
The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

author:Keep you alive and healthy

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When it comes to organs that work 24 hours a day, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the heart. In fact, in addition to the heart, our body has another non-stop worker: the kidneys.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

The kidneys filter metabolic waste 24 hours a day, and toxins from any substance, drink, food, air, and emotional stress enter the body through the kidneys. Day after day, year after year, the kidneys are constantly detoxifying the human body, as if they are the body's "water purifier", but in reality, the kidneys are also overloaded, just like the furniture used at home will strike and go wrong after a long period of use.

Six signals are that the kidneys are calling for help:

When the following six conditions occur in the body, it should be noted that this is a signal that the kidneys are calling for help, and once ignored, it will cause irreversible damage to the kidneys and even cause uremia.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

1. Easily tired

Toxins in the body deplete the kidneys' energy, and the kidneys provide less energy, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, and weakness in the limbs.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

2. Menstrual flow is small, or the menstrual period is short and dark

Menstruation is also an indicator of whether the kidneys are functioning properly, and if there are more toxins in the kidneys, menstrual blood will decrease. In fact, not only the kidneys, but also many parts of the body have changed, which may affect menstruation.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

3. Jaw acne

The jaw area of the face is controlled by the kidneys, and when the kidneys are not detoxifying enough, excess toxins appear in the jaw area.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

4. Edema

The kidneys are responsible for the functioning of fluids in the body. When toxins accumulate in the kidneys, their ability to drain excess fluid decreases, and edema occurs, especially in the morning.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

5. The urine is cloudy and foamy

The clarity and amount of foam in the urine can be a very visual determination of the health of the kidneys. Once there is a problem with the kidneys, it will be directly related to nephritis, kidney stones, kidney failure and other diseases, and in severe cases, even life-threatening.

If the urine foam suddenly becomes more and does not disappear for a long time, it means that there is more protein excreted in the urine, and the urine color is abnormal, such as strong brown, soy sauce or turbid like rice water, it is necessary to pay attention, which is a sign that your kidneys have problems.

The elderly have these 6 signals that the kidneys are calling for help, remember not to ignore!

6. Hair loss or gray hair increases

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the vitality of hair is fundamentally in the kidneys. Hair loss of shine, gray hair, hair loss and other symptoms early on, it may be a problem with your kidneys. In addition to this, there is hearing loss, back pain, all of which mean that there is a problem with the kidneys.