
It is said that this prince has not broken his shell for a long time, just to wait for his destined person

author:I love to chase novels

On the day of choosing a wife, the prince disappeared.

I thought it would affect my wallet at most.

However, when the lid of the pot was lifted, there was an extra egg suspected of being the prince in the boiling soup.

It is said that this prince has not broken his shell for a long time, just to wait for his destined person.

Ridiculous! If you don't break the shell, maybe it's because it's cooked.

The top priority is to find a place to throw the eggs away......

It is said that this prince has not broken his shell for a long time, just to wait for his destined person


Today is the day for His Highness the Dragon Clan to choose a partner.

This highness is not small. On the day of his birth, the day never stopped, the night did not come, the glazed sea was colorful, and the white birds circled above, singing a whole day of celebration songs.

Elder Turtle sat on the cliff of Wanren on the glazed sea, and made seven hexagrams against the Nine Heavens Yellow Spring before he was sure that he was the reincarnation of a super-powerful person.

The dragon king and queen were overjoyed, and they decided on the spot the identity of His Royal Highness's prince, so that the other princes were robbed of even the opportunity to struggle.

The dragon eggs were sent to Jingyang Palace, where they were cultivated by several of the most qualified elders in the clan.

A hundred years have passed, and the little dragon that should have broken out of its shell is still asleep. If it weren't for the normal consumption of the fairy dew elixir soaked in dragon eggs every day, everyone would probably think that the owner of the eggshell had died.

Another fifty years have passed, and several of His Royal Highness's younger brothers have all married, and the dragon eggs still show no signs of breaking.

Elder Turtle bathed in incense again, climbed to the highest place of the Glazed Sea, practiced piously, communicated with heaven and earth, and finally came to a conclusion that I personally thought was a bit ridiculous.

"Your Highness has a lack of soul and does not understand lust. There is no desire to live, and naturally I don't want to break the shell.

Over the decades, I have divined His Highness many times, and found that his life was covered with dust, bound by bad luck, and was a sign of early death. ”

"Then why did he survive until now?" I asked curiously, holding her chin next to me.

I don't know what the charm of this story is, people never get tired of hearing it, and it has been passed down for 30 years, and there are often young girls who have just come to give money to the old turtle who tells the story.

The old turtle raised his hand and stroked his white beard, and his cloudy eyes suddenly burst out with a hopeful light, and then lowered his voice and beckoned a few little girls to come closer, his tone was mysterious and unpredictable, with a bit of inducement: "God has the virtue of a good life, and he will not use death as a game, otherwise why set up reincarnation." That one's silver lining is today!"

He looked up at the gorgeous palace hidden in the water with ice carvings and jade carvings in the distance, and winked at the dragon maidens playfully: "All things in the world are unbreakable and indestructible. Love is there, hope is there. ”

The dragon maidens looked at each other suspiciously, not understanding what this had to do with the life of His Highness.

The old turtle raised his hand and threw out a pearl, casting a spell floating in the air, and several delicate aquatic plants shuttled flexibly to form a net cage, trapping the pearl in it.

"Is this, His Highness's destiny?" one of the dragon maidens guessed, looking at the old turtle and waiting for an answer.

The old turtle did not answer, but pushed the pearl forward: "Please also ask this girl, reach out and touch it." ”

The moment the girl's fair-skinned fingertips carefully clicked on the grass cage, the aquatic plants scattered into a bright green light, falling in a stream, and the pearls exuded a moist luster at this moment, like a night pearl in the cave, shining the joy and surprise on the faces of several dragon girls.

The Night Pearl seemed to have a consciousness of its own, and floated into the hands of the dragon girl who untied it.

The old turtle stroked his white beard again, and smiled kindly: "Maybe like this bead, you will also be someone's savior, girl." The Dragon Palace is only open to the public today, and if you go late, you may have one more regret in your life. ”

The girl looked at the pearl in her palm and muttered, "Am I really the destined person of His Highness?"

She raised her head, took off the money bag on her waist and put it in front of the old turtle: "The story of the predecessor is very good, I like it very much!"

