
The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

author:Honghong said parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Honghong~

Seeing that the holiday is coming in another week, my colleague Jingjing has resumed her daily life at three points and one line in the hospital, at home, and in the unit.

It turned out that Jingjing's daughter Wenwen, who had just entered the kindergarten class, was sick again, and seeing that her whole face was gray and her dark circles were hanging on her chin, her colleagues comforted her: "Illness is the child's fight against the virus, and when the illness is cured, the child's immunity will go to a higher level." ”

That being said, Jingjing wasn't happy at all. After all, this is the 10+ time that her family Wenwen has been sick this semester, and Wenwen has been sick almost 2-3 times a month on average, and she has to hang a bottle when she gets sick.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

Jingjing said that she calculated carefully, and for a whole semester, Wenwen spent less than 20 days in kindergarten, and more often spent in the hospital.

"It is said that children love to get sick after going to kindergarten, I didn't believe it before, but now it is enough to be tossed. Jingjing said.

As soon as these words came out, some people nodded in agreement, thinking that this was indeed the case, but some people said that their own children did not have such a situation. It is recommended to find out the reasons in many ways, especially the following 5 reasons are very real, and parents should not ignore them.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

Eating an unbalanced diet

Many children are a little picky eater and partial eater at home, and such children have an unbalanced diet. In the long run, children lack vitamins and necessary trace elements in their bodies, and are easily targeted by pathogenic bacteria, resulting in repeated colds, coughs, and fevers.

Wenwen is like this, according to Jingjing, her family Wenwen likes to eat fried and sweet food, and she doesn't like vegetables the most, and wants her to eat some greens and cabbage.

At home, there are parents who flatter, coax, and even have separate meals according to the children's tastes. Not in kindergarten, after all, there are dozens or hundreds of children, and the food is prepared by the public, and if the children insist on not eating, the teacher will not be able to chase and feed them one by one.

It is not surprising that such children enter kindergarten and often get sick.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

Meals are not digested

As the old saying goes, if you want your child to be safe, you need to divide hunger and cold.

If you want your child to grow well, it is very necessary to eat moderately, especially 1-2 hours before going to bed.

If you eat a lot of food before going to bed, and there is not enough space in the stomach to digest it completely, the child is prone to food accumulation and indigestion. Not only does it affect sleep, but it also puts an extra burden on the body.

Moreover, the spleen and stomach of children are very delicate, and their digestion and absorption capacity is limited.

Wenwen is like this, because the meals in the kindergarten are not to taste, she only eats a little bit every day, and waits until 3-4 p.m. to eat all kinds of snacks when she gets home. As a result, I couldn't eat dinner, and I was hungry before going to bed.

Her grandparents who love her will take the trouble to prepare food for her every time, but she is afraid of being hungry. Over time, the little guy's spleen and stomach became more and more bad, and he vomited and diarrhea accidentally, the grandparents blamed themselves, and the children suffered.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

Not drinking enough water

Children love to jump and make trouble, they forget things when they play, and most of them need to be reminded by their parents when they remember to drink water. If you encounter a child who is really fascinated by playing, even if you are reminded repeatedly, your child will forget to drink water.

At home, one or even two pairs of parents always remind that when they arrive at the kindergarten, a teacher will be responsible for 20-30 children, where can they take care of it. If you encounter a child who is struggling and waiting to be fed to his mouth, it is even more impossible to drink water.

However, we all know that water is the most important component of the body, and all kinds of bodily fluid cycles are inseparable from water. In addition, drinking water is also particular, you need to drink a small amount many times, even if you are not thirsty, it does not mean that you do not need to replenish water.

By the time the child really feels thirsty and needs to drink water, the body is actually very dehydrated. If this continues, the child will often get sick and will not get better, and it will be difficult to avoid it.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

The home is too clean

Children often get sick after entering kindergarten, which is also related to the fact that the home is too clean.

The fact that it is too clean here does not mean that there is no garbage in the house and that it is cleaned frequently, but that the disinfection in the home is too strict, and the children have no chance to come into contact with fungi.

We all know that there are various kinds of bacteria in nature, some of which are beneficial and some of which are harmful. There are many of these fungi in daily life. Many bacteria are actually non-pathogenic, and children are not only not harmful when they come into contact with them, but can also enhance their resistance.

However, in order to prevent their children from getting sick, some parents are eager to soak their homes in disinfectant every day to kill all kinds of bacteria, and their children also lose the opportunity to improve their immunity.

However, if you can do this at home, you may not be able to do it in kindergarten. After all, there are so many children in kindergarten, and behind each child is a different family.

From a clean to extreme environment suddenly into an environment mixed with various bacteria, and there is no defense in advance, it is difficult for such a child not to get sick.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

Psychological pressure

In addition to the above external factors, there is also an internal factor, that is, the child's psychological pressure.

Just imagine going from a familiar environment surrounded by acquaintances to an environment full of strangers, even as a mature adult, you can't help but panic and take a little time to get used to.

For a 3-4 year old, immature, sensitive little guy, this is tantamount to a huge challenge, we only feel that the child is crying and disobedient, but in the depths of the child's heart, it may be full of worry, fear, anxiety.

This is also the reason why there are always many children crying at the door when the kindergarten opens every year.

Psychology affects physiology, and if the child can't adjust for a long time, it will be difficult to avoid getting sick and catching a cold.

The 5 reasons why the baby always gets sick after going to kindergarten are very real, and parents should not ignore them

In addition, there are children who are sensitive to certain foods, intolerant to certain foods, and cause repeated coughing and discomfort after eating; children do not make good friends in kindergarten, lack of sense of belonging, and have rejection and resistance, which is manifested in physical depression, illness for a long time, and even pretending to be sick to avoid going to kindergarten.

In fact, no matter what the situation is, there are traces to follow, as parents, we must be good at seeing the essence through the phenomenon, help children find the cause, and then find a countermeasure, step by step to solve it, overcome it.

After all, we are all part of society, and children cannot stay at home for the rest of their lives, they always need to find partners, learn to adapt, and blend in with the crowd little by little, but don't delay because of illness.

#0-6 years old parenting scripture#