
Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

author:The three rural areas analyze the common people

"Friends Please Listen 2" ushered in the closing ceremony, and in the last episode of the program, the audience witnessed a sweet Mongolian dance online battle, performed by host Xie Na and her husband Zhang Jie. This dance is not only super sweet, but also shows the tacit understanding and interaction between real couples, which makes people fall in love with it. The scene at the end of the whole show is even more emotional. After the recording, Zhang Jie announced that he would personally take Xie Na home, bringing this season of the show to a successful end. The simple but heartwarming proclamation elicited an enthusiastic response from fans. Zhang Jie's romantic move doesn't stop there. In the last episode of the program, he peeled the shrimp for his wife and "fed" it with his own hands, showing the deep affection between them under the gaze of Mr. He Jiong. This move makes people see the perennial sweetness between the two artists, as if they have always maintained the feeling of first love.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

The love of this couple was described by the audience as an ideal model. Zhang Jie can always sketch the image of stars in her eyes in front of Xie Na, making her a happier and brighter girl. This kind of real and warm interaction makes people deeply feel the tacit understanding and deep feelings between them. "The most beautiful love words may not need many flowery words, and may not need to be affectionate I love you, it is probably a sentence in daily life I will take you home, I am waiting for you. This passage expresses Zhang Jie's love for Xie Na and his cherishing of his family, which makes people feel a sense of security between them. There are also some controversies behind this touching love. The interaction between fans of the two artists in the variety show caused a heated discussion. Although they have always proved their love for each other with practical actions, the comments and doubts from the outside world do not seem to stop.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

For Xie Na, her career once surpassed Zhang Jie. However, with the birth of three children and the twists and turns in her career, she faced some anxiety. Zhang Jie's care for her and his concern for the outside world made this marriage even more firm and strong. Xie Na and Zhang Jie use their stories to tell people that sincere love does not need to be in the eyes of the unexpected world, but is based on daily care and tacit understanding. I hope that the couple can go on happily ever and create more good memories. "Friends, Please Listen 2" ushered in the closing moment, and an intoxicating Mongolian dance became the highlight of the show. This part of the husband and wife interaction presented by Xie Na and Zhang Jie is not only super sweet, but also interprets the deep feelings between them on an ordinary stage.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

The end of the whole show gives people a feeling of heartwarming. After the recording, Zhang Jie announced that he would personally take Xie Na home, a simple and intimate act that made the audience sigh at the tacit understanding and deep feelings between them. And this Mongolian dance is the perfect embodiment of the tacit interaction between their husband and wife. In the picture, they seem to have jumped into a romantic fairy tale world, telling their love story with moving dancing and eye contact. At this moment, the audience seems to be in a happy dream, deeply blessed with their love. Zhang Jie's romantic gesture is intoxicating. In the last episode of the show, he peeled the shrimp for Xie Na and "fed" it with his own hands, but this simple action was full of affection and love. Teacher He Jiong watched the couple from the sidelines, and could not hide his admiration for their affection. Such details fully express the sincere feelings between them.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

The love between Brother Jie and Sister Na is an ideal sample. In front of Zhang Jie, Xie Na can always show a little girl-like laughter. This makes people sigh that the real life of a husband and wife can also be filled with so much sweetness and laughter. There is a kind of love called Zhang Jie and Xie Na. The most beautiful love words may not be flowery words, but sincere expressions in daily life. Zhang Jie said in the last episode: "I'm here to pick you up, I'm waiting for you." This simple sentence contains the longing for home and the deep affection for Xie Na. Their love process is as melodious and beautiful as the song "Don't Forget Your Heart", which makes people feel a deep sense of security. In their unique way, this couple interprets the most beautiful love into the best life, which is moving. There is no shortage of controversy behind this love. The interaction between fans of the two artists in the variety show caused a heated discussion.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

Although they have always proved their love for each other with practical actions, the comments and doubts from the outside world do not seem to stop. For Xie Na, her career once surpassed Zhang Jie. However, after giving birth to three children, the twists and turns of her career left her anxious. Zhang Jie's care for her and concern for the outside world make this marriage seem firm and strong. As Xie Na said, this relationship will never tolerate vanity and flashiness. Looking back on their love process, I can't help but think of what Mr. He said at the end of "Love Apartment": "I can't help but sigh that even if they are different identities in parallel time and space, they finally came together." Jena's love is the kind of deep emotion that is not often kissed and hugged, but can be expressed through subconscious small actions and details. Their love has experienced the test of time, like the rose of the city, which has become more and more gorgeous under the baptism of time.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

Zhang Jie said: "When the show I love ends, I will be sad. You come and bring me back, I won't be so sad. This sentence may be simple, but it is the best expression of deep affection for each other. The roses in the city may have been sold out long ago, but for Jena's love, the continuation of happiness has only just begun. No matter what the rumors of the outside world are, they have proved with practical actions that two people who love each other do not need the eyes of the unexpected world. In them, the audience sees not only a husband and wife, but also a kind of adherence to sincere feelings. This season's "Friends, Please Listen 2" is over, but Jena's romantic drama continues. May this couple be able to go on happily ever after, and in their unique way, present us with more sweet moments that will resonate in watching their love story.

Every time Xie Na records the last episode of the show, Zhang Jie will pick her up, the real couple is so good!

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