
2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

author:Rui said funny chat

High blood pressure, the invisible killer lurking in the population, especially prefers middle-aged and elderly people. As we get older, many people's bodies gradually slide into the whirlpool of high blood pressure.

For patients with high blood pressure, the taking of antihypertensive drugs has become a daily compulsory course to stabilize blood pressure and prevent complications.

However, there have been recent rumors that blood pressure medicine contains carcinogenic ingredients, and such news is like a cold rain in the cold winter, which makes people's hearts tremble. Can antihypertensive drugs continue to protect our health? Let us clear the fog and explore the truth between antihypertensive drugs and cancer.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

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What is "high blood pressure"?

High blood pressure, the silent killer, is quietly lurking in our lives. It is like an uninvited guest, invading our bodies when we are unsuspecting.

This invisible enemy, good at camouflage, often makes people inadvertently fall into its trap. Its existence, like a time bomb, may detonate at any time, threatening our lives.

So, how do we recognize this invisible enemy and fight it? Let's unravel the mystery of high blood pressure and find out the truth behind it.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

What should be the blood pressure standard?

The normal standard for blood pressure is not set in stone, it changes with age. For adults, the ideal blood pressure should be around 120/80 mmHg, but it will gradually rise as you age.

It's normal for older people to have slightly higher blood pressure, but high blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, people of different ages should judge whether their blood pressure is normal or not according to their own situation.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Headache and heavy head:

One of the most common symptoms of high blood pressure is headache, which is also an important indicator of how much high blood pressure has progressed. Headaches with high blood pressure are often accompanied by pain in the back of the head, making people feel nauseous and nauseated. When headache symptoms are severe and accompanied by nausea and vomiting, this is usually a sign that blood pressure is constantly rising.


High blood pressure can also cause tinnitus, which usually occurs in both ears at the same time. People with high blood pressure are more likely to experience tinnitus when they are overtired or sleep deprived. If tinnitus is prolonged and severe, blood pressure should be monitored immediately.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution


High blood pressure often makes women feel dizzy. This feeling of vertigo usually doesn't cause the body to lose balance, but if the vertigo is so severe that people can't walk or spin around, it may be that the brain is congested due to a rapid rise in blood pressure, and you need to seek medical attention immediately to prevent a stroke.

Low back pain:

People with high blood pressure sometimes experience low back pain, especially those with diseases of the spine, lumbar spine. When high blood pressure is present, the symptoms of low back pain are more pronounced, and the pain may lead to weakness in the limbs.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

Paralysis of the hands and feet:

High blood pressure can affect blood circulation, especially in the extremities. When there is a problem with blood circulation, it can lead to numbness in the hands and feet, which is often seen in people with high blood pressure.

Palpitations and wheezing: Palpitations are when the sensation of the heart beating differently than usual, sometimes accompanied by wheezing and difficulty breathing. This is due to high blood pressure causing the heart to enlarge and ventricles to dilate, causing abnormal symptoms.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

Types of antihypertensive drugs

The family of antihypertensive drugs is quite large, but it can be broadly divided into five categories.

First of all, we have to mention diuretics, which play an indispensable role in the battle against blood pressure.

Secondly, there are β receptor blockers, which are powerful in their ability to precisely block certain receptors to lower blood pressure.

Let's talk about calcium antagonists, which act as guardians of cells, ensuring that calcium ions do not overdo the activity in the cells, so as to achieve the purpose of stabilizing blood pressure.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are two types of antihypertensive drugs, which are more like regulators, which can adjust the production and action of angiotensin, so as to achieve the effect of regulating blood pressure.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

Each of these five classes of antihypertensive drugs has its own merits, but all aim to provide safer and more effective treatment options for people with high blood pressure.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

Regarding this antihypertensive drug, according to relevant studies, irbesartan and quinapril, two antihypertensive drugs, contain excessive carcinogenic ingredients, like toxins hidden in the body, which makes people worrying. Now, these problematic drugs have been recalled by the relevant authorities and banned from sale to protect the health and safety of the public

(1) Irbesartan: This drug contains excessive levels of N-nitrosodiethylamine impurities and has been classified as a Class II carcinogen by the World Health Organization's Cancer Research Center. This substance has the potential to cause damage to the liver and kidneys, increasing the risk of cancer. Therefore, we must be vigilant and pay attention to this issue.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

(2) Quinapril: Hydrochlorothiazide tablets, the hidden "poisonous snake", do you know the deadly crisis implied by it? The excessive N-nitrosoquinapril in its drug, like a shadow in the dark, quietly became a member of the nitrosamine family. This silent killer is the hidden source of carcinogenic ingredients, silently increasing the risk of cancer, like an invisible sword, hanging over the head of every user.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

Why do antihypertensive drugs contain carcinogenic ingredients?

When it comes to antihypertensive drugs, many people are worried that they contain carcinogenic ingredients, so they think that antihypertensive drugs should not be consumed. However, in fact, there may be impurities in the raw by-products and intermediate products produced in the production process of some antihypertensive drugs, and there are still residues after purification, but as long as they are controlled within a reasonable range, they will not cause much harm to the body.

These impurities are usually nitrosamines, which are also widely present in daily life, so they do not cause much harm to the body. However, if antihypertensive drugs are taken for a long time, it may lead to an increased risk of cancer.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

So, what are the fruits that are suitable for people with high blood pressure?


The sweet taste, like a summer breeze, made countless old people happy. The pain of constipation is often distressing, and bananas are the key to relieving the pain. It is rich in dietary fiber, like a natural intestinal brush, gently brushing away the dullness in the intestines. And the potassium element, just like nature's blood pressure monitor, guards our blood pressure steadily. However, with high calories, patients with high blood pressure need to be cautious.


The elves of autumn and winter, sweet and sour, fascinating. Eating it, the spleen and stomach are comfortable, and digestion is self-healthy. The wonderful combination of carotene and vitamin C lowers blood lipids like a magician. The magic of potassium expells sodium salts from the body one by one, escorting the health of blood vessels. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer, the power of oranges should not be underestimated.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution


A delicious messenger of the tropics, full of sweetness. Its abundance of potassium and its ability to lower blood pressure are remarkable. The hidden danger of arteriosclerosis, mango will solve it for you. Protecting eyesight, delaying aging, and preventing Alzheimer's disease are the gifts of mango.


A good friend of digestion, although the taste is sour, it can soothe the stomach and intestines. Ursolic acid, triterpene acids, flavonoids and other mysterious elements are gathered to play a song for blood pressure lowering.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution


Green elves, treasures of potassium. The excretion of sodium has its help. Triglycerides, cholesterol, there is nothing to hide in front of it. The double play of anti-cancer and anti-cancer adds points to health. Patients with hepatitis, hyperlipidemia, urethral stones and other diseases can also be approached.


The guardian of the four seasons, rich in nutrition. The power of lowering blood pressure is self-evident. Weight loss, lipid reduction, one fruit for multiple purposes. People with high blood pressure, you, me, and him, can all enjoy this gift of nature.

2 kinds of "blood pressure medicine" have been exposed to contain carcinogenic ingredients, are you taking them? Remind parents: buy with caution

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