After saying that, she clenched her fists, turned around and turned into a small silver dragon and swam towards the Dragon Palace. Several other dragon maidens were also aroused, and they all felt that they were the goddesses who could awaken Her Highness, and they rushed to leave after leaving the reward.

When the audience left, the old turtle rolled on the ground, neatly ripped off the wig and whiskers stuck to his face, and turned into a young man in his early twenties.

"Changhuan! go, brother, please go to the shore to eat delicious food in the world!"

I put down the cup in my hand, and waited for him to drink two full jugs of water, and there was no desire to eat for a while.

Haotian walked over and hooked my shoulder: "Let's go, let's go! You don't participate in the concubine selection conference, how boring it is to go home alone!"

I pushed him away and left first: "Next time I have to wait so long, I'll chop your tail and make soup and drink." ”

He followed with a grin, turned into a black fish tail, and made a few splashes: "Okay! Then my tail is also a well-deserved death, and it is good to be able to improve your food!"

I also turned into a little black dragon, flicked his tail and whipped him, and swam to the shore without looking back.

There is a human city on the east side of the glazed sea, and there is a family of monks in it, so many shops in the city will accept the sea spirit conch we use.

After exchanging enough money, Haotian dragged me to the most famous restaurant in the city, Juxian Lou, for dinner.

This is the third time we have come here, and Haotian skillfully asked Xiao Er for a private room and ordered a table of signature dishes.

"Try this squirrel mandarin fish! Last time we didn't have enough money, this time you can eat as much as you want!" he changed the plate to me, his eyes swept over the table, and he reached out to change the position of several dishes before returning to his seat satisfied.

I picked up the chopsticks and put the chopsticks in my mouth, and the sweet and sour taste instantly rushed to my brain, and the fish was very tender, and it melted in my mouth.

"How's it going?, is it delicious?" Haotian's eyes sparkled.

I nodded, "It's good, would you like a bite?"

He shook his head into a rattle and refused completely.

I know he has a knot, and I don't force it. The demon lives a lifetime, and happiness is the most important thing.


After eating, we went around the city again and went back to the sea before the sun rose.

But the atmosphere in the sea was not good, there were two or three times as many shrimp and crabs patrolling the streets as before, and the barrier that had not been used for hundreds of years was opened, and we were interrogated for a while before we went in.

"What's wrong today?" Haotian looked around, "The crown princess ran away?"

I stepped on him with my leg up, and he jumped up and screamed.

"Don't talk nonsense! Don't you get beaten enough? Go home first!"

The world of demons and humans is actually not much different. There are also hierarchies in the sea, and there are also dignity and inferiority, the strong occupy wealth and power, and the weak can only work hard to survive.

The dragon clan is the royal family in this sea area, and most of them live in the dragon palace, and I am the only exception.

Because of my parents, I was not treated well by my own family. If it weren't for the rule that you can't kill innocents, I might have been killed while I was in the egg.

After breaking the shell, I lived in the Dragon Palace for a month, and then I was banished. It was Grandpa Bai Rui who picked me up in the yard, took good care of me and grew up, and gave me the name "Changhuan".

As for Haotian, he was originally a mortal, who was coaxed by his father to feed on the flesh and blood of sharks for decades, and was forcibly implanted with shark beads in his body when he became an adult.

After learning the truth, I jumped into the sea to seek death, but by mistake inspired the shark bead, and the blood turned into a half-demon, half-dead floating on the glass sea, and I took it home again.

"Grandpa, we're back!" Haotian pushed open the small coral door, carried the pear blossom wine brought back from the mortal world, and roared towards the coral house.

Sitting down on a small stone bench in the courtyard, he flicked it lightly, and the cork popped up, and the fragrance of wine spread in the water. Almost at the same moment, a white hard shell sprang out of the coral and rolled straight to my feet, and then the head and tail limbs came out of the turtle shell: "Hehe. ”

As soon as the laughter fell, the white turtle on the ground was replaced by a real old man with gray hair. Grandpa Bai Rui snatched the wine gourd from Haotian's hand and poured a big sip: "Ah!

Haotian is also hehe, hey, straight music.

When my grandfather had finished drinking, I asked about the heightened vigilance outside.

Grandpa made friends, gossip never fell, and he was a very competent intelligence turtle.

