
101 "Life Advice" Favorites


Today I read a book about 500 pieces of life advice and excerpted some of the likes just because I liked them. Write it down in your own words, in the way you like:

1. Define yourself with the traits of affection and acceptance, rather than the things you dislike and reject.

2. In the face of important things, it is a kind of wisdom to "go back on your word".

3. In a museum, spend at least 10 minutes to truly appreciate a piece of art.

4. If conditions permit, choose a room with good lighting on both sides.

5. Regarding work meetings, look at the agenda first, and skip it if you don't need to make a decision.

6. When you want to procrastinate, put it all your heart on procrastination and don't do anything by yourself for 5 minutes.

7. You can't be your true self on your own. If you want to be unique, you need the help of other people.

8. When urgent help is needed, giving orders and assigning tasks can turn a confused bystander into a responsible helper.

9. Optimism is equivalent to an increase in IQ by 25 points.

10. Talk to your loved ones and keep asking, "Is there anything else?" until they say, "Nothing." ”

11. What annoys a person, what motivates them.

12. The purpose of travel is primarily to let go.

13. Valuable annual goal: Learn more about a science.

14. You can't get people to give up an irrational idea by reasoning.

15. When you've been looking for something for a long time and finally find it, put it in the first place you're looking for.

16. What makes you angry about others can help you understand yourself better.

17. Have a memorable coming-of-age ceremony when your child is 18 to 21 years old.

18. Find smart people who disagree with you.

19. Ask the other party to come up with very convincing evidence before believing an unusual statement.

20. "The Third Rule": Ask the reason, ask the other party to state it three times, and the last one is closest to the truth.

21. Don't be the best, be the only one.

22. When rejected, try again after a while. High probability.

23. As a leader, expect more from your subordinates than they expect from yourself.

24. Ask for advice, not feedback from others. Asking for advice gets a partner, and asking for feedback gets criticism.

25. It is hard to deceive an honest person.

26. Work with some kind of tool, buy the best you can afford.

27. "No" is an acceptable answer.

28. Creative thinking must be free and free from judgment.

29. "To do or not to do", not "to do or not to do".

30. Someone will be someone who you know what you will be earlier than you will become, they are: teachers, parents, customers, fans, and friends.

31. When a major project is 90% completed, it still takes 90% of the effort to put in the final details.

32. Read celebrity biographies and you'll know that you won't really want to be famous.

33. Promise what others are willing to do tomorrow. And not the future.

34. The Seventh Law of Exploration: Ask the seven levels to figure out anything.

35. Urgent requests, which may be scams, do not respond to requests or suggestions on the phone.

36. Most breakthrough achievements are achieved by novices.

37. What you have as a child can become something great in adulthood.

38. Don't let someone else's urgency become your urgency. Importance is king.

39. The antidote to fear is not bravery, it may be imagination.

40. Art begins with incompleteness, and only imperfect people can create art.

41. Do what no one can see, if possible, do work that doesn't have a name yet.

42. Almost everything is easy to get in and out of except love. Start with an exit strategy in place to prepare for the outcome.

43. Trying to get others to respect you instead of liking you.

44. Compliment others behind your back.

45. Overnight success requires at least five years of hard work.

46. You don't need more time, what you need is focus.

47. The greatest value of using money is to buy someone else's time. Hire staff and outsource work whenever possible.

48. The best answer to an insult: "You may be right." ”

49. Your infinite power comes from not deliberately seeking the approval of others.

50. Good communication, answer with "yes, and .......", not "no, but ......"

51. Make older friends when you're young and make younger friends when you're old.

52. Your goal is to discover what your goals are.

53. When others point out your problems, they are usually right. When someone tells you how to fix it, they're usually wrong.

54. New inventions are usually broken by the poor or the young. Stay hungry.

55. Don't care what other people think of you because they don't look at you at all.

56. "How did you sleep?" "Are you okay?"

57. Set a cap on working hours.

58. Say to your child, "There is a rule in our family. Say to others, "I have a principle about something." ”

59. Bad things can happen instantaneously, and almost all good things are done slowly.

60. We can't choose our body, but we have to take care of it.

61. Be a good ancestor.

62. Discover problems, discover your blind spots, from everyone you meet.

63. Never work for someone you don't want to be.

64. Do not listen to secrets, there are no secrets in the world.

65. Find out what time of day is the most productive.

66. Wonderful things, once in a lifetime is the best frequency.

67. Learning probability and statistics is more useful than learning algebra and calculus.

68. A leader's real job is to develop more leaders, not followers.

69. The best professional ethics require a good ethics of rest, holidays, rest, walks, etc.

70. Don't make the same mistakes, you can make new ones.

71. Have uncomfortable conversations that make people grow.

72. Don't buy anything again late at night, buy it the next morning.

73. Negotiation: "Can you give better terms?"

74. Not on time, either early or late.

75. Survival environment: Pay attention to the temperature and water, don't worry about food.

76. Punishing oneself more harshly when making a mistake can ease the anger of the wronged person.

77. Never ask someone if they are pregnant.

78. Before speaking, ask three questions: "Is it true? must be said? Is it well-intentioned?"

79. When staying in a hotel, determine the location of the emergency exit first.

80. It is much easier to improve your communication skills than it is to improve your intelligence.

81. Explaining a problem is part of solving a problem.

82. Data, photos, or notes should be backed up and backed up again, one physical backup and one cloud backup.

83. One-third of the time is spent exploring, and two-thirds of the time is spent optimizing and deepening.

84. Wear sneakers to long trips instead of new shoes.

85. Do more things that are work for others and fun for you.

86. If you want to get one thing done, leave it to someone who is busy.

87. What can be done in two minutes, complete it now!

88. People you don't like have something out there that you don't know, learn from them.

89. Evaluate yourself today from the perspective of 25 years from now.

90. Speeches focus on a few people rather than strafing.

91. Be productive every day.

92. If a child makes a mistake and let him choose the punishment himself, he will be harsher than the parent.

93. The only way to write a good book is to write a bad book first. Throw away.

94. The right response to anger is to see the pain of others, and then sympathize:

95. Maybe the other party is just incompetent, not malicious.

96.道歉:三个R。 regret(遗憾)、responsibility(负责)、remedy(补救)。

97. Read books that your favorite authors have read.

98. When you make people wait, they will think of all your shortcomings.

99. Spend 15 minutes a day improving the way you do things.

100. Ask the child: Who did you help today?

101. Meeting efficiency: Speakers speak differently.

I went out shopping, and then I stood in an imported bookstore for two or three hours, browsed a book, and wrote so many notes on my mobile phone and in my own language. It felt very comfortable. I read it, and there are more than 2,000 words.

101 "Life Advice" Favorites

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