
Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

author:Genius Entertainment

The 6 actresses in the entertainment industry who insist on not having plastic surgery are all born with beautiful acting skills, some people make no secret of their old age, and some people are not outstanding in appearance but are out of the circle with their acting skills, let's take a look at who these 6 actresses are

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Sixth place: Yin Tao

Yin Tao's facial features are already quite marked, and the only thing that is slightly regrettable is a mole on her lips. The first time you see Yin Tao's work on TV, you may be confused, thinking that there seems to be something wrong with the actress's mouth, as if her skin is broken.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Yin Tao's lips were not broken, but just happened to have a mole. According to Yin Tao's own words, the mole on her lips actually existed when she was just born, and as she grew up, this mole gradually grew, and eventually evolved into what we see now.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

When Yin Tao first started her acting career, someone once persuaded her to remove the mole, but Yin Tao chose not to follow the advice. Now it seems that her decision was correct, because this mole has become one of Yin Tao's unique symbols, and among many actresses, she has a high degree of recognition.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

In fact, as long as the actress's acting skills are excellent, even if the audience is more picky about her appearance, she will not mind such a small flaw. Yin Tao's roles such as Zheng Juan in "The World" and Luo Yuzhu in "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky" have been successful, and no one has questioned her performance because of a mole on her lip.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Yin Tao used her strength and unique charm to prove that acting skills are the most important thing for actresses, even if there are some small characteristics, they can't stop her from shining on the performance stage.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Fifth place: Mei Ting

Mei Ting's dark circles have become one of the facial features that often attract attention, and they have frequently become facial defects that everyone talks about. Some viewers may see it as a sign of the ruthlessness of time, but in fact, Mei Ting's black eyes have existed since she was young, but as the years go by, her complexion gradually darkens, making the pair of "panda eyes" more conspicuous.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Different from other unique features, Mei Ting's dark circles not only have an impact on the appearance of female stars, but even on ordinary people, it will make the overall mental state look a little sluggish. As a result, people with dark circles often look for ways to remove this seemingly unseemly facial feature.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

However, Mei Ting chose a different path, she neither chose the way of micro-plastic surgery to improve, nor did she deliberately cover it up when she was applying makeup. may have suffered some losses in terms of image, but fortunately, her excellent acting skills successfully filled this shortcoming, making the audience accept her unique image.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Sometimes, Mei Ting will even show off her makeup without concealment, daring to show her dark circles to help the interpretation of the role. For example, in "Don't Talk to Strangers", her image cleverly fits the character setting of Mei Xiangnan, the wife who was abused by domestic violence, and has become a nightmare for many people's childhood.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Mei Ting's story teaches us that individuality is not an obstacle, but part of a unique charm. She dares to be herself and enrich her role with her own characteristics, and this courage and honesty make her unique in her acting career.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Inventory of the 6 actresses who insist on not having plastic surgery, and conquer the audience with their acting skills without plastic surgery.

Fourth place Haiqing

When it comes to Haiqing, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is the image of the girl next door, unpretentious and warm and amiable. In the early days of her acting career, she may not have paid much attention to her, but she earned herself a place with tenacity and hard work.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

She did not pursue over-commercialization and did not choose plastic surgery, which is a popular trend at the moment, but conquered the hearts of the audience with her true colors and outstanding acting skills. Among those actresses who do everything to change themselves to please the market, Haiqing has always maintained her unique characteristics.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

When she first entered the entertainment industry, she may not have caused much sensation, but as time went on, she gradually emerged through unremitting efforts. Her acting skills do not need to be exaggerated, just like a cup of tea, exuding a deep connotation in her elegance. In the wave of commercialization and overwhelming entertainment, Haiqing has always been consistent and guards its unique style.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

She is not the star who blindly chases fashion, but conquers the audience with her solid acting skills and simple style. In this flamboyant era, she is like a quiet lake, bringing tranquility and warmth to people. Haiqing, in its own way, interprets what a real star is.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