"Oh, isn't this because of that dragon prince?"

I blurted out Haotian's previous guess: "Did the crown princess really run away from marriage?"

Grandpa shook his head: "No, yes! It's the prince who lost his egg!"

Haotian and I were both shocked by the news.

"Who is so capable of stealing the prince in front of so many dragons?" Haotian smashed his mouth, "Do dragons usually eat dry rice? can't even protect an egg!

was glared at by me, Haotian covered his mouth, and his eyes signaled not to say anything.

Grandpa took another sip of wine: "It wasn't stolen, it was the prince who ran away by himself!" He stretched out his left index finger and pointed it directly at the top of his head, with a sound effect: "Whoosh-the ground, and it will be gone." ”

I made up the picture in my mind, and all the dragon maidens stood in a circle around the prince in fancy clothes, and whispered softly to an egg, which not only did not respond, but even fled angrily......

"Hahahaha!ha!" Haotian laughed so hard that he almost fell, "Now that king can't lose face!Grandpa, Changhuan, I'm going to buy some food and come back, let's have a good meal at noon to celebrate!"

The eldest king he said was the old turtle who divined the dragon prince back then, his original name was Fu Sheng, and he was out of the same family as his grandfather, and he heard that he had been at odds since he was a child.

After being taken over by the dragon clan, he came over every once in a while to show off how well he was doing, which was very unpleasant.

When he proposed to find a good wife for the prince and hatch the prince with love, I felt unreliable, but now it's okay, not only did he not let the prince break the shell, but he also lost people directly, and I don't know if the dragon king and queen will blame.

"Changhuan. ”

I raised my head to look at my grandfather, and he pointed in the direction where Haotian left: "You have been looking at that kid recently, don't let him run out and talk about the prince's life experience again." On the cusp, it's easy to get in!"

"Well, I will. ”

The cultivation line pays attention to removing miscellaneous things and preserving the truth, and it is more taboo to eat and appetite, because most foods will leave impurities in the stomach, and if they accumulate too much, their cultivation will stagnate.

But grandpa doesn't value these, he feels that the meaning of life is not about the length of time, as long as you have a good time, even if you are reincarnated, there is nothing to regret.

Under his influence, Haotian and I both believe in the truth of timely pleasure.

However, we have our own selfish intentions, hoping that the family can accompany each other and never be separated. Therefore, the ingredients for cooking for grandpa are all non-miscellaneous foods that contain spiritual power.

That's where you need to work to earn money.

Now that the crown prince has an accident, the city must avoid this topic. I'll have to find something to do for me and Haotian again.



I was growing vegetables in the yard when I heard Haotian's deafening ghost cry from the kitchen.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

I rushed in to take a look, Haotian was holding a spatula in one hand and a lid in the other, staring at the stove in horror.

Following his line of sight, there was a giant egg as smooth as jade and white as snow soaked in the kombu broth.

How big is this egg? It's almost two heads to me.

"What is this?" I walked over to take a closer look, "Is there a shortage of water in the Spiritual Canteen, can it be cooked?"

I scooped a scoop out of the water tank next to me, ready to add it to it.

Haotian closed the lid of the pot, blocking my movements, his voice was still a little trembling when he spoke, and he stammered: "Then, that, if I say, say that it came out of nowhere, will you believe it?"

I looked at him wordlessly.

"Oops!" Haotian threw away the spatula and gave me a reenactment of the scene.

He first walked to the cutting board and performed a non-physical chopping onion and garlic, then lifted the lid of the pot, threw the ingredients in, and stirred it with a spatula.

Then I thought about letting it cook itself, so I sat there for a while with a small bench. When the time was almost up, I wanted to see if it was cooked, but as soon as I lifted the lid of the pot, I whew!" He bit a row of fingers and made a surprised expression: "There is an extra egg in the pot!"

Haotian has always thought jumpy, and this will already walk around the kitchen anxiously: "You said that this can't be the lost Dragon Prince, right? So is it alive or cooked now? They must think that we have bad intentions, and our family will not die here, right?"

He was chattering and noisy, and I had a headache to listen to. He put his hand in the pot, fished the egg out of the soup, and threw it into the water tank. It was so hot that I put my hands in and soaked in cold water.

