
Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

author:Three small hairs

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > preface:</h1>

Introduction: Planted for more than 2000 years, nutrition is comparable to apples, when I was a child, when I ate fruit, now I often fall to the ground and no one picks it up

The autumn equinox is about to begin, and on this day there is also a festival dedicated to farmers, the Harvest Festival. This is a festival dedicated to farmers to celebrate the harvest, so is there a good harvest this year?

In the autumn of September, when many fruits are harvested, fruits such as pears and apples are ripe in large quantities and are concentrated on the market. As we all know, apple is now a very common fruit in daily life, but it was still relatively rare decades ago, and ordinary families rarely eat it several times a year.

Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

However, there is a fruit in China that looks very much like an apple, and it is not inferior to apples in terms of nutrition, which can be compared with it. In the past, rural babies ate it as fruit, often eating it until they were supported.

But now it often falls to the ground and no one picks it up, and even many people don't know that it can be eaten, which is a pity.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > introduction to begonia fruit</h1>

Begonia fruit is the protagonist that Xiaomao wants to introduce to you today, it is planted in many places in China, and it can be seen in parks, communities and roadsides.

After all, its fame is very large, especially its flower, the begonia flower, which is even more famous. It is also because the begonia flowers have a long flowering period, strong floral fragrance, and high ornamental value, so this tree is often planted as a green tree.

Have you ever eaten the fruit of a begonia? It is estimated that many people have seen it, but they do not know that this fruit can be eaten.

Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

Begonia fruit is actually a very old fruit, its scientific name is red thick shell, is the evergreen tree plant of the genus Red thick shell in the Garcinia cambogia family.

This kind of tree in China's planting history is also very long, according to historical records that the begonia fruit tree is a kind of tree native to China, as early as 2000 years ago has been widely planted, which shows that it has begun to eat it at that time.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" can > begonia fruit be eaten? </h1>

The flowering period of begonia trees is in March and May in the spring, the flowering period is relatively long, the flowers are relatively large, they are white, and there are four petals. The fruit ripening period is in September-November. The fruit is very small, spherical, only the size of an egg, ripe and yellow, looking very much like a miniature version of an apple.

Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

Every year in the autumn, ripe begonia fruits can be seen in many roadsides, parks and communities in the north. However, almost no one picks it, often falling to the ground, and then rotting and no one picks it to eat.

Because many people do not know that this wild fruit can be eaten, many people are afraid that it is poisonous and dare not eat it.

In fact, begonia fruit is edible, as a native fruit, it has been eaten as a fruit for a long time. Like a few decades ago, there was no fruit to eat in the countryside, and in the autumn, many people went to the mountains to pick wild begonia fruits to eat. Because of its small size, many people eat more than a dozen at a time until they reach the end of the meal.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > value reference for begonia fruit</h1>

Begonia fruit not only looks like a mini apple, but also has some similar taste and taste, and it tastes sour and sweet, especially in terms of nutrition, begonia fruit is also comparable to apples.

Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

Don't look at the begonia fruit is not large, two or three bites can eat one, but its nutritional value is very high. Begonia fruit is rich in nutrients such as sugars, carotenes, multivitamins and organic acids, as well as minerals and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese.

In particular, it contains more vitamins than the "king of vitamins" kiwifruit.

And it is worth mentioning that begonia fruit can not only be eaten fresh, but also can be used to process dried fruits, jam, fruit peel, etc., and in the past, people also used begonia fruit to make wine, vinegar and so on. The seeds of begonias have a high oil content, and the oil squeezed can be used for industry, medicine, etc.

Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

At the same time, begonia fruit can also be medicated, and Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of quenching thirst, strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea.

It's just a pity that few people now know that begonia fruit can be eaten. Only in a very few areas of the north, people will occasionally pick some begonia fruits to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" > concluding remarks</h1>

Many people have seen begonia fruit, often confused it with a niche apple on the market - "red fruit", which is commonly known as sand fruit.

In fact, these are two different fruits. Although begonia fruits look very similar to red fruits, they are all native fruits in China, but the scientific name of begonia fruits is red thick shell, which is a red thick shell plant of garcinia cambogia. The cauliflower is a plant of the apple genus Rosaceae, which belongs to the true apple family.

Nutrition does not lose apples, when the fruit was eaten in childhood, few people know it now, and no one picks up the preface: Introduction to begonia fruit Can begonia fruit be eaten? The value of begonia fruit refers to the conclusion

However, in terms of taste, begonia flowers and red fruits are similar, both are sour and sweet, especially after ripening, the taste is still good.

Friends, have you ever eaten begonia fruit? Is there anyone else in your hometown who eats this wild fruit? If you want to pick, try not to pick orchards, communities and roadsides, because these may be sprayed with insect repellent pesticides. And when encountered in the wilderness in the mountains, you can pick it and taste it!

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