
Sharing bicycles to cut leeks for the people? With this money, it is better to buy your own car!

author:Sigh XL

In recent years, the bike-sharing industry has risen rapidly and has become one of the important choices for urban travel. However, as time went on, some began to question the actual value and economic benefits of bike sharing. They believe that riding a shared bicycle at a price of 4.5 yuan per hour is actually cutting "leeks". Netizens have said that it is better to buy a car yourself with this money!

Sharing bicycles to cut leeks for the people? With this money, it is better to buy your own car!

First, let's analyze the cost of bike sharing. For an average cyclist, the cost of 4.5 yuan per hour is not low. Assuming that he needs a total of 1 hour of riding time to commute to work every day, the monthly riding cost is as high as 135 yuan. In contrast, if he buys an ordinary bicycle, the one-time investment cost may only be a few hundred yuan, or even less. Although there is an additional maintenance cost for a bike, it is obviously more cost-effective to buy a bike than the monthly cost of using a shared bike.

Sharing bicycles to cut leeks for the people? With this money, it is better to buy your own car!

In addition, the convenience of shared bicycles has also been questioned by some. Although bike-sharing can be found in all corners of the city, there is often an imbalance between supply and demand during peak hours or in specific locations. As a result, users sometimes have to look for a working bike for a long time, or even find it in time. In contrast, owning a car not only allows you to travel at any time, but also has the flexibility to deal with issues such as traffic congestion and tight deadlines.

Sharing bicycles to cut leeks for the people? With this money, it is better to buy your own car!

In addition, as a public travel tool, whether shared bicycles can meet the travel needs of individuals is also a question. Sometimes, users may need to bring some luggage, shopping items, or other personal items, and the shared bike does not provide enough space. And if you have a private car, these problems can be easily solved, and travel is more convenient and faster.

Sharing bicycles to cut leeks for the people? With this money, it is better to buy your own car!

Of course, we can't deny the environmental friendliness of bike sharing. Bike sharing is undoubtedly a low-carbon and environmentally friendly way of travel, which can reduce environmental pollution and traffic congestion. For some people who need to travel short distances, bike sharing is still a good option. However, for people who need to travel long distances, having a personal vehicle can better meet their needs.

Sharing bicycles to cut leeks for the people? With this money, it is better to buy your own car!

To sum up, whether riding a shared bicycle at a price of 4.5 yuan per hour cuts people's leeks depends on individual circumstances. For some people who are better off the economy, it may be more cost-effective to buy a car, but for those who need to travel for short distances, bike sharing still has its own specific advantages. Regardless of the mode of travel we choose, we should make informed decisions based on the actual needs and economic conditions of the individual.