
My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

author:Broken boat cold
My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

"Sister, you study well, study with peace of mind, I'll figure out a way for tuition!"

In the winter of 2006, I lost both my parents in a car accident, leaving my brother, who was 2 years younger than me, to take care of my school fees at the age of 16.

Ten years later, on the night of my wedding, my drunken brother walked in with his chest clutched, crying and begging me to grant him a request......

This article is a short story, and the content is purely fictional, please watch it rationally.
My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

[A car accident ruined our family]

In 2006, our family of four embarked on a pleasant road trip on that sunny morning, and there was still half a month to celebrate the New Year, so we decided to take advantage of the rest and drive out.

It was winter, but the sun was good, it sprinkled on the body, illuminating the road ahead, everything was so beautiful and peaceful, my brother and I were laughing and laughing in the back seat, chatting about what food to eat and what souvenirs to buy when we arrived at our destination.

This trip was planned by my parents in advance, and after I got the results of the college entrance examination, I successfully got into the first book, so my parents decided to reward me, but it was delayed because of some things at that time, so it was implemented in winter.

My 16-year-old brother is still a leather monkey, and he chatters all the way, sometimes asking to sit on the left, sometimes asking to sit on the right, as if he doesn't want to miss any of the views.

The fuss was ruthless, I pinched him hard, maybe it was the blood suppression, he didn't dare to fight back, only dared to sue his mother in the front row.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

"Mengmeng, you can't pinch your brother, you look at it and it's all red!" Mom has always been partial to my brother, I pursed my lips and didn't speak.

But Dad was not used to his younger brother at all, and said directly: "You should pinch him, you look at Zhuang Zhuang like a leather monkey, and he won't stop for a while." ”

After getting my father's maintenance, I laughed happily secretly, and my younger brother was much more honest on the side, maybe afraid that I would pinch him again, or maybe I was afraid that my father would scold him.

My name is Zhang Yameng, and my brother's name is Zhang Yazhuang, perhaps because of the small age difference between us, since we were young, we were like a cat and a mouse, and we didn't stop pinching, but in the end, it ended in my victory.

I thought that life could go on like this forever, but I didn't expect fate to inadvertently play a cruel joke on us at our happiest moment.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

A large runaway truck suddenly rushed into our lane and collided head-on with our car, and at that moment, time seemed to stand still, and all sounds and colors disappeared, leaving only the screeching sound of crashing and breaking glass.

The car accident happened so suddenly, our family of four didn't have time to react, the car was badly deformed, the door was tightly stuck, could not be opened, and the younger brother next to me was covered with blood on his head, but he still covered my head with his hand at the first moment of danger.

Mom and Dad in front of me were silent, and I called out their names, trying to get a response, but it was all in vain, no one answered me, and I couldn't move, my body was squeezed into a small space, pain and fear enveloped the entire carriage.

My head was dizzy, my legs were squeezed and hurt, and my face felt hot, as if I had been cut by flying glass, and I couldn't wake up my parents and brother in the front row.

Rescuers quickly arrived at the scene, they used professional tools to break down the car door, rescued us one by one, I was still a little conscious, watching my parents and younger brother also get into the ambulance, I fell asleep.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

I don't know how long I've been asleep, I just feel pain all over my body, my eyelids are very heavy, I can't open them, I want to call mom and dad, but there seems to be something in my mouth, and I can't call it at all.

It seemed that I had slept for another day, and I opened my eyes completely in the early morning, and the nurses around me were busy, and soon I was able to speak.

"What about my parents and brother?" my voice was hoarse, but my mind was clear, my body was painful, and I was constantly reminded of what had happened.

"Don't be excited, it's a pity that your parents didn't rescue you, your brother is still in the intensive care unit, and the truck driver who collided with you is at fault, but he has also passed away, but your family's medical expenses and later nutrition expenses are borne by their family......"

My mind was so chaotic that I couldn't hear anything, I just knew that my parents were dead, I had no parents, I had nothing!

