
Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't

author:Tang poems and Song poems are numbered 100 times

Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter......

Tanuki Boy Xiaohu: Don't sing about your big eyes, there are two fires in succession that shouldn't have happened, and some of the survivors have their eyes burned by the smoke, what is Dr. Sasha's magic method?

Sasha: This is this girl's strength, I have six basic principles, do you want to hear it?

Xiaohu: Don't be pretentious, let's talk about it.

Sasha: I thought it should be done right away!

1. Stop all activities and stay calm.

2. Immediately rinse the eye with plenty of cold running water for 10-15 minutes to reduce pain and reduce the burned area.

3. If you have a foreign body in your eye, do not try to remove it on your own to avoid aggravating the injury.

4. If you have burns to your eyes, you should immediately apply pressure with a clean towel or cloth strip to stop the bleeding.

5. If you have a broken eye, you should immediately fix the wound with a wooden board or other hard object to avoid aggravating the injury.

6. While waiting for first responders to arrive, try to be quiet and avoid activities to avoid aggravating the injury.

Sasha: What if you don't know what to do?

Xiaohu: Ben Gongzi also knows that, he won't be like a beautiful doctor who specializes in eyeballs, and the summary is quite comprehensive, just top the magic method, but I don't represent the opinions of netizens who are masters like clouds.

Sasha: Worship me as a teacher one day, I will definitely teach you to go up the tree, and never lie to the kitten. If your eyes are burned by fireworks, then take emergency measures and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't
Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't
Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't
Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't
Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't
Sasha: I have two big eyes of different colors, bright and shining, like stars in the sky, the brightest drop two, you are like a fire in that winter...... Tanuki Boy Little Tiger: Don't

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