
When the mobile phone uses data traffic, this function must be turned on, otherwise how many G will not be enough

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

When many people use their mobile phones, they unconsciously overspend on the traffic of their mobile phones, and the traffic of the package they originally purchased is relatively low, and they do not buy a high-traffic package in order to save money, they think it is enough, but they accidentally overspend, but they spend more money, so it is not worth it.

When the mobile phone uses data traffic, this function must be turned on, otherwise how many G will not be enough

Therefore, in order not to overspend traffic, many people go to check their traffic usage every day, or some people simply do not turn on the traffic function, for fear that it will not be good to accidentally use overspending. After a long time, you will feel very troublesome, and sometimes you need to use traffic in an emergency, otherwise it will be really inconvenient.

Actually, we only need to turn on one function, so that each of us will not overspend, which is very practical.

So, which feature do you want to turn on?

It is to turn on the mobile phone data limit function, so that after everyone reaches the limit, our mobile phone data will be automatically turned off. Here's how:

1. First of all, we open the settings of the mobile phone, then we find the "Dual SIM with mobile network" function, we click to enter.

When the mobile phone uses data traffic, this function must be turned on, otherwise how many G will not be enough

2. After entering the dual SIM and mobile network page, we can see how much data has been used this month, at this time, we find "traffic management", and then click to enter.

When the mobile phone uses data traffic, this function must be turned on, otherwise how many G will not be enough

3. On the traffic management page, we can see how much traffic is used this month, and we can also see the daily traffic usage and the average daily traffic usage. But at this point, we go ahead and click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner.

When the mobile phone uses data traffic, this function must be turned on, otherwise how many G will not be enough

4. After entering the traffic setting page, we can set the "daily traffic usage limit" and "monthly traffic usage limit", under normal circumstances, we only need to limit the monthly traffic limit, in which we can limit the "monthly traffic limit" according to the specific package of the individual, at this time, when our traffic exceeds the limit, it will be set to "disconnect the network and remind", so that when our traffic is used up, it will be automatically disconnected, and we no longer have to worry about our traffic overrun.

When the mobile phone uses data traffic, this function must be turned on, otherwise how many G will not be enough

This function is still very practical, and there are very few people who know it, so it is recommended that everyone master it, and after learning it, you don't have to worry about traffic overruns. I hope today's content can help everyone, and we'll see you next time!

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