
Samsung announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge

author:Health Science Doctor Chan

In the past few decades, gasoline vehicles have occupied a high proportion of the car market, not only because of their range, but also because they are slow to depreciate and can be resold if they don't want to. However, with the intensification of environmental pollution, the environmental department has also made requirements for automobiles, and fuel vehicles that produce a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions will obviously fall into a disadvantage.

Solid-state batteries are more environmentally friendly, so more and more people are choosing cars equipped with solid-state batteries. Samsung seized this opportunity and began to develop solid-state batteries, and announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge. Can this battery take on a big role, is it reliable? Will this be the last straw that crushes the fuel car?

Samsung announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge

First, fuel vehicles are declining, and environmental protection is on the agenda

Since the invention of the fuel car by foreigners in the middle of the 19th century, various countries have begun to develop different brands of fuel vehicles, and soon a brand new fuel car can be seen in families with good conditions.

The operating principle of fuel vehicles is to consume a large amount of fuel to generate the power to drive the car forward, which has an advantage in long-distance travel. Many families just fancy this, so they buy fuel cars to travel.

In addition, fuel vehicles are relatively safe and stable during operation, at least giving people a safety guarantee.

However, fuel vehicles emit a large amount of carbon dioxide during operation, a greenhouse gas that will lead to the deterioration of the environment, and relevant studies have shown that carbon dioxide is the main culprit of global warming.

As a result, environmental protection organizations have proposed to promote the invention and use of environmentally friendly energy vehicles, and fuel vehicles should be reduced or better raw materials should be found.

Various countries have begun to develop new energy vehicles, replacing non-renewable energy with renewable energy and clean energy, and fuel vehicles are becoming more and more unpopular in the market.

Samsung announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge

Second, solid-state batteries have emerged in the market and gained a large number of consumers

With the invention of new energy vehicles, the most important solid-state batteries have also attracted much attention.

As the name suggests, a solid-state battery is a solid-state electrolyte battery, compared with fuel, it does not consume polluting energy to obtain power, but uses electrical energy to start the car, does not produce carbon dioxide, and is environmentally friendly.

In addition, solid-state batteries have good cycling performance, but gasoline vehicles cannot be started once they are away from fuel.

The advantages of solid-state batteries have gained most consumers.

Some people will ask that electric vehicles have liquid batteries in addition to solid-state batteries, so why don't so many people use liquid batteries?

Samsung announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge

First of all, the stability of liquid batteries is relatively poor, and the internal power of the battery is unstable, which is easy to cause power runaway. Imagine how terrible it would be if the car suddenly failed to start while driving on the highway. Several companies have been working on solving this problem, but it has never been completely solved, and solid-state batteries have just solved this problem.

Secondly, in terms of charging speed, due to the unstable charging performance of liquid batteries, it is necessary to charge with a steady current of trickle to be able to achieve the desired operating range after charging, which often takes a long time. The solid-state battery can be fully charged in less than ten minutes.

Finally, in terms of range, if the liquid battery encounters cold and extreme weather, the substances inside will be frozen, and the range will be greatly reduced, on the other hand, the solid-state battery does not have this problem.

Samsung announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge

Third, the birth of solid-state batteries will make fuel vehicles have no way out

At present, in the list of solid-state battery vehicles, among the top five, except for the last one, which is not a Japanese company, everything else is the same.

In fifth place is Samsung Motor Corp., a company that has only started small-scale research and development of solid-state batteries in 2023, and they have proposed that they are expected to mass-produce solid-state batteries in 2027, which can fully charge cars in less than ten minutes.

They will first apply this solid-state battery to electronic products, and then put this battery into the car to see the effect.

Whether Samsung is talking wildly or full of confidence, many people must be waiting. But regardless of the outcome, solid-state batteries are indeed taking over the market little by little.

Then, the fuel car is likely to be crushed to death by this last straw and come to the end of its life. But it is also possible that it will continue to shine silently in a small field in the future. After all, the audience for fuel vehicles has not dropped to zero, and there are still people who are willing to use fuel vehicles.

Samsung announced: 27 years of mass production of solid-state batteries, 10 minutes to fully charge


Whether Samsung's move will be the last straw that crushes the fuel car is not a very positive answer. But in any case, the development trend of new energy vehicles is unstoppable, so this also means that fuel vehicles will become more and more rare, and even disappear one day. The mainland should also pay more attention to the research and development of new energy, strive to be on the list, and not be subject to other countries in energy.

Let's wait and see what kind of changes Samsung's declaration will bring!

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