"Changhuan, are you a fool?" Haotian ran over, stared at my red-hot fingers and said unhappily, "You deserve to be in pain! Can't you take a basin and scoop it out?"

"Didn't you say that he was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? In case it is still hanging now, when I bring the basin over, maybe we will have to be buried with us!"

After being soaked in cold water, the pain quickly faded. I reached out from the tank, shook the water on it, and looked down into the tank: "You really didn't buy this?"

Haotian stretched out three fingers: "I swear, absolutely not." ”

He scratched his head: "Why don't you ask grandpa? Maybe he's seen the Dragon Prince's egg." ”

I lowered my eyelashes and stared at the guy in the water, "No! let's get rid of it as if nothing happened." ”


We found a bag, put the eggs in the bag, and received them in the storage bracelet.

Haotian's first reaction was to throw it as far away as possible, but there are guards guarding and checking at all intersections, in case it is really the Dragon Prince, then everyone will get the stolen goods!

The Dragon Prince has been missing for half a month, and everyone defaults to someone who has picked up the dragon egg, and a big conspiracy is brewing behind his back.

At this time, who would believe that the prince jumped in front of us by himself.

"Follow me. I beckoned Haotian to turn into a path, "Let's throw it at the Cleanup Field, where no one is guarding." When the people who clean up the debris come in the evening, they will hand in the egg. ”

Placing the eggs in person, Haotian and I breathed a sigh of relief.

When I got home, my grandfather had just woken up from a nap and asked us where we had just been and why we were running around during meal time.

Haotian giggled and went to the kitchen to bring out the food.

Grandpa took a sip of soup and smacked his lips: "It seems to be a little salty, what do you think?"

Haotian took a sip: "It's true! But my salt is the same as usual...... I'm mistaken! I think I've put an extra spoonful! Why don't I add some water to you, grandpa?"

"Changhuan, why don't you drink soup today?

I hugged the bowl and shook my head, "No! I drank too much water today, and I can't drink the soup anymore." ”

The egg had not been where it had been before, and suddenly appeared in the pot......

"I'll just eat. ”

Haotian, that fool, moved too fast, and I didn't even have time to say that he served it.

Forget it, we are monsters, the ingredients are not washed and boiled directly in the pot, you won't have diarrhea after eating, and it's okay if it's not clean!


During this time, Haotian and I have been weaving sea silk at home.

This thing was very popular among the monks, and it was not only light and beautiful to make clothes, but also had a certain defensive effect.

It wasn't completely dark in the middle of the night in the sea, we had our own lights.

There is an artifact town in the place where the demon clan lives, which can not only create a special space at the bottom of the sea that is as suitable for us to live as on land, but also sprinkle golden light and flames at night.

This kind of fireworks does not hurt people and scatters randomly. Those who need it can pick it up and put it at home to use as a candle light.

After weaving another piece of sea silk, I rubbed my sore eyes, closed the scallops, and the room instantly darkened.

I walked over to the stone bed and coiled into a ball, closing my eyes comfortably.

In my dream, I seemed to be back in the Dragon Palace, where a white dragon would come to bring me food every day, and take me to chase fish and play in the corals.

I opened my eyes and noticed that there was a touch of white at the tip of the tail.

The egg, which should have been found and reported in the clean-up field, was now quietly nestled at my feet.

Hell, how did it come back?

I wrapped the eggs again and secretly went to the clean-up again, this time even digging a shallow hole and covering it with weeds and discarded shell coral branches.

But as soon as the cleaners come and collect the waste, they will find the eggs in the pit.

It shouldn't come back now, right?

I pushed the door open, and my gaze swept over the bed, it was flat and neat, and nothing came out.

Easily walked to the table by the window, intending to continue weaving sea silk. There was a ball of thread in the basket of seaweed under the table, and I reached out and touched a cold object.

Peeling back the silk thread covering the surface, the familiar white egg appeared in front of me again.

I flung the thread into the basket irritably, and in discouragement, I withdrew my hand, and accidentally scratched the barb of the raw edge of the basket, and red blood beads came out of my fingertips, crumbling, and then fell on the egg, rubbing a small red flower.