The third Yongmei

Middle-aged actress Yongmei is facing a bump in her career. Due to the ruthlessness of the years, many actresses choose to retouch their pictures when they are exposed to fight against the traces of time, which is understandable. However, Yongmei rose to the challenge in a different way, unabashedly her true appearance in middle age, and even sincerely expressed that she did not want to artificially erase the wrinkles on her face, this kind of unreserved frankness is rare in the entertainment industry.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

She said open-mindedly: "Don't fix my wrinkles, that's a testament to my years of baptism." Yongmei's persistence is different, her attitude seems to be declaring to the world: this is me, this is the trace of my journey, and I am proud of it.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

In the entertainment industry, Yongmei's appearance may not be outstanding, but her dignified and elegant temperament is difficult to ignore, and her calmness and elegance both inside and outside make people ignore her actual age. As an actress, Yongmei presents the audience with works that are more striking than her age.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

The 49-year-old Yongmei won the Berlin Film Queen's film with the movie "The Earth is Long and the Sky is Long", and there is no need to prove her strength by pretending to be tender. Her achievements are not only based on her appearance, but also through her outstanding performances. This is deeply admirable, because she stands out in the highly competitive entertainment industry, which is even more valuable.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Inventory of the 6 actresses who insist on not having plastic surgery, and never choose plastic surgery to show people with a low-key attitude.

The second is Yuan Quan

Yuan Quan, a powerful actress, may not be outstanding in appearance, but with her solid acting skills and unique temperament, she has become the darling of the audience. She dared to face her true nature, never chose plastic surgery, the only way for an artist, nor deliberately hyped up scandals, and has always shown people with a low-key attitude.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

In terms of feelings, the love story between Yuan Quan and Xia Yu is a good story in the entertainment industry. The relationship between the two was not short-lived, but started in the young years on campus, and went all the way to the marriage hall to meet the bits and pieces of life together. This relationship is like an affectionate movie, breaking the impetuous routine of the entertainment industry and becoming the focus of public envy.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Yuan Quan's low-key is not only reflected in her career, but also throughout her love life. Her marriage to Xia Yu is not the short-lived love of the entertainment industry, but a quiet and deep relationship. She proved with practical actions that sincere feelings do not need to be publicized and hyped, they only need to be guarded with their hearts and bloom quietly.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Yuan Quan's story tells us that successful actresses not only have the brilliance of appearance, but also need a deep inner heritage. She has always maintained her pursuit of art on the road of acting, and did not compromise herself in order to cater to the market.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

The first Wu Yue

Wu Yue, she can be described as a representative of the scholarly family, and has been bathed in a superior family environment since she was a child. She once said, "No matter how old I am, I refuse plastic surgery". She excelled in the entertainment industry with her excellent acting skills, and despite being criticized in the entertainment industry, the actress has always maintained her original beliefs deep in her heart, uncompromising on vanity and fame, and focusing on honing her acting skills. In terms of feelings, Wu Yue has spent a long five years with Chen Jianbin hand in hand, however, the twists and turns of the relationship did not make her confused, but more tenaciously fought on the battlefield of her acting career and proved her worth with strength.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Although her career has been shrouded in controversy, Wu Yue has not flinched and has always pursued her dream of acting. She is not swayed by the fingers of the outside world, but quietly works her own stage, defending herself with solid acting skills. Such persistence makes people admire her spontaneously.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

In the twists and turns of the relationship, her breakup with Chen Jianbin did not make Wu Yue lose confidence in life. On the contrary, she chose to devote all her energy to the struggle of her career and walked towards the peak of her acting career with a more determined pace. This determination and resilience can't help but praise her.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

Wu Yue's story tells us that the ups and downs in life are not the end, but a scenery on the way forward. Her persistence is a kind of care for her heart, and it is also a persistence in her original intention.

Yin Tao's mouth, Mei Ting's dark circles, and the 8 actresses who resolutely do not have plastic surgery, each one is more beautiful than the other

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