
The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

author:Xiaoyun said something


This is a public controversy incident caused by bloggers chasing traffic. Behind the incident is a conflict of interests and morality, a game between personal fame and fortune and the privacy of others. We seem to be caught in the moral dilemma of the information age: should privacy be sacrificed for profit, whether reputation must be built on the suffering of others, and whether we can turn a blind eye when the victim is compensated?

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

1. Inspector Wang met Dr. Sun Weidong, a wandering doctor

Inspector Wang, an obscure little blogger, began to broadcast live on the streets of the United States in order to gain more attention. On this day, he met an elderly Chinese man in ragged clothes, and after talking, Inspector Wang learned that this was Dr. Sun Weidong, who had come to the United States to study 16 years ago, and had now become a street wanderer.

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

Sun Weidong, an outstanding graduate of Fudan University majoring in computer science, came to Stanford University for further study 16 years ago with public grants. However, after graduation, he was unable to return to China in time due to visa reasons and was forced to stay in the United States. Due to various reasons, Dr. Sun was unable to find a suitable job, and his life was difficult and he was reduced to living on the streets.

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

Inspector Wang keenly captures this contrasting life experience, with a strong topicality and newsworthiness. After returning, he quickly made and uploaded a video with the caption "Dr. Liuyang in the past, now the wanderer on the street". The video immediately caused an uproar in China and sparked heated discussions.

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

Second, Inspector Wang became famous and revealed the process of finding materials

After the video became popular, Inspector Wang became famous and was sought after by major media. In an interview, Inspector Wang talked about the process of finding materials at that time: "I saw Dr. Sun sitting on the sidewalk in embarrassment during the live broadcast on the streets of the United States, and immediately realized that this was a great opportunity to create a hot spot!"

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

"It doesn't matter if you get the doctor's consent, influencers need to do whatever it takes to get traffic, and that's the rule of the game in this circle. Inspector Wang's remarks immediately sparked controversy in China, with many questioning his actions as a serious invasion of personal privacy.

3. The Chinese in the United States collectively protested against Inspector Wang

The incident sparked a wave of protests among the Chinese community in the United States. They strongly condemned Inspector Wang's actions as a serious violation of public morality: "How can he publicly expose his privacy without the consent of the doctor himself!"

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

According to the poll, 83 percent of Chinese in the United States said that Inspector Wang was responsible for his actions, 76 percent believed that Dr. Sun should be compensated, and 65 percent wanted Inspector Wang to apologize publicly.

Professor Li said, "Inspector Wang's actions infringe on individual rights and damage reputation. Under the law, Dr. Sun can file a lawsuit for damages, an apology, and the removal of the video. ”

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

Fourth, everything is like a pre-planned layout

Taking a step back, many of the details of this incident seem to suggest that it was a well-orchestrated game of interests.

Inspector Wang gained fame and traffic, and was successfully promoted to an Internet celebrity, and the domestic public also got the news of hot discussions. Even Dr. Sun himself received donations after the incident, and his life may improve.

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

Every participant has gained some kind of benefit from this game. It is like a cleverly designed balance of interests, with the only price being the reputation and privacy of Dr. Sun and his loved ones.

We need to reflect on the fact that in this paradoxical situation, everyone has a role to play, and every choice pushes events in a certain direction. What values are we upholding, and where is the moral bottom line?

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

Fifth, netizens are hotly discussing and expressing their opinions

This incident sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and netizens expressed their opinions:

"I think Inspector Wang's actions have seriously exceeded the bottom line, and he must bear legal responsibility and publicly apologize. ”

"Isn't it also a good outcome for Dr. Sun to receive a donation and a secure life?"

"If it weren't for Inspector Wang's exposure, Dr. Sun might still be roaming the streets, and his actions have somehow changed the doctor's fate. ”

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

"But this should not be based on the loss of Ph.D. rights and reputation. ”

"I think Inspector Wang and some netizens who contributed to the trouble should be responsible, without them, the incident would not have been so big. ”

"Behind this incident is the problem of the whole society, and everyone should reflect on it. ”

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

6. Reflection on events: rationality, empathy and bottom-line judgment

Whether from the legal or moral level, we should not deny that this incident exposes the conflict between interests and ethics.

It reflects the value orientation of privacy and publicity in an era, the game between rationality and selfish desires of a group, and the moral bottom line and the balance of interests of each individual.

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

It is worth pondering: we should not despise the feelings of any individual, we should not be without empathy, we should not lose our rationality for the sake of fame and fortune, and we should not easily compromise our moral bottom line.

Everyone is not a saint, but they can find their place in this incident, examine their choices, and continue to reflect on how to find the balance between reason and empathy in this era.

The truth is revealed, it turns out that everything is carefully planned, and the script of Dr. Sun Weidong in the United States is exposed!

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