
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then


Huang Bo became a rescue hero, and the hidden story behind him was amazing. Savor behind this entertainment feast, what you find is not only the embarrassing moments of the stars, but also a series of confusing details!

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Li Yuchun: The skirt card heel, the fashion dilemma is revealed

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Li Yuchun has always had a neutral style, but this time she put on a skirt but fell into a fashion dilemma. The overly long skirt of the haute couture not only makes walking a difficult task, but also embarrassing when receiving the award. The camera captured her helplessness, and Huang Bo stepped forward to become the highlight of the whole incident.

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Gao Ye: Black and white simplicity leads the fashion trend

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Gao Ye successfully attracted attention with a black and white dress, highlighting the perfect proportions of her figure. Unlike those female stars who are too explicit, she uses simplicity to show another way of sexiness, becoming a bright color on the red carpet on Weibo night.

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Lin Yun: The skirt was accidentally cracked, and the embarrassing interpretation was high

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Lin Yun's sudden skirt crack incident caught people off guard. Staying calm in the midst of embarrassment and cleverly blocking the crack with your hands became the most unexpected moment on the red carpet. Although her calm attitude made people sweat, it also added a lot of color to this "high break".

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Huang Bo: With the help of high emotional intelligence, he became a hero who saved the scene

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Huang Bo's high emotional intelligence appeared again, and he relieved the whole embarrassing atmosphere with practical actions. Holding the trophy and standing in front of Li Yuchun, it resolved the inconvenience when receiving the award, and it made people sigh that the entertainment industry needs such an empathetic "good person".

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Huang Bo's interpersonal relationships: deep friendship is not limited to the play

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

The deep friendship between Huang Bo and Wang Xun is particularly precious in the entertainment industry. He not only helped his good brothers in the play, but also proved the sincerity of friendship with his actions. Huang Bo is not only an actor, but also the king of emotional intelligence.

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Huang Bo's witty response: Pistachios in the entertainment industry

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Huang Bo's witty response became the pistachio of the entertainment industry. His humorous response to criticism not only showed his humor, but also won the love of the audience in the entertainment industry. His phrase "the abstract direction is long" not only amused the audience, but also a perfect expression of his high emotional intelligence.

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

Summary: The true face of the entertainment industry

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

The red carpet incident on Weibo Night revealed the true face of the entertainment industry. The embarrassing moments of the stars are not only entertainment, but also an effort they put into fashion. And Huang Bo's high emotional intelligence and empathy have become a bright spot in this red carpet turmoil.

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

This red carpet incident is hotly discussed, in addition to the collision of fashion, but also interpersonal relationships and real reactions. Looking forward to more celebrities revealing secrets and more stories unfolding in the entertainment industry, stay tuned!

Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

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Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then
Huang Bo's block of Li Yuchun completely exposed his true nature, and Xu Jinglei was right back then

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