
Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

author:Sports Lao He

In the 33rd round of the CBA League, the focus battle against Liaoning VS Guangdong, in the end, the Guangdong team lost to Liaoning 97:104 at home, and was killed three times in the latter season.

1. Ren Junfei's unexpected injury and retirement greatly disrupted the team's original tactical deployment.

2. Young players play too sluggishly and are too nervous in the game.

3. The Guangdong team has never felt the "home advantage" so far this season, and the loss is a matter of course.

It seems to give people a feeling that the content of Du Feng's interviews today is almost the same, and the post-game summary of each game is either that the team is young, or the free throws are not enough, or there is no home advantage, and he has never reflected on his own problems. There is one thing to say, the opponent of this game, the Liaoning team, let the three main forces, Guo Allen, Han Dejun, Cong Mingchen did not come, in this case, they relied on the whole team to win the game, this is the championship to show the due foundation, they deserve to win the game!

Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

In this game, Du Feng's guidance actually has a big problem in terms of both personnel and tactics: first of all, in the use of foreign aid, now it seems that Du Feng is becoming more and more unable to suppress foreign aid Waters, although Du Feng has repeatedly reminded him, but Waters insists on choosing unlimited individual singles, almost he took the ball through a simple block and dismantled directly outside the three-point line in the game, and it is all up to God to enter; 。

Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

Now the existing configuration of the Guangdong team seems to be bullying the weak team, there are too many problems exposed by the strong team, the overall ability of the domestic players has deteriorated greatly, and the opponent Liaoning team has repeatedly had strange soldiers like Li Huyi, the Guangdong team at the critical moment is more dependent on foreign aid to solve the problem, but objectively speaking, this must not let Du Feng pay for it alone, because the Guangdong team's lineup has indeed had a big problem. Media person Mai Suifeng said bluntly after the game: The aging of the Guangdong team is really obvious, everyone does their best, but it is too short and too slow - slow to move, and the speed of action is also slow - but sometimes the disadvantage of the lineup is difficult to overcome, and the replacement of the old and the new is so cruel, not every time "people will win the day". The club's management should actually bear a lot of responsibility for all this.

Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

However, Du Feng complained after the game that Guangdong did not have any "home advantage" at home this season, and I personally think it is unreasonable! The referee's judgment in this game actually has a lot of controversial penalties on both sides, but to be honest, it is really not enough to affect the overall trend of the game, and the Guangdong team loses more because of inferior skills, and the level of its own lineup has declined too seriously in recent years, so that a series of problems have been exposed very obviously. In fact, this is in the past, when did Du Feng care about such a problem? In the past few years, when he was behind, he often disdained to instill the mentality of "20 points is a fart" with the players, and when your team's hard power is strong enough, the so-called influence of all off-field factors does not exist.

Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

In the case of the club's high-level poor recruitment and the head coach's repeated mistakes in personnel scheduling, the team's defeat is inevitable, but looking at the attendance rate of the home stadium today, Hongyuan may have gradually exhausted the enthusiasm of the fans if it continues like this. After the game, General Manager Zhu Fangyu couldn't wait to start a personal live broadcast on social media, claiming that he was already looking for foreign aid, but he still couldn't find a good one, and many fans could only smile bitterly.

Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

So at the last moment of the game, almost half of the fans at the Guangdong home stadium have chosen to leave, which is quite rare compared with the past. One more thing to say at the end: the eyes of the fans are bright, and today, the general manager and the head coach, who used to think of themselves as wise, are now like this, and to be honest, like most people, I really don't understand what this team wants.

Indignant! After the loss, Du Feng's remarks caused controversy again! Why is it so difficult to admit that his skills are not as good as others

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