
The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

author:Brother Chen chats about the world

In 1949, when the People's Republic of China was just born, the mainland was in a situation where all kinds of waste were waiting to be rebuilt, all undertakings were still in the embryonic state, and the problems and challenges faced by the country were enormous. However, in order to ensure the development of the national economy and the people's living and production needs, the government still took out limited funds and materials to ensure the electrification of key cities and industrial areas, thus laying the foundation for the mainland's industrialization process and economic development.

They, these electricians in shabby coarse cloth overalls and hard hats on their heads, climb up and down telephone poles, whether it is a hot summer or a bitter winter, are busy in the streets and alleys of the city. Sweat slid down their faces, and the hard hats on their heads were wet with sweat, but they didn't care, still focused on their work.

In the bitter cold winter, they are wrapped in thick cotton clothes, still brave the cold, climb on the high poles they do this, sometimes just to erect a wire, sometimes in order to repair an electrical equipment behind the prosperity of the city, they pay silently, in order to bring us light and convenience, they do not hesitate to risk their lives again and again These brave and strong electricians are the loveliest people in our lives.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

On the land of China, there is a place known as the "poor mountainous area", which is one of the most economically backward areas in China. In order to improve the living standards of the people there, people from all over the country and people from all walks of life have reached out to help. However, due to the limitations of local natural conditions and economic conditions, the problem of electricity supply has been plaguing the people there.

To solve this problem, many brave electricians and local farmers stepped forward and used rudimentary weapons to open roads and lines in the mountains. They went deep into the mountains and overcame countless difficulties to finally provide electricity to these impoverished mountainous areas. Their bravery and perseverance are awe-inspiring.

In the process, many electricians and local farmers went one after another, and they gave their precious lives to erect an overhead line. However, instead of giving up, they moved on to bring light and hope to those in need.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

The selfless dedication of these brave electricians and local farmers shows us the kindness and selflessness of the Chinese people. Their actions have not only improved the living standards of the local people, but also made great contributions to China's poverty alleviation. Their spirit will forever be engraved in the history of China.

In my career, I have encountered many heart-wrenching events, and one of the most memorable events for me is still vivid in my mind. It was a cold winter, and three of my comrades and I were on a wiring mission where we needed to pull wires from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. However, just as we were working halfway up the mountain, a comrade-in-arms accidentally fell from a height and was killed on the spot.

It was a heavy blow to all of us, our hearts were filled with grief and pain, however, we could not give up our work because we knew that if we did not continue, then our work would fail, which would have a serious impact on the power supply of our units and the entire region, so we could only quickly carry the bodies of our comrades down the mountain and continue our work It was a very difficult experience, but we had to face it and move on, and I will never forget that cold winter, that challenge that I went through with my comrades。

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

On a sunny spring day, electricians began a major construction task in order to improve people's living conditions. In this environment of eating and sleeping in the open, they carried their bags on their backs, walked on the rugged mountain roads, and unswervingly erected telephone poles. Under such difficult conditions, they relied on their own industrious hands to overcome all kinds of difficulties and transmit electricity from the power plant to every household, so that thousands of households could use electric lights, telephones and other electrical equipment.

As the power lines wind back and forth in the valley, the top of the mountain finally ushered in the light of electricity, which is the result of their hard work and brings great convenience to the local residents.

In the arduous environment and conditions, generation after generation of ordinary electricians have overcome many difficulties, with the spirit of selfless dedication, stick to their jobs, and have made great efforts to make indelible contributions to the electric power industry of New China, and their hard work and dedication have also laid a solid foundation for New China to move towards an electrified society.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

It is precisely because of their painstaking efforts to build the power grid at any cost that we can now use electricity widely in our cities and villages, thus improving the backwardness of the past and profoundly changing the way we live and work.

Since the 50s of the 20th century, in order to improve the power resources of various regions, China has begun to vigorously develop the power industry, and is committed to providing electricity to more regions across the country. However, when the wires were laid into the southwestern mountains, the workers encountered a series of great difficulties, which brought the construction of the power transmission to a standstill.

It is a complex and varied terrain of old forests, densely populated with undeveloped mountains, dotted with dense vegetation and rugged mountain roads, and it is impossible to erect a high-voltage line that is thousands of miles long, as it requires overcoming many difficulties and challenges.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

The conditions at that time were quite difficult, there was no modern equipment, everything could only be done by manpower. In order to erect the first power line on the rugged mountain road, we had to build a simple iron tower using tree branches and rattan, and then more than 20 people dragged the wires with a tow rope and climbed to the top step by step.

