
Little metformin tablets, is there such a big difference?

author:Lin pharmacist of Zhongshan Third Hospital

What is the difference between metformin tablets and metformin enteric-coated tablets?

What is the difference between metformin tablets and metformin extended-release tablets?

What is the difference between metformin extended-release tablets and metformin enteric-coated tablets?

In fact, the ingredients are all the same, the difference is mainly in the dosage form, the dosage form is different, and the way to eat is not the same.

Little metformin tablets, is there such a big difference?

Metformin, many sugar friends are more familiar with, at present, there are ordinary tablets, sustained-release tablets, enteric-coated tablets or capsules, and of course, the new metformin and other types of oral hypoglycemic drugs composed of compound preparations.

The main difference between different dosage forms of metformin is that after taking the medicine, the drug is released in different ways in the body, ordinary tablets are released in the stomach, enteric-coated tablets and capsules are released in the intestine, and sustained-release tablets and sustained-release capsules are slowly dissolved and released in the gastrointestinal tract.

Little metformin tablets, is there such a big difference?

吃法上有所‬不同。 Compared to ordinary tablets, extended-release tablets only need to be taken once a day, regular tablets may be taken two or three times a day, while extended-release tablets only need to be taken once a day. In this way, you are not afraid that you will forget, as long as you take sustained-release tablets once a day.

Little metformin tablets, is there such a big difference?

吃的‬时间‬也不同‬。 Metformin tablets may cause gastrointestinal adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after taking ordinary tablets. Therefore, it is generally recommended to take it with or after a meal. Extended-release tablets have a different rate of drug release compared to regular tablets. Extended-release tablets are also recommended to be taken with or after meals. Enteric-coated tablets are different, enteric-coated tablets, as the name suggests, dissolve in the intestines, so they are designed to avoid irritation of the stomach by the drug. In general, after eating, the acidic environment of the stomach changes and destroys the enteric coat, leading to an early release of the drug. To avoid this, enteric-coated tablets are recommended to be taken half an hour before meals.

吃‬的‬方式‬大体‬相同‬,缓释片、胶囊或者肠溶片时,完整吞服,不要掰开或嚼碎服用,以免影响药效。 当然,普通片剂也不太‬建议‬掰开‬或‬嚼碎‬的‬,除非‬只需要‬吃‬半片‬。

Different dosage forms, different processes, and different prices. As for which dosage form is better, this one is chosen according to each person's situation. Don't worry, the doctor will choose the appropriate dosage form according to the condition, lifestyle and eating habits, as well as financial situation. Just pay attention to whether the newly prescribed drug is the same as the previous one every time you re-prescribe the drug, including the name, dosage form, specification, etc., and strictly follow the doctor's instructions to take the drug on time and in accordance with the amount after confirmation, so as to avoid the occurrence of poor efficacy or adverse reactions caused by improper use. There is also a reminder for sugar lovers to remember to check their blood sugar regularly.

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