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

In the days that followed, I often think back to that morning, when the sun was shining and our family set off with laughter, but I didn't expect that it would be our last reunion.

Every night, I think of my family, those warm images and familiar sounds, those memories seem like just yesterday, but so far away.

My younger brother was discharged from the hospital after half a year, and due to changes in my family, I took a year off from school, and after my brother was discharged from the hospital, I have been taking on the responsibility of parents to take care of my younger brother.

He was very strong, and in the days when he learned of his parents' death, he didn't eat or drink, until one time in the middle of the night when he saw me crying with a picture of my parents in his arms, he seemed to grow up overnight and began to learn to take care of me.

The driver at fault is a young man in his 20s, and there is only one old mother at home, and he has paid a total of 500,000 yuan in compensation for medical expenses and my parents' funeral expenses.

But the money soon bottomed out, my father is an only child, and my grandparents are also old, so they can't afford to support the two of us to study, and my uncle is not willing to support us......

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

[My 16-year-old brother resolutely dropped out of school for me to study]

It seems that all the good things at the beginning have been completely shattered, everything seems to be on a dead end, my younger brother is only 16 years old, and he is in his second year of high school.

The family's house is bought in installments, with three bedrooms and one living room, and I need to pay a mortgage of about 1,000 yuan every month, plus water and electricity bills, all of this is like an invisible mountain, pressing me to death.

Seeing that the day of the agreed suspension was approaching, I decided to give up my studies and take on the responsibility of the family to support my younger brother's education.

After making up my mind, I went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables and ribs, and I was going to cook a good meal for my brother in the evening, and told him about this plan.

These days, my brother doesn't know what he's messing with, he goes out early and returns late all day, and he is still mysterious.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

"Running around every day, washing your hands and eating, my sister has something to tell you today. "I tied my mother's apron before her death and made three dishes and one soup, maybe I would have too much of my mother's shadow, and my brother's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"Alright, it's time to wash your hands and eat. I stepped forward and patted him, and I quietly wiped my tears as he turned to go to the bathroom.

"Sister, you study hard, I went out to work to make money, I have already gone through the withdrawal procedures in the past few days, and I have also found a job......"

Listening to my brother's sudden confession, I instantly became angry: "No! You have to go to school, I have already decided to quit school and work, what can you do at such a young age!"

As I spoke, I was about to pick up my mobile phone to call my brother's teacher, but my brother held me down: "Sister, I went to the car repair shop as an apprentice, with a monthly salary of 1,500, and I will be proficient in the craft in the future, and I can get 3,000 yuan a month." ”

When I heard my brother's words, I burst into tears, and I hated myself for why I was indecisive and didn't drop out of school earlier to bear the burden of the family, but let my brother take on these things.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

Seeing me crying, my younger brother couldn't help but shed tears: "Sister, I know that my parents still have a deposit of 100,000 yuan, and I can't spend all this money, in case something happens to my grandparents in the future, I have to bear it as a grandson......"

Listening to my brother's chattering plans, I couldn't help but be stunned, I don't know when my brother grew up quietly, and thought about it so much.

The house that my parents paid down on before their deaths must not be moved, and my younger brother will get married in the future, how can I do without a house, the 100,000 savings may be spent one after another, but at least 50,000 can be left.

Under my brother's painstaking persuasion, I could only nod my head and promise, and promised my brother that I would study hard and make a lot of money for my brother in the future.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

Since that day, my younger brother, who has just turned 17, has been running around, fighting for his life, he has done all kinds of hard work in the car repair shop, and has suffered a lot, but he never complains, never gives up, and he also sends me all the money he earns, so that I can study with peace of mind.

I know that the money was exchanged for his sweat and tears, and every cent embodies his hard work and dedication, so I also worked part-time in school, and did some odd jobs in my spare time.

Since I had taken a year off from school, I had to start from scratch when I went back to school, but even so, I needed to work harder than others to live up to my brother.