Working on the edge of this steep cliff is a very dangerous job, due to the complex terrain and severe weathering, the operator may fall and be injured if he is not careful. It is true that every year there are electricians who lose their lives in such work, causing untold suffering to their families. However, despite the danger of the job, everyone understands it, but no one chooses to back down.

They firmly chose this job, in order to ensure the city's power supply, in order to ensure everyone's life, they disregarded their personal safety, bravely stood at work, they are the heroes of the city, they use their actions to interpret what is responsibility and responsibility.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

In the process of carrying out their tasks, they often face life and death choices, but all of them have a mission in their hearts, face all difficulties and dangers with firm faith and courage, and only hope to be able to complete the task as soon as possible, so as to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

In the period that followed, some proposed the use of weapons instead of manpower to spread the guide rope in the air. The idea was adopted after careful consideration. They first fired guidance wires into the air with mortars and grenades and made them move back and forth in the air. The wires are routed along a pre-designed route to guide the aircraft back.

As technology continues to evolve, the wires are made more and more elaborate, and they are able to work in all kinds of weather conditions, and when the veteran electricians recall their work, they still have lingering fears, they use cannonballs to throw guide wires in mid-air, whether the cannonballs explode or spread the lines in mid-air, they are brave to move forward.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

They often saw the deaths of their colleagues due to dangerous behaviors during the line erection, but they did not stop there, but strengthened their resolve. These heroic electricians are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, always stick to their posts, and have made indelible contributions to the stable supply of electricity. With their unremitting efforts, the high-voltage power lines finally traveled through the endless mountains, bringing light and warmth to the people in the mountains.

In that arduous construction environment, we can still see the traces of the hard work of those ancestors here, and the blood and tears of those former builders for the prosperity of the country and the happy life of the people have become immortal medals for the development of this country. It is precisely because of their spirit of dedication to the circuit and their unwavering belief that we have achieved the prototype of our current Chinese power grid framework, bringing infinite convenience and benefits to our lives.

They are present in every corner of China, and they have always stuck to their respective posts at the cost of their lives, braved hardships and hardships, lit up every corner in their own way, and contributed their strength to China's prosperity and development.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

Nowadays, drone technology, as a new type of technology, has been widely used in various fields. Among them, the erection of high-voltage lines has also ushered in the application of UAV technology, and the development of UAV technology has brought revolutionary changes to the erection of high-voltage lines. In the past, the erection of high-voltage lines needed to rely on manpower or simple tools to develop the line, which not only consumed a lot of manpower and material resources, but also had great potential safety hazards.

Today's drones are lightweight and flexible, and can replace people to work directly at heights.

The principle of the UAV erecting a high-voltage line is simple. First of all, two towers need to be erected where they are needed to serve as support points for the wires. Then pull a leash between the two towers to connect the shore.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

After that, the drone is operated by professionals, who first grab the most important main wires in the circuit and mount them on the tow rope. In the end, these main wires were towed, and the rest of the wires were also lifted into the air by the drone one by one, completing the laying of the entire circuit.

Compared to the past, the use of drone technology can greatly reduce the difficulty and risk of construction. Drones can soar through the air nimbly, reach previously unreachable locations, and then set up power lines with precision.

What used to take artillery shells or more than 20 people to complete can now be done with just one or two small drones, which greatly improves the safety of the work and avoids casualties.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

Not only are drones able to reach areas with complex terrain to erect power lines, but in the past, it was quite difficult for us to lay circuits in environments such as mountains and jungles, but now with the assistance of drones, this problem can be easily solved. Drones can freely shuttle between the trees, find the best path to arrange the wires, and even erect some new circuits that were not possible in the past, thus greatly improving the stability of the power supply of the grid.

It is expected that in the next few years, the laying of electricity in most parts of China will be replaced by drone technology. By that time, they will be able to adapt to a variety of complex environments.

As long as the terrain allows, the electrical circuit can be laid after the tower is erected.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

Drone technology has a huge contribution to supporting our power grid. Without the sacrifice and bloodshed of the builders in the past, the development of the power industry will be more efficient, convenient and environmentally