
1 minute hallux valgus correction to make your feet perfect enough!

author:Chief physician of hallux valgus Ji Liu

1 minute hallux valgus correction to make your feet perfect enough!

Say no to hallux valgus!

1 minute hallux valgus correction to make your feet perfect enough!

Many ladies prefer to wear high heels, pointed-toe shoes and sandals, but some women have to opt for sneakers, or loose travel shoes. Why? Because their feet have been deformed by hallux valgus, they dare not show their feet! So, is there a way to save their feet? Of course there is! Next, let's follow Ji Liu, the chief physician of Yuquan Hospital of Tsinghua University, to understand how to make your feet perfect!

What is hallux valgus?

1 minute hallux valgus correction to make your feet perfect enough!

If the first metatarsal joint of the thumb is tilted (valgus angle) more than 15 degrees, and the position of the tibial sesamoid is displaced by more than 4 degrees, it is called hallux valgus. In layman's terms, it is one of the most common deformities of the foot in which the big toe tilts towards the little toe. It is mainly seen in the female group.

What are the causes of this?

1. Heredity;

2. Bad shoe habits: Wear high heels for a long time, pointed-toe shoes, and squeeze the second toe with the big toe for a long time

3. Have underlying diseases: long-term gout, arthritis, rheumatoid

4. The line of force changes for a long time, causing the point of force to change to the toe.

What are the clinical manifestations?

1. Inconvenient walking, serious wear and tear of the bones and joints of the big feet

2. Wearing shoes is restricted;

3. The pain is unbearable, and the big toe is tilted and valgus is more than 15°

1 minute hallux valgus correction to make your feet perfect enough!

How is it treated conservatively?

1. Wear appropriate shoes and socks: such as five-finger socks, so that the socks can restrain the foot shape back to the correct position.

2. Massage: Clockwise massage can also be carried out for the local area, which can promote local blood circulation after massage and help to improve the discomfort symptoms.

3. Wear thumb valgus orthoses: Thumb valgus orthosis can be worn under the guidance of a doctor, and thumb valgus orthosis is generally made of elastic fiber materials, which is helpful for the recovery of joint alignment and can improve deformity and thumb stress to a certain extent. (But the long bondage is very tolerable)

4. Surgical treatment: Patients with moderate or severe hallux valgus need surgical treatment, which cannot be corrected by conservative treatment, but will only become more and more serious. (valgus above 20° is moderate, and above 20° is severe) requires early intervention.

5. Exercise therapy: Under the guidance of a professional therapist, you can learn the most suitable exercise therapy for yourself.

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