
When you get old, the last thing you can be forgiven is poverty

author:The more the father is parenting

Text/Yue Yue Dad Parenting

How should we treat poverty as a human being?

"Material poverty can destroy the dignity of your life, and spiritual poverty can exhaust your reincarnation for several lifetimes", this is Professor Chen Guo's cognition of poverty.

"If you are poor, you will be good to yourself, and if you are good, you will help the world", this is the position of the great thinker Mencius on poverty.

"No one asks about the poor in the city, but the rich have distant relatives in the mountains", this is the analysis of poverty in "Zengguang Xianwen".

From ancient times to the present, most of them, whether they are wise or mediocre, have felt the pain of the word poverty, just because it not only directly affects real life, but also indirectly affects the cognition of the spiritual world, and finally projects countless sufferings and shackles on the path of cultivation.

When you get old, the last thing you can be forgiven is poverty

I once heard a saying: "When you reach a certain age, no one will forgive you for being poor." ”

After tasting it carefully, I was deeply touched......

Don't believe it, don't be glassy, when you get old, most people's poverty will not be forgiven by the following 3 things, and the only end is to destroy everything in your old age.

01 Poor old people will not be forgiven by life.

In your later years, you are poor, and life is a nightmare, and all you get is embarrassment.

I once heard a saying: "Rich people are not necessarily happy, but it can solve 80% of the unhappiness in your life." ”

After getting old, planning for the elderly life is a very real problem, except for a very small number of well-off elderly people can be carefree, the vast majority of ordinary people, who is not worried about it, while struggling to move forward?

Some people think that when you get old, as long as you cut back on food and clothing, you won't spend too much money at all, and no matter what, life can always go on.

This concept of pension based only on food and clothing is not too problematic in itself, but it can be based on reality, based on quality considerations, more or less irresponsible for the mentality of life in old age, and most of the time it will fall into a passive position.

After all, if there is a choice, who would not want to have a better choice in terms of food, clothing, housing, use, and travel? Who would not want to pursue a little poetry and distance on the basis of food and clothing?

When you get old, the last thing you can be forgiven is poverty

But if you want to pursue such a life, if you want to make your old age more comfortable, poverty can't give you.

Yue Yue's father once said: "When people are old, they like to talk about dreams, kindness, emotions, and morality, but life only wants to talk to you about money." ”

Therefore, when he gets old, a stable and poor old man is all passive and unforgettable about life. Most of your suffering is caused by it, and most of your grievances are affected by it, remember, don't be blindly optimistic, otherwise life will give you a resounding slap in the face.

02 Poor old people will not be forgiven by illness.

When people are old, they don't have money for anything, and they don't have any sickness for anything.

I once heard a saying: "When you reach a certain stage of life, you will eventually repay the debts of your youth, and illness is one of them." ”

When they get old, no one is qualified to be blindly confident in their physical health, because no one knows which will come first, tomorrow or accidents.

With the increase of age, the physical fitness will become larger and larger, and various basic problems will spring up like mushrooms after a rain, in the face of these natural laws, people's subjective expectations are often inadequate, and sometimes they are caught off guard.

is like an old man next to Yue Yue's father, in his early sixties, who usually takes care of the baby, housekeeper and helper to make money, but not long ago he suddenly felt unwell and started his second hospitalization this year.

Ordinary size of the disease, but in the process of two hospitalizations, spent the whole year of the money earned by the helper, which is embarrassing.

On the contrary, if the elderly suffer from a relatively large disease, the consumption of money must increase exponentially, and for any ordinary family, this pressure is undoubtedly huge.

When you get old, the last thing you can be forgiven is poverty

Yue Yue's father once said: "Most of the despair that the elderly can feel in their later years comes from the fatal blow of the disease." ”

Therefore, the poorer the elderly, the more likely they are to bow to unfortunate fate, and illness will not forgive you for being penniless, but will only make you pay more unbearable costs. Remember, with a little money, your life and health will be more insured than others.

03 Poor old people will not be forgiven by humanity.

How many human flashes there are in the first half, how many human beings are inferior in the second half.

I once heard a saying: "Being a human being is like cultivation, you will never be able to see through human nature, just like you can never understand yourself." ”

For an old man, poverty and worthlessness in old age are equal, and they will only become a drag in the eyes of everyone, including the children who have been thinking about them all their lives.

This sentence may stimulate the glass heart of some old people, especially the kind of emotionalists.

Yue Yue's father has always thought that whether he relies on his children or is based on his family, the most reliable must be himself. Just because all filial piety and gratitude need to be built on the basis of the conscience of others, and some people are obviously contradictory and distorted.

When you get old, the last thing you can be forgiven is poverty

In real life, the bleak evening of many elderly people is inevitably due to human factors, and poverty is the key to the flood of human nature.

The hardest thing is that you know this is the case, but you can't do anything about them......

Zeng Shiqiang, a master of Chinese studies, once said: "All the benevolence, righteousness and morality that can be explained clearly will not have an interest in yourself, and once it is related, you must be careful of the fox tail exposed by others." ”

Therefore, a poor old man is the easiest to see the truth of human nature, and you will be humbled by it, and you will also sell your soul because of it. Remember, in the realm of human nature, everyone is half-human, half-ghost, and they have to leave a way back for themselves to be beaten.

04 What I want to say is

As the saying goes: "Money is not everything, no money is absolutely impossible", here, it is not to advocate the supremacy of money in later life, but on the basis of facts, call on the elderly to keep a clear mind and face up to the risks and accidents in their later years.

When we get old, most of the suffering and misery are rooted in poverty and not being forgiven.

When you get old, the last thing you can be forgiven is poverty

If you are not forgiven by life, the old man will be embarrassed;

If you are not forgiven by the disease, the old man will be caught off guard;

If you don't be forgiven by humanity, the old man will be even worse.

When you get old, it's hard to be a person, it's hard to be a person and it's hard to be a person is a heartfelt sigh, don't live with expectations and imagination, otherwise you will only be left with chicken feathers.

When you get old, what do you think will be the least forgivable?

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