
Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

author:Zhao Zhao's expectation


Cao Cao, the heroic and mighty outstanding commander of the Three Kingdoms period, faced the captured strategist Chen Gong, he asked a seemingly ordinary but profound question: "Who will take care of your wife after your death?" What kind of talent did Chen Gong's answer make Cao Cao feel emotional and tearfully see him off?

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

defected to Lu Bu and turned against Cao Cao

Chen Gong was brilliant and resourceful, and was recognized as a first-rate strategist in the world. He was able to write poetry at the age of eight and argue at the age of ten, and showed extraordinary talent from an early age. When he grew up, he made extensive friends with heroes and was known as "little smart".

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Chen Gong was under the command of Cao Cao. At that time, Cao Cao was only a small county guard, with a low status and limited strength. However, Chen Gong saw Cao Cao's talent and ambition, and was willing to follow him and give him advice. With the assistance of Chen Gong, Cao Cao successfully pacified the Yellow Turban thieves in Dongjun and became famous. Cao Cao saw that Chen Gong was talented and appreciated, so he relied on him even more and regarded him as his own.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

For a time, Chen Gong became Cao Cao's most trusted confidant. However, the good times did not last long, in the first year of Xingping, Cao Cao went on an expedition to the north and prepared to crusade against the remnants of the Yellow Turbans. At this time, before leaving, he specially instructed Chen Gong to guard Dongjun to prevent thieves from attacking. Cao Cao treated Chen Gong like a close relative, and he was defenseless.

Unbeknownst to him, Chen Gong had a different heart, took the opportunity of Cao Cao's expedition to rebel, colluded with Zhang Chao and others, and defected to Lu Bu, who was powerful at that time. Cao Cao was furious and deeply disappointed, he never expected that the big trouble would come from the person he trusted the most. And at this moment, is Chen Gong also regretting that he disobeyed Engong and betrayed Cao Cao's kindness?

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

In the second year of Jian'an, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, and the momentum shook the north. In order to expand his strength, Lü Bu took advantage of the weakness to attack Yanzhou and Xuzhou, and led his army to besiege Yanzhou, Cao Cao's stronghold. When Cao Cao led his army east to the rescue, it was Chen Gong who defended Yanzhou.

The confrontation between the two armies of Cao and Chen was extremely dignified. At this moment, what are the ups and downs in Chen Gong's heart? Does he feel guilty for betraying his former benefactor? Or does he firmly believe that Lu Bu is the destination of his destiny? History cannot give an answer. We only know that he still chose to stand on Lu Bu's side and meet Cao Cao's soldiers.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

In times of crisis, he resolutely begged for death

Finally, in the third year of Jian'an, Cao Cao's army pressed the border, and Lu Bu could not resist it, so he could only surrender to Picheng. Chen Gong was also captured by Cao Cao in this battle. I haven't seen him for a few years, and the former monarchs and henchmen are now incompatible. Cao Cao sarcastically asked Chen Gong about the righteous and awe-inspiring oath of the day, intending to ridicule his words for not being in line with his deeds. The sourness and mockery in this sentence could not be clearer to everyone present.

Unexpectedly, Chen Gong was unmoved. He calmly pointed out that Lu Bu did not listen to the advice and only came to this point. Then, Cao Cao asked how this matter should end in the future. This was an obvious temptation, and its purpose was only to get Chen Gong to comply. At the moment of life and death, his fate was in the hands of Cao Cao. Surrender may be able to survive; Righteousness is the only way out.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

Chen Gong resolutely chose the latter. The weight of this sentence made everyone present tremble. Faced with the predetermined ending, Chen Gong calmly and righteously, without the slightest fear. Cao Cao repeatedly persuaded him, but words were useless. Because in Chen Gong's heart, his life has come to an end. Once in this life, there is no turning back.

Life is facing an end, but Chen Gong has always been calm and calm. His tone was calm, as if he were just stating an indisputable fact. Cao Cao's questions were dismissed one by one - he said that since his mother had filial piety to rule the world, she would not be involved; His wife and children will also be handed over to Cao Cao for proper placement...... Behind these few words is Chen Gong's understanding and judgment of Cao Cao's personality. He was convinced that Cao Cao would take care of his family.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

Seeing off with tears and regret

Cao Cao did not save Chen Gong's life after all. He could only watch as this former henchman and right-hand man was escorted to the execution ground. Moments before the execution, Cao Cao wept again. Because he knows better than anyone else that what he wants to cut off with his own hands is a rare genius in the entire era. A commander-level talent who can gallop across the field with a little training.

That day, Cao Cao was depressed. Why didn't he want to keep Chen Gong and reuse his talents? If Chen Gong had been retained and let him assist him in his crusade, what would the situation be today?

This became the knot and regret of Cao Cao's life. Because of the talents of Xun You, Guo Jia and other strategists, there is still a certain gap compared with Chen Gong. In the years that followed, every time he thought of Chen Gong, Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh. This regret and regret has been with Cao Cao for a long life.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

The melancholy of fate, or the heart belongs

Chen Gong chose to follow Lü Bu and eventually died at the hands of Cao Cao. This life encounter is inevitably embarrassing and regretful. The young man abandoned the darkness and followed Cao Gong, but finally confronted him on the battlefield. He could have surrendered and been reused, but he was bent on dying...... Then the question arises, why didn't Chen Gong surrender to Cao Cao? He knew that the person in front of him had already seen through his own personality, and he also greatly appreciated his own talents.

And at this moment, Chen Gong's wives and children are also all subject to Cao Cao. Surrender is a way out for self-preservation of the family. This is also the purpose of Cao Cao's repeated persuasion. So many heroes and heroes, so many lords love him and spoil him, but Chen Gong is desperate to follow Lu Bu, even if he goes to the soup and fights the fire - is this the tragedy of Chen Gong's life? He can obviously return to Cao Cao, change his face, and go to the peak of his brilliant life again.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes

However, perhaps it was the persistence and obsession in his heart that made him willing to gamble and survive on the edge of fate. Because of the fate of Lu Bu, his life has lost its meaning.

He could not accept his betrayal and rebellion. Even if it means a doomed end. He would rather die than abandon his inner convictions. Perhaps, it is this stubbornness and persistence that supported the spiritual pillar of his Chen Gong's life, allowing him to calmly face death.

Cao Cao captured Chen Gong and asked: Who will take care of your wife after your death? Chen Gong's answer made Cao Cao see him off with tears in his eyes


Following his heart is the true color of his Chen Gong in this life. Even if the ending is bleak, there are no regrets. This is the real Chen Palace. It is difficult for us today to fully comprehend the choices of such a person. But it is precisely because of their existence that each era is colorful, and each era constitutes those legendary historical scrolls!

What's even more touching is that Cao Cao married Chen Gong's daughter to a child of a good family and gave Chen Gong's family care. This kind of tolerance and kindness to Chen Gong's family shows that Cao Cao also has a side of caring for his family and respecting life in addition to the battlefield.

This historical story not only makes people sigh at Cao Cao's open-mindedness, but also reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature under the troubled times. In these long years of war, love seems to be the most precious light.

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