This is when the mutation took place.

A layer of soft light floats on the surface of the white egg, like a bee flapping its wings, fluttering quickly and lightly. The little blood-colored flower grew lighter and lighter as if absorbed, and finally disappeared, replaced by a few more cracks in the eggshell.

The Dragon Prince is about to break his shell?

I picked up the sea silk that I had woven on the side and covered it all on the basket. After an unknown amount of time, the straw basket finally stopped shaking, but it was also scrapped, and the silk thread poured out like a waterfall, and the egg rolled out.

I bent down to stop it, but it didn't, and it clicked into the foot of my bed.

My heart pounded, and I chased after me and held the egg in my arms to examine it carefully, but fortunately the eggshell was hard enough and did not crack.

At this moment, my mind fluttered, my eyes turned black, I threw myself backwards, and fell on the bed.

This egg just swallowed more than half of my spiritual power!

As if knowing that he had done something bad, it gently arched my palm twice, and I subtly sensed its meaning, and it was saying sorry to me.

All of a sudden, this egg and I had telepathy!

Dragons, as powerful as they are, have never had such a precedent. I've only heard of mortal monks who become Taoist couples, and who can connect emotionally through a contract. But that doesn't happen all the time.

Only when they trust each other enough to love each other, and that emotion reaches the extreme, can they be refracted to each other.

When I look at this egg again, I only think that the truth is even more ridiculous than I had previously suspected.

What the hell is this?

"Changhuan, I'm going to send Hai Xuan, are you going?" Haotian shouted outside the door.

I pulled open the quilt, which I rarely used, and covered the egg: "You hide it honestly, if someone finds out, I will cook you directly!"

Since I could feel its emotions, it should understand me.

It shook from side to side a few times, signaling that it would be obedient.

I packed my things and went out the door. There's no better way now, let's take it one step at a time.

I heard that an ancient secret realm is about to appear recently, and the price of sea silk has increased several times. Haotian looked at the storage bracelet on his wrist and thought that there was a heavy sea spirit conch inside, and he was overjoyed.

"Changhuan, what do you want to eat today? I'll make it for you!"

Most of my spiritual power has been drained, so I naturally want to make it up as soon as possible.

The Spiritual Canteen not only serves spiritual food, but also various elixirs refined by human monks. The pill tastes bad, so we hardly buy it.

"I want a bottle of Elixir, wrapped in nectar. ”

Haotian grabbed my wrist and probed into the spiritual power to check, staring at it for a while and gritting his teeth: "What's the matter with you?

I didn't think I could hide it from him, so I just confessed by the way.

He frowned, pondered with a calm face, and finally was defeated: "Let's go, go buy you the elixir." ”


"I'd like to see who this thing is!"

Haotian burst into my room with a menacing attitude, his eyes swept wildly: "Where is that thing?"

I followed him into the door, the quilt lay flat on the bed, and the bulging bag had already collapsed. Could it be that this thing has left on its own?

I took a few steps into the room, and the closet door next to me suddenly slammed open, and the white egg was gently shaking in my direction, as if to greet me.

Haotian ran past me and reached out to pick up the egg, but it was empty. The egg floated up on its own, dodging him and staggering towards me.

I subconsciously opened my arms to catch it and held it steadily, and it obediently rubbed my palm, and my heart softened.

Haotian walked over, stretched out his finger and flicked it on the eggshell: "If it's not the Dragon Prince, then who will it be? I haven't heard of anyone who has lost a child." ”

He grabbed his hair and asked me blankly, "Changhuan, what are you going to do?"

As if he understood Haotian's words, the egg trembled slightly in my arms, and even turned himself up very spiritually, as if he had raised his head and waited for me to answer.

I sighed helplessly: "Let's keep it like this for the time being." ”

Haotian accepted it well, reached out and patted me on the shoulder, and was still in the mood to joke: "I didn't expect you to become a mother so soon!" He lowered his head and approached the white egg: "Little thing, when you grow up, you have to be filial to your mother!"

The eggshell buzzed with a layer of soft light in response, and Haotian raised his head happily: "Changhuan! Your son is so smart and sensible!"

