
The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

author:Professor Kwan Quan

The article is about 2100 words in total, and it is expected to take about 7 minutes.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Jia Yueting will return to China next week, and the circle will be greatly Xu Jiayin, it can be said that every boss has a dream of building a car. However, before the dream could be realized, the building collapsed. I thought that Evergrande still had the last trump card, Evergrande Automobile, but what I didn't expect was that Liu Yongzhuo, an Evergrande company, had an accident.

Wei Xiaoli, who used to build cars together, has become a star in the new energy era, why did Evergrande and Jia Yueting fail together?

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Evergrande Automobile is in danger again?

A few are happy, a few are sad. Some people are full of guests, and some people are frowning and worried. It can be said that how brilliant it was was today is how embarrassing it is.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Recently, there was a sudden news that Evergrande had an accident again, and this time it was not real estate that happened, but Evergrande Automobile. According to Evergrande Automobile's announcement, Liu Yongzhuo, the executive director of Evergrande Automobile, has been arrested, and Evergrande Auto has once again fallen into everyone's doubts.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

We all know that Evergrande Automobile was originally one of Evergrande's future industries, and its purpose was to make Evergrande's business more diversified, and at the same time, Evergrande could use it to tide over the crisis.

That is, today, when China's new energy vehicles are making rapid progress, Evergrande Automobile, which has entered the game in a high-profile manner, is not in such a torrent.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Rather, they are gradually falling behind. Similar to Evergrande is Jia Yueting, who was once suffocated by his dreams. Because we know that when the country encouraged the development of new energy vehicles, Evergrande and Jia Yueting's FF91 were one of the earliest players to enter the game.

Today, we see that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in mainland China is close to 40%, and the annual sales have even reached 9 million, and the cars of these two companies are still in the early stage of large-scale delivery.

It can be said that both families got up early in the morning to catch a late set. In fact, behind the failure of these two companies is actually revealed a similarity, that is, the difficulty of transformation.

We know that one of the characteristics of the mainland is that whenever an industry is gradually saturated, it is always necessary to expand to other industries. And at the moment in the mainland, which industry has great potential?

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

I think that's definitely the car-making industry. Because we know that the car industry is a capital-intensive and technology-intensive industry, and its huge industrial chain will also bring huge profits. Germany and Japan are now the biggest beneficiaries, but they have not succeeded.

In fact, in addition to the strategic differences between the two companies, this is more reflected in the fact that the two companies do not have a clear understanding of the future economic situation.

So why can everyone else succeed, but they don't?

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Behind the failure to build a car

If it is said that it was difficult to build a car in the past, it seems that it is not difficult to build a car now, but some people succeed and some people fail, in fact, what is reflected behind this is the definition of the future.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Because we know that the strongest countries in the past were Germany and Japan, because these two countries are the two most powerful countries in the world today, it can be said that they have always been our benchmarks.

However, they met us. For a long time, there has been a saying that it took Europe, the United States and the West to build all this, and if China wants to catch up, I am afraid it will take several generations.

But they are wrong, and the mistake is that they think about the future with the thinking of the past and even the present. Because we all know that the development of things is not linear, but leapfrogging, and the speed of development in China does not seem to be comparable to the development speed of Europe and the United States.

Because all along, our speed will always be greatly surpassed and advanced in Europe and the United States. And in the field of car manufacturing, too.

The main reason is that they entered the battlefield early, but they used the Western way of thinking to develop and build cars, that is, they did not innovate too much and moved the West to China.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

But can all this succeed? Obviously not, because in the field of new energy, the West is not much more advanced than China, and even they are far behind us. So all of this is on our own.

In the past, in the process of developing the manufacturing industry, there was always the idea that it was better to buy than to build, and it was better to rent than to buy. Of course, this was indeed feasible in that era of material scarcity in the past, because we lacked everything, so we needed to fill it with foreign ones, and slowly imitate and learn.

But now that we have gone hand in hand with the West, and even we are ahead of them, it is better to buy than to play, and it is naturally impossible to succeed if we buy or not rent. And don't forget, the core technology can't be bought, and even if it is bought, it is a backward technology that others have eliminated.

And today's competition in the Chinese market, can we still tolerate the existence of such a product? We can see today which successful car company does not have its own core technology?

So, the root of everything is not down-to-earth, but thinking about continuing to rely on the old way of thinking to complete the corner overtaking, which is impossible.

The president was arrested, the stock plummeted, there was no hope of hematopoiesis, why did Xu Jiayin and Jia Yueting fail to build a car?

Moreover, the Chinese market has always had a characteristic, that is, our products from the beginning of the growth period to the maturity period are shorter than those in the West, and the competition is also more intense, which requires huge energy for enterprises to complete. And these two, we can see, is the car their main business?

I guess it's hard to say. Moreover, after Jia Yueting failed to build a car in China, he chose the United States as its core. However, the opposite of it is Tesla, Musk has moved his factory to China and achieved great success, it can be said that the root of all this is that they take it too lightly.

At the same time, they always think about the future in the same way as before, and at the same time use the Western model to set China, it can only be said that the times have changed, and they have not chosen to change. In the face of the times, it is natural that people and even enterprises that have not kept up with the times will be gradually eliminated.

Therefore, the development of things and the changes of the times are changing, and the only constant is sincerity.

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