that many people will be afraid of and do not want to face, but not wanting to face it means that they will not encounter it.

When you feel that your body is getting worse and worse than before, you can respond in 4 ways.

The first is the use of the brain, many people are not used to using the brain when they get older, and after a certain age, people will become more and more comfortable.

I don't want to think about anything, especially after entering my old age, my physical fitness and function are getting worse and worse, and I don't want to use my brain.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

Therefore, when you enter old age, you need to use your brain more frequently, and not using your brain often will allow your brain to continue to work.

When the brain is working, the cerebral blood vessels will relax, maintain the brain nerve cells, delay the aging of the brain, and avoid brain atrophy and degeneration in advance.

The second is to maintain good habits, which are not only aimed at healthy eating, but also about healthy intake of nutrients, adequate sleep, and quitting bad habits.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

In particular, habits such as smoking and drinking, which are very damaging to the human body, and the number of deaths due to smoking and drinking is no longer a small number every year.

To eat a healthy diet, choose nutritious foods, and not eat high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar and high-salt foods because of cravings;

After entering the old age, it is clear that you haven't done anything all day long, but you will still have a sense of fatigue, if you still stay up late like when you were young, it is not advisable, go to bed early and get up early to relieve fatigue and stress.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

The third is to increase resistance, get more sunlight, and exercise moderately. Especially for the elderly with osteoporosis, sun exposure is a simple way to prevent osteoporosis, some time before noon, or after lunch, bask in the sun for half an hour, but also do a good job of sun protection in the sun.

One of the causes of skin blackening and aging is direct exposure to the sun, so make good sun protection choices when basking in the sun.

Young people spend a lot of time in the office because of muscle problems caused by sedentary inactivity.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

Young people's strong bodies can develop diseases due to long-term inactivity, not to mention the elderly whose physical functions are declining.

Therefore, the elderly can not exercise for a long time, nor can they exercise for a long time, long-term exercise will make the body unbearable, just maintain appropriate exercise, and have a good understanding of the shortcomings of their physical state.

If you feel unwell during exercise, you should stop immediately, or choose to exercise several times a day and in small amounts, so as to ensure daily exercise and not burden the body due to strenuous exercise.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

The fourth is to strengthen health management and increase cognitive training. When a perceived risk of aging is present, the whole family can conduct a health assessment for the elderly in the home.

In the same way, the society also needs to pay attention to the health of the elderly, and increase efforts to promote the health of the elderly, so that all sectors of society can pay attention to the mental and physical health of the elderly.

The whole family can train the declining cognitive ability of the elderly, and can help the elderly carry out digital mazes, episodic memory, reasoning training, etc. in the form of games.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

Such exercises can help the elderly's brain get into a working state.

Aging is not only a problem for a single person, but also a concern for a family, and a general concern for society.

Under the general trend of China's aging population in the future, the older you are, the more problems you face, the greater the pressure on society, a healthy lifestyle and living habits can delay aging, and various diseases that occur due to aging also need to be paid attention to and treated carefully.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

Now, the development of medical standards has made many breakthroughs in many diseases that were previously known to be discolored.

The treatment and health of the elderly have also become the key direction that the country needs to consider in the future.

Another important prevention that causes the elderly to get sick is to prevent falls, when the elderly fall, there will be a lot of problems because of this fall, and the family's life will be put under a shadow of economic pressure.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

In this regard, it is also necessary to carry out prevention of falls, and families should also pay attention to the problem of falls of the elderly at home and when going out, and carry out prevention.

The aging of the elderly is diverse, but it is not impossible to deal with, in the face of cliff aging, actively face the three major hurdles of aging, early prevention, early detection and early treatment.


Aging is a stage of life that everyone will experience from infancy to youth and into middle and late age, and it can be said that aging is unavoidable.

After the age of 60, there will be "cliff-like" aging? There are three major hurdles in aging, how to overcome them?

However, in the face of aging, you can still maintain a positive and healthy attitude, face aging with a sunny spirit, and at the same time prevent aging to a certain extent.

When entering the age of 60, the cliff-like aging is a challenge, during which you can find the meaning of life, overcome the three major hurdles of aging, and meet the final stage of life with a healthy and optimistic attitude.

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