
Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

"I hope that next year, I will still see a few teachers, wearing red, such a long time has not made his personality converge, so I don't have any hope that his personality will converge in 2024, but wearing conservative color clothes, I hope he will live longer, healthy and long. ”

If you look at this passage from the external environment, it probably won't cause such a big reaction, but this is a public forum, and Wang Shi and Zhou Hongyi are sitting opposite. In the dialogue of less than one hour, Cheng Qian and the guests in front of him had many verbal exchanges, and the last paragraph of the conclusion was a disastrous live speech.

At the beginning of 2024, another knowledge blogger overturned.

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

Publicly scolding Zhou Hongyi caused controversy

Cheng Qian apologized late at night: low-level mistakes, unforgivable

The blogger who caused "public outrage" on social media is named Cheng Qian, a video blogger who has achieved the top level in the business interview track, and currently has 6.35 million followers on Cheng Qian's Douyin large "Cheng Qian Circle of Friends".

However, a public forum collapsed the blogger with millions of followers overnight.

On January 5, the "2023 Fengma Niu Year-end Show" came to an end in Beijing, and in the roundtable forum, Cheng Qian, a post-90s entrepreneur, as the host, had a dialogue with three business bigwigs, Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, Wang Shi, the founder of Vanke Group, and Feng Lun, the founder of Wantong Group.

During this period, when Zhou Hongyi was expounding his views, Cheng Qian interrupted his speech many times, causing Zhou Hongyi to ask rhetorically: "Are you a speaker or a host?"

Cheng Qian said that he had carefully prepared a small composition, but several bigwigs were "giggling", Zhou Hongyi responded: "In the future, I would rather use a teleprompter than a manuscript on this occasion, so that the audience will feel that you are not the worst one tonight." Cheng Qian once again hit back at Zhou Hongyi and said: "Do you still have the WeChat of the guests who have been on the same stage?" At this point, the organizer Feng Lun had to frequently play haha to return to the round.

Finally, Cheng Qian said the closing remarks of the beginning of the catastrophic scene.

The public annual speaking forum took place on January 5, and the topic continues to ferment to this day. Cheng posted a video on Weibo late yesterday night to publicly apologize, he said that this performance is unforgivable, this is not the intention, and he wants to sincerely apologize to Zhou Hongyi.

"Impolitely interrupting others' speeches, not listening to dissuasion, and sarcastically mocking guests in a cursed and aggressive tone......" In this incident, the outside world's evaluation of Cheng Qian is almost one-sided, thinking that his on-site adaptability, knowledge reserves, emotional intelligence and other abilities are completely opposite to those shown in the short video, and the calm and wisdom that once showed beyond age is gone at this moment.

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

From 0 to tens of millions of fans on the whole network

What did you do right before the journey?

In this way, Cheng Qian became the first knowledge blogger to overturn in 2024.

It is worth noting that before the rollover, the post-90s generation gave the impression of a gentleman of conversation, with strong empathy, insight, and expression skills, and was the most successful head blogger in the business interview track.

As an entrepreneur who can appear on the same screen with Zhou Hongyi, Wang Shi, and Feng Lun, Cheng Qian's business model can definitely be said to be successful.

@程前朋友圈的第一条抖音视频发布于2021年4月5日, the content is "Visiting the Real Life of a Breakfast Stallholder", the video has received more than 20 w+ likes, and now for more than two years, the account has accumulated more than 6 million fans, with an average number of likes of about 200,000.

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

The content is mostly interviews with small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, lasting 10 minutes and 20 minutes, from fashion brands to pet home appliances, oral medical care, consumer life and other fields.

The phrase "Why do you make money" can often be heard in his videos, and this sentence has become a signature quote in his videos.

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

Maybe it's because of the magnetic voice, calm style, elegant conversation, or maybe because of the excellent shooting and editing, all in all, Cheng Qian's interview video has successfully achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1.

But this is far from enough, for Cheng Qian, what he wants is a business model that can achieve stable profits, and to achieve this ultimate goal, it is only the first step to attract fans.

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

Earn 10 million a year by selling circles

But this business model is not easy to replicate

After completing the fan attraction in the public domain, Cheng Qian officially started his business monetization. From the perspective of spin-off, Chengqian's business monetization model is roughly divided into three parts.

The first is the content advertising fee and the project cooperation fee, which mainly comes from the interviewees. To put it simply, the interviewee paid to use the video before Cheng Qian to promote his entrepreneurial project, and the entrepreneur got a lot of exposure after the video was released.

At the same time, Cheng Qian also received high-quality content, which laid the foundation for the follow-up to continue to absorb high-quality entrepreneurial cases, thus forming a virtuous circle, and more and more people will come to Cheng Qian for interviews.

The second monetization model is community membership, which is simply "selling circles".

In the comment area of all Cheng Qian's matrix accounts, you can see the drainage entrance, through which the diversion will eventually be added to the WeChat account of a small assistant, and in this way, Cheng Qian will gradually convert 10 million fans into private domain traffic through the matrix account.

Then it is to start selling members,The reporter inquired and found that the private domain community members before the journey are called the annual members of the Xinhuo community,The price is 2198 yuan a year,The user who buys it can enjoy the exclusive、Small group interaction、5000+ contacts and other 12 rights and interests,The details page introduces that members are suitable for people who want to learn business content、Are starting a business、Need high-quality business resources。

Cheng Qian apologized to Zhou Hongyi: The post-90s generation made an interview video to attract 6 million fans, and earned 10 million a year by selling circles

The third monetization model is the private board of directors, which is an advanced version of the community members. The price of the private board of directors is about 50,000 or 60,000 yuan, and the main target is high-end business people, who can have a one-to-one conversation with Cheng Qian, and can do IP positioning, business planning and other content for each other if they have a good chat.

This is Cheng Qian's business model, the Blue Whale reporter learned from people familiar with the matter that over the course of a year, this business model can help Cheng Qian easily achieve tens of millions of revenues. The logic is also very simple, that is, to convert public domain traffic into private domain traffic through interview programs, and then monetize the traffic. This business model is similar to that of many knowledge paid bloggers, Cheng Qian just changed his vest at the front end, turning knowledge payment into business interviews, compared to giving the audience knowledge, real entrepreneurial success stories may be more impressive to the audience, which is also one of the reasons why Cheng Qian can succeed.

However, examples can only be learned, and if they are imitated completely, they may not be able to replicate the success of others.

A knowledge paid blogger told the Blue Whale reporter that now you look at Cheng Qian's model, which may be a good business, but interview videos are not an easy track to cut into, from shooting and editing to content planning, release, and streaming, the cost of the entire process is high, and ordinary entrepreneurs need to invest a lot of manpower, material and financial resources at the initial stage, and often the pay is not proportional to the return obtained, so it is not recommended for ordinary people to enter the game.

The blogger said: "Choosing a track should not only look at how much money the first place earns, but also see whether the 10th and 100th places make money." ”

From exchanging scolding with the big guy to apologizing publicly, Cheng Qian can be said to have become popular, and he is completely out of the circle, whether this is an unintentional move or a script that has been arranged is unknown, but at least after the forum turmoil, there are more people who know Cheng Qian, which is not a bad thing for him from the perspective of traffic.

Extended reading:

Apocalypse before the event: Don't hold a concert for lip-pisting

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