I didn't know how to respond for a moment, and the strange feeling came back to my mind, like another soul living in my body.

I lowered my head and slapped the eggshell a little harder on the eggshell that was struggling to protest, and it instantly returned to its honest appearance.

It's not even broken, and it wants to turn the sky upside down, how did it do with its previous tutors?

We secretly kept this egg behind our grandfather's knowledge, but we couldn't shake it off.

It seems to be about to break its shell, and it needs me to feed it with a lot of spiritual power every day. In the past few days, Haotian and I have been grinding out Mars, just to raise this strange thing that came out of nowhere.

However, recently, the Dragon Palace claimed that the Dragon Prince had been recovered, and the soldiers who were on guard everywhere had been removed, and all the entry and exit had returned to their original freedom.

This also shows that he is really not the Dragon Prince. That's great news for us.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and there were more and more cracks on the eggshell. It's no longer as flawless as it once was, and it looks like it could shatter at any moment.

"Chang Huan, Chang Huan, what good things did I buy for your son?" Haotian jumped in, holding a leather drum in his hand, and when he turned, the stringing beads on both sides of the drum flew up, striking the drum face when changing direction, making a "dong dong" sound.

He held it up to the egg and had a great time playing with it.

"He's about to break his shell, right? Have you figured out what to call him?

I pushed Haotian away and pulled the straw basket with the egg to my side: "How do you know it's a son?"

I touched the eggshell, and I could clearly feel the bump in my fingertips, and some of the cracked shells had been warped, but they were covered with a white film, which did not allow people to peek into the real body of the little thing.

"Let him choose his own name. ”

This guy is intellectually superior, and I don't have the qualifications to name it.

The shell burst came without warning. I was woken up at night by the sound of a clattering chew, and I subconsciously thought that there were rats in the house, and when I woke up, I remembered that it was the bottom of the sea.

Following the sound, the straw basket on the table was much shorter than usual, and the eggshell inside was now only half left, and a small white snake was standing up and opening its mouth to gnaw on the eggshell.

I was dumbfounded.

The little white snake quickly caught my sight, barked at me, and then leaped over to me, wrapping its body in a bow between my paws.

It's pretty cute!

"Ahh I turned back into a human body, with two small holes in the back of my hands, and blood was bubbling up. The little white snake stuck out its tongue and licked my wounds one by one.

Half of the spiritual power in my body was drained again, but I obviously felt that the little guy's size had grown a little.

The next day, Haotian came to see it and took the initiative to cut his finger to feed it blood, but the little guy didn't look at him and was a very picky eater.

"Hey, you kid still engage in blood discrimination, right?" Haotian felt that the little guy didn't eat his blood because he was a half-demon.

But I know that guy isn't your average picky eater, it's, it's me.

After two more months of feeding, the little white snake grew up a lot, and even mastered the transformation technique on its own.

I walked out of the house with him, and my grandfather thought I had picked up a wild child somewhere.

"What's your name, kid?" he beckoned, pulling two jelly beans out of his pocket, "Grandpa has something to eat for you." ”

The half-human-tall little doll had a tense face, and her tone was like an old-fashioned one: "Under Ying Xuanye." Eating too much of this kind of stuff is not beneficial to your cultivation, so you should eat less. ”

Grandpa's hand was stretched out in the air, and it was not given or taken back. Haotian slapped his legs and laughed on the side.

Ying Xuanye suddenly glanced back at me, showing a little helplessness and doting, reached out and took two pieces of candy from his grandfather's hand, ran to me, grabbed my hand, and stuffed the candy into my palm.

"This is the only time, not an example. ”

I looked confused: "What?"

Ying Xuanye was old-fashioned: "I am your husband, of course I have to put your mood first." After eating these two candies, I will accompany you to meditate and practice. ”

Grandpa and Haotian were both shocked, and looked at me with a heartbroken expression.

I grabbed Ying Xuanye's collar with one hand and lifted him up: "What did you just say?

Ying Xuanye's little face became red, and his voice was very shy and unspeakable: "You, don't be like this, I'm still young." ”


Ying Xuanye didn't know which tendon was wrong, he didn't learn well at a young age, he always wanted to be my husband on the following offenses, and even unilaterally became hostile to Haotian.

