
Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

author:Fashion diary of a spicy root

In the stereotypical cognition of many people, they habitually equate "beauty" with "girlishness", and regard youth as the standard of women's beauty, so that many middle-aged and elderly women are still pursuing "girlishness" at a young age, thinking that they are fashionable and young, but in fact pretending to be tender and indecent!

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

Beauty has never had a specific standard, and it has nothing to do with age. Youth fashion is a kind of "beauty", and dignified and decent is also a kind of "beauty".

The focus of beauty is "truth", blindly dressing yourself as a "girl", this practice of "covering your ears and stealing the bell" is contrary to your age and temperament, and it looks deliberately contrived and fake.

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing is a typical example, she is used to showing the image of a "girl", wearing a wig and wearing heavy makeup, which has attracted a lot of criticism.

Compare her style of taking off wigs and removing heavy makeup, you will find that women face aging directly, and aging gracefully and naturally is the real beauty!


Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

It is undeniable that wigs can have an age-reducing effect to a certain extent, after all, the purpose of wigs is to cover up aging problems such as thinning hair and baldness.

However, there are also many drawbacks in this way of wearing wigs, one is that there is a suspicion of pretending to be tender, and the other is that the head is big and the body is small, and the overall shape does not look natural enough, but it is more comfortable and decent to restore the real appearance after taking off the wig.

[Don't wear a wig, do these two points to reduce age more decently]

(1) Choose the right hairstyle to improve your temperament

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

Hairstyle is a person's "second face", if there is no significant loss of hair, it is best not to wear a wig, you may wish to choose a hairstyle that matches your age to improve your overall temperament. Liu Xiaoqing looks more natural and comfortable when he appears with his native hairstyle, with figure-eight bangs and ponytails, which modifies the face shape, reduces age but does not pretend to be tender, and also hides the shortcomings of the wide forehead.

(2) Use hats to disguise old age

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

If you are indeed old, with problems such as low hair, baldness, and gray hair, you can use a hat to hide your old age, and at the same time, you can also enrich your fashion temperament. There are many hats suitable for middle-aged and elderly women, such as baseball caps, berets, wide-brimmed hats, etc., to achieve the effect of reducing age, and can also adjust the relationship between accessories and clothing.

Second, the gap between heavy makeup and glamorous makeup VS heavy makeup is obvious

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

Makeup is a very important "face project", but for older women, it is not suitable for heavy makeup, and it looks very unelegant and decent.

After Liu Xiaoqing took off his heavy makeup, the whole person looked more charming, abandoning the artificiality, fake whiteness and sense of technology of heavy makeup, and the natural and real appearance was more beautiful.

01. Do not wear heavy makeup, and it is better to have delicate light makeup

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

First of all, it is clear that older women can also wear makeup, and those stereotypical prejudices and misconceptions should be abandoned. However, it is better to wear a delicate light makeup, choose a base makeup that is close to the skin tone, and focus on the eyebrows, eyes, and lips to help enhance the complexion and properly conceal facial imperfections.

02. Emphasize the integrity of makeup and hairstyle

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

Makeup and hairstyles are applied to the head and face, which are the most important parts of the human body. In order to avoid makeup and hair from looking inconsistent and abrupt, don't choose a makeup with sequins or too fake, because middle-aged and elderly women's hairstyles are more traditional and conservative, and the makeup should be as light and natural as possible, so that the overall look is more coordinated.

3. Dress in a measured manner, do not pretend to be young or old

(1) Emphasize the texture of clothing

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

For older women, the choice of clothing does not talk about the brand, price and style, but the fabric must have a texture, and it will be more expensive to wear it with taste. Eliminate those fabrics that are soft, cover meat, and pilling, and choose clothing with good drape, strong sense of structure, and moderate soft and hard fabrics, and the upper body effect will be more stylish.

(2) The skirt is not up to the knee

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

Skirt is one of the most widely used items in women's wear, in the selection, middle-aged and elderly women wear skirts as far as possible not to exceed the knee, mainly below the knee. It is better to control the length at the knee, calf or ankle position, and appropriately increase the exposed skin and leave white space, which is visually thin and light, and also looks more decent and generous.

(3) The tightness of the version is moderate

Seeing 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing take off his wig and remove heavy makeup, he realized that a woman is really beautiful when she faces aging

Don't choose some slim-fitting clothing for the sake of looking thinner, and don't blindly pursue a loose fit for the sake of covering your flesh. The tightness of the clothing version should be moderate, comfortable and stylish to wear, and it can also play a certain role in modifying and disguising the figure.

Statement: [The text is original, the picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact me to delete, thank you!]

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