Four years, four whole years! With the support of my younger brother, I successfully completed my studies, and the moment I got the admission letter, I was so excited that I burst into tears, and I knew that my younger brother had exchanged his youth and dreams for it.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

[Seeing me find happiness, he burst into tears]

After graduating from college, I found a pretty good job, with a monthly salary of 5000+, paying five social insurances and one housing fund, and taking normal vacations on holidays, but it was a little far away from home, and it took 2 hours to get there by car.

In order to make it easier for me to commute to work, I rented a house near my salary for 800 yuan a month, plus water and electricity bills, and I had a fixed expenditure of almost 1,000 yuan a month.

The younger brother has now learned the craft, and he can get a salary of 4,000 yuan in the car repair shop, but the original white boy has been destroyed by the suffering that came ahead of time and became a man.

I saved 2,000 yuan every month and decided to use it as a bride price for my brother's future marriage.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

In my third year on the job, I was promoted, my salary changed from 5000+ to 8000+, and I also met boys who really loved me.

His name is Zhao Zixuan, the director of the company next door to us, 5 years older than me, because he had an unforgettable love before, so he was delayed.

Zhao Zixuan is very good to me, three meals a day are delivered, even all kinds of small festivals never fall, after he pursued me for a month, I decided to agree to him, but at the same time I also want to tell him about my situation.

When he heard what happened to me, he was very distressed, and at the same time he couldn't stop praising his younger brother for taking on so much at a young age.

After I fell in love with Zhao Zixuan for half a year, he solemnly proposed to me, and promised that my younger brother would also be his own brother in the future, and I didn't have to bring back the bride price for the marriage at that time, and I could keep it all for my younger brother.

Looking at the man in front of me with a sincere face, I agreed to him and took him home three days later.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

"Hello, Ya Zhuang, my name is Zhao Zixuan, and I am your sister's boyfriend. The younger brother's eyes looked at Zhao Zixuan and was not friendly, and he was even a little hostile and questioning.

I knew what he was worried about, and I knew that he had been careful to protect me since my parents died.

At night, I came to my brother's room and decided to have a good talk with him: "Zhuangzhuang, Zhao Zixuan, he is really good, he is sincere, and my sister can feel it." ”

"I understand, sister, but I still can't help but worry. ”

"Go, go, I'm worried, your sister and I are so smart, who can coax me. ”

In the midst of laughter and play, my younger brother officially recognized Zhao Zixuan, and at the same time, I also told my younger brother about Zhao Zixuan's promise, and gave my younger brother the 200,000 I had saved over the years......

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

[On the night of the wedding, he made a request]

Half a year has passed, and my wedding with Zhao Zixuan also came as scheduled, it was my younger brother who personally handed me over to Zhao Zixuan, and when he left, I obviously saw him wiping his tears.

After the wedding, I was tired and lay motionless on the bed, and Zhao Zixuan was called out by a few good brothers to drink again.

Just as I was about to wash up and rest, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Sister, open the door, I have something to tell you!"

It was my brother's voice, I didn't doubt him, I quickly opened the door, my brother seemed to have drunk too much, he tightly guarded the bag on his chest, and walked in.

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request

"Sister, I only have one request! You live your life well, don't think about saving money for me to marry a daughter-in-law. Saying that, he also returned the bride price money I gave him before: "If this money is in my hands, you will be looked down upon by my mother-in-law's family, I will accept the 200,000 yuan you saved, and give it to your brother and daughter-in-law in the future, but you take the 100,000 yuan I have, and it should be the dowry money given to you by my parents!"

At the most important moment in my life, I was touched by my brother's actions. Behind his words and actions was a deep love and care, and I couldn't control it anymore, hugging my brother and crying.

Since I was a child, my brother and I have always had a good relationship, although we sometimes quarreled, but soon reconciled, although my parents are gone, my brother and I have become each other's harbor, supporting each other......

My brother has always been thinking about me, and even in moments like these, he has been thinking about me!

My brother sacrificed everything for me to study, and 10 years later, on the night of my wedding, he made a request