
In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

author:A third master

Winter has arrived, the cold snap is gradually rising, the temperature is constantly dropping, and the ice and snow are coming too suddenly, and it seems to be a little unprepared. At this time, many people will feel a mess in their diet and life, and some will even feel stressed and anxious. But under stress, perhaps what we should do more is to implement our own diet, especially adding some foods that can ward off the cold and keep warm, and can also enhance resistance, so that we can become healthier physically and mentally.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

In winter, root vegetables rich in starch and vitamins are most often highly recommended by nutritionists, such as radish, yam, sweet potato and lotus root. Although the appearance is not as pleasing as leafy vegetables, the nutritional value is not bad at all, especially for us who need to enhance our resistance in the severe cold, starch-rich root vegetables are not only high in calories, but also easy to digest and absorb in the body, and can quickly replenish energy for the body. It is also rich in B vitamins, which can enhance the body's defense, improve metabolism, drive away cold and dampness, and enhance immunity.

As the saying goes, I can't forget the old days when "root vegetables nourish the body", so let's take a look at these four roots with high nutritional value, have you eaten them?

1. Radish: rich in potassium, warm the heart and body

As for the root vegetable of radish, when I was a child, I followed my mother to the vegetable market and saw the shiny white radish, and saw it cut into shreds, pieces, and balls;

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

Radish is rich in potassium, and 100 grams of radish contains 781mg of potassium, which is 3 times more than that of apples. Potassium plays an important role in promoting the development of our cardiovascular, nervous and other systems, so there is also a saying that "potassium supplementation" is equal to "warming the heart and body". Of course, radish nutrition is not limited to this, it is also rich in vitamin C, the VC content exceeds other common vegetables, about twice that of tomatoes, and is rich in fiber, which can help regulate intestinal peristalsis, and also contains a certain amount of positive nutrients such as vegetable carotene.

Different varieties of radish have different functional characteristics, such as carrots have a higher sugar content, suitable for cooking soup, adding sugar to enhance freshness and sweetness, white radish is more suitable for mixing salads, soup, etc., black radish is rich in iron, suitable for iron deficiency, chervil and radish are common in Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot and pork hot pot, the taste is crisp and firm but not woody. Regardless of the variety of radish, it is very rich in nutrients and is essential in winter vegetables.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

Now you can try to add fruits, nuts, soy products and other vegetarian ingredients on the basis of radish for innovative collocation, such as celery radish and apple soup, carrot and hawthorn pork rib soup, peanut puree and yellow radish, chives and carrots tofu balls, etc., which are more nutritious and have a richer taste.

2. Yam: nourishes the stomach and warms the spleen

In the pharmacopoeia of the motherland, yam is one of the "six major supplements", and it is listed as the top grade among the supplements along with ginseng. Yam is rich in carbohydrates such as lotus deer sugar and starch, which can be quickly absorbed and converted into glucose in the body to supply the body with calories. Unlike other rhizomes, yam has a smaller starch and can quickly provide heat without over-swelling the stomach and burdening it. Not only that, another nutrient in yam - protein, is also quite rich, far beyond the level of ordinary vegetables, and the amino acid profile of protein is relatively comprehensive.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

The smell of the yam itself is faint, some sweet, some astringent, with a little fragrance. After being cooked at a low temperature or steamed directly, it is soft and glutinous with a little firmness, and if it is carefully cooked and an appropriate amount of seasoning is added, the texture and taste can be said to be quite good. Therefore, in winter, the public often chooses cooking methods such as braised yam, yam pork rib soup, yam roasted pork, yam pureed mushroom soup, etc., all in order to make the clammy and cold stomach better repaired and warm. Of course, yam cakes, shredded yam mixed with yogurt, yam dumplings, etc. are also common ways to eat, but the real effect of yam is still to nourish the body in addition to deliciousness.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

In particular, it should be noted that yam is easy to have convergent reactions with almonds, raisins and other ingredients, so stay away from these allergenic ingredients when pairing, and eat them separately from seafood so as not to affect the medicinal effect of yams.

3. Sweet potato: three high nemesis, cold and detoxification

The nutritional value of sweet potatoes is also very high, especially for people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar and other "three highs", sweet potatoes have certain curative effects, which can increase dietary fiber intake, increase satiety and reduce the absorption of fat and sugar. Although the starch in sweet potatoes cannot be directly converted into blood sugar, it can be gradually decomposed and released, which plays a role in stabilizing blood sugar, which is undoubtedly good news for patients with "three highs".

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

The effect of sweet potato is not limited to this, it also has an antioxidant effect, can remove peroxide free radicals and other harmful substances in the body, play a certain role in detoxification and delay aging, and is rich in zinc, selenium, iron and other trace elements, can improve the body's coenzyme activity, enhance immunity, to resist the invasion of external pathogens.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

As a starchy ingredient, sweet potatoes are different from pasta, which is easier to digest and absorb, and the taste is softer and glutinous, and there will be no feeling of hunger, which is especially important in the cold winter. In winter, you can eat more sweet potato porridge, sweet potato cups, sweet potato cakes, etc., which are light and soft in taste, and the nutrition is also balanced, which is most suitable for cold stomach and intestines. Sweet potato leaves are also rich in carotene and other antioxidants, which can also be fully utilized.

4. Lotus root: sweet and smooth, waterproof pipe freezing

When it comes to the method of driving away cold and dampness in winter, ginger, brown sugar and wormwood are usually inseparable, but in fact, there is also such an ingredient with multiple functions such as replenishing the solid qi in the body, dissipating cold and dispelling dampness, and that is lotus root.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

The most prominent nutritional characteristics of lotus root are the sweet taste, which is natural sweetness and is not achieved by adding sugar. This kind of carbohydrate from the starch inside the lotus root can not only protect against the cold and keep warm, but also will not burden the body, and the digestion and absorption of starch is also easier to accept than rice and pasta. Not only that, lotus root is also rich in polysaccharides, "golden silk gum" and other pharmaceutical ingredients, which have the effect of inhibiting the excessive secretion of gastric acid, which can effectively improve common symptoms such as chronic stomach diseases. It is also rich in alkaloids, which can improve and smooth intestinal motility, relieve diarrhea and abdominal pain.

In winter, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat 4 kinds of roots, and you can't be sloppy in your diet

When eating lotus root, be sure to choose freshly picked ones to ensure the efficacy of the medicine. Fresh lotus root not only has a distinctly sweet and attractive flavor, but it is also elastic and crisp and sweet to eat.

In winter, no matter whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat more of the above 4 root vegetables, you can't be sloppy in your diet, hurry up and collect it!