
My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

author:One brother food record

The country is based on the people, the people take food as the sky, hello to all the old gourmets! Today I'm going to take you to make a good meal with spinach and eggs. Spinach is very rich in nutrients, mainly rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, chlorophyll, folic acid, etc., and its mineral content is also very high, especially minerals such as iron and calcium. Eating spinach often can prevent iron deficiency anemia, and pregnant women eating spinach more can supplement folic acid, which is very good for children's neurodevelopment. Spinach is so good, today we will use it to make a delicious, let's take a look!

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

【Spinach egg buns】

【Basic Ingredients】Dumpling skin, spinach, vermicelli, carrot, egg, shrimp skin, green onion, ginger, salt, thirteen spices, oyster sauce, cooking oil,

【Basic steps】

1. Prepare some spinach, first pluck the leaves of the spinach that are not fresh, then put the spinach in the wash basin, pour in the water, sprinkle a little salt, and wash it. Pay attention when cleaning, the spinach root will definitely have some soil attached, and the root should be cleaned. Wash and then fish out to control the water. Take out a clean pot, put the right amount of water in the pot, heat the water over high heat, and when the water in the pot is boiling, put the spinach in and blanch it.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

2. Spinach can be fished out after 3 minutes of cooking, first fished into cold water, and then cooled again. When the spinach is cold, fish out the spinach with your hands, hold it with both hands, squeeze out the excess water in the spinach, and then put it on the board. Remove the kitchen knife and chop the squeezed spinach into small pieces. After cutting, prepare a larger bowl and put it in, because other foods will be added later to make the filling, so it is best to choose a larger bowl.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

3. Prepare a handful of fans, and be careful fans. Put the fans into a bowl first, then prepare some boiling water and slowly pour them into the fans to drown the fans. Then press the vermicelli a few times with chopsticks, the hot water will make the vermicelli quickly soften, and then, buckle a pot lid on the bowl to properly keep the water in the bowl warm. When the fans turn white, they can pour out the water. Place the vermicelli on a board and chop them with a kitchen knife, about 1 centimeter in length. Cut and place in a spinach bowl.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

4. Prepare a carrot, put the carrot in clean water and wash it with a clean sponge. After the surface is brushed clean, it is washed again, and it can be fished out to control the water. Place the dried carrot on a cutting board and use a kitchen knife to cut off its roots and head. Next, peel off the carrot with a peeler, and then you can use a kitchen knife to slice it first, then cut it into strips, and finally cut it into cubes. Once cut, put on a plate and set aside.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

5. Remove two eggs, soak the surface, dip your fingers in some salt, and scrub the surface of the egg. The surface of the egg is not clean, it should be washed with table salt first, and then rinsed with running water. Next, beat the eggs into a bowl and stir quickly clockwise with chopsticks to stir the egg mixture evenly. Prepare a washed shallot and cut into chopped shallots. Prepare a small piece of ginger, cut into ginger foam, and place the green onion on a plate to set aside.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

6. Take out a wok of stir-frying, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil, start the pot to burn the oil, wait for the oil temperature to rise to 80% or 90% hot, pour the egg liquid into the hot oil, and use chopsticks to stir the egg liquid in the pot until the egg liquid is scrambled into egg chips. When the eggs in the pot are fried, grab a handful of shrimp skin, continue to stir-fry, stir-fry well, and then pour the chopped carrots into the pot and stir-fry together. Once the carrots are cooked, you can turn off the heat and pour all the fried food in the pot into the spinach bowl.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

7. Pour the prepared chopped green onion and ginger foam into a spinach bowl, and then season. First, add salt and thirteen spices, then pour in some oyster sauce to increase the umami taste, and pour some cooking oil to lock in the moisture in the food. Finally, start stirring with chopsticks, and mix the food and spices thoroughly. After stirring well, set aside.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

8. Buy some finished dumpling skin products, do not spread out first, a stack directly on the board, use a rolling pin on the top to roll, roll a few times after the whole stack of dumpling skins over, and then use the rolling pin to roll, so repeat several times, you can see that the dumpling skin has become thinner and larger. Remove a piece of dumpling skin, put the filling on the dumpling skin, and wrap it into a bun. Wrap all the dumpling skins into small buns and set aside.

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

9. Take out the steamer at home, add the appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the cage drawer on the pot, spread a layer of cage cloth inside the cage drawer, and then put the small bun into the cage drawer, arrange it in a circle, do not put it together. Then cover the pot and steam the buns on high heat. Steam for 20 minutes! When the time comes, turn off the heat, put the cage drawer down, and the delicious spinach egg buns are ready! Clip out the bun inside and put it on a plate and share it with your family!

My family's favorite stuffing bun, no need to knead the dough, thin skin and large filling, simple nutrition and relief

【Love Tips】

1. Blanching spinach in advance can remove the oxaloid taste of spinach and make the filling taste more fragrant!

2. We use fans here, not vermicelli, don't use it wrong!

3. Ready-made dumpling skin is easy to buy, buy home and roll out a little thinner, you can wrap, so it is easier than rolling your own skin.

4. Be sure to remember that today's spinach egg buns are steamed in cold water! Steam for 20 minutes.

Today's spinach egg bun is shared here, every day I will share a home-cooked food for everyone, thank you for watching, like friends to help like, pay attention to Oh! See you tomorrow, thank you!

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