As soon as Haotian is three feet away from me, he will come out and stare at him all the time.

Haotian persuaded him to change his ways, but he was beaten.

That's right! Haotian couldn't beat a newborn little white snake.

Ying Xuanye is full of mysteries, and he learns everything quickly. It doesn't feel like it's just getting started, but more like a skill that has been idle for a long time and is being revived.

Just give him a little time to get started, and you'll soon be back to the top of your game.

His cultivation has also risen rapidly, and he has comprehended many things such as swordsmanship and spells without a teacher, and Haotian and I are not proficient.

Obviously he is the youngest, but his strength is the strongest of us, no matter which aspect.

"Huanhuan, you taste this fish, I specially went to the human monk to buy it. It has been raised in the spiritual spring, and there is no impurity on its body. Ying Xuanye was holding the shell bowl in both hands, and when he stood in front of me, it was up to my shoulder.

Haotian sat opposite, and followed his example and served a bowl of soup to his grandfather: "Master-"

Before the other word was spoken, the bowl had already been taken by the grandfather, put it to his mouth and drank half a bowl of soup: "Don't fix those empty things! You should also learn from Xiao Ye!"

Everyone likes excellent juniors, and Grandpa Salted Fish is no exception.

I took the bowl and lowered my eyes uncomfortably: "You can eat it yourself, you don't have to look at me all the time." ”

I'm not a brute, and I can't convince myself to do it to a child.

Ying Xuanye went out after washing the dishes. He is very capable, and since he can transform into a shape, he has taken over the work of making money at home.

Haotian didn't want to lose to the children, so he began to go out and tell stories to the little girls. But this time he didn't talk about Prince Long anymore, but bought a lot of scripts from the world.

This is still very new in the sea, and he has attracted a group of loyal fans.

"What do you say he came from?" Haotian touched his chin and thought of the book he had read recently, "Could it be that you were your lover in your previous life, and you didn't drink Meng Po soup when you were reincarnated?

I gave him a blank look: "What kind of Meng Po soup does the monster drink?"

"Are you going to shore today, and you're going to buy something with me?"

Ying Xuanye's clothes are smaller, and I want to buy him a few new ones. The colors and styles of mortal clothes are better and more exquisite than those in the sea, and I have recently saved a lot of spirit stones, so I can't be bitter for the child.

A total of three clothes were selected. After paying the money, Haotian said that he was going to the bookstore to pick up some more scripts, and asked me to wait for him in Juxian Tower.

I saw a shop on the street selling children's headbands and hair crowns, and the golden and red color was very pleasing.

Because Xuan Ye is young and old, he should wear a cute decoration to add some vitality.

"It's a total of three taels of silver, this is looking for you, girl, you take it. ”

The moment I took the change, I climbed up to my juniors with a sense of crisis, as if something dangerous was approaching me.

I immediately turned around, only to feel a pain in my heart, but I didn't notice anything unusual in my vision.

"Girl, girl, what's wrong with you?" called the shopkeeper.

The pain slowly dissipated as if nothing had happened. I smiled slightly: "It's nothing, maybe it's shaking." ”

With things in my heart, I was in no mood to hang out anymore, so I walked straight towards Juxian Tower.

"Little Er, I want a bag-"

I looked up, and the scene around me seemed to be compressed and distorted by some external force, everything was out of shape, and even the sound was swallowed up.

After a while, the distorted color patches slowly spread out again, filled and restored one by one, and became a new picture.

The chirping of birds came from above, and then the murmuring water moved, and the still picture scroll was breathed into life and began to move.

A small white flower was blown off the branch by the wind, and the feeling of smashing on the face was very real.

"Changhuan, why are you still standing here?"

I was pushed forward a few steps, and the man turned his head, brushed the fallen flowers from my shoulders for me, pointed to the crowded banquet behind the flower tree, and said, "Haven't you always wanted to meet Fan Yun Shenjun?

Fanyun Divine Monarch, isn't this the one who is said to have reincarnated the Dragon Prince? Shouldn't he have died a long time ago?

Where the hell am I?

Open Douyin and search for the "Kumquat Story Club" applet, enter the password "l47810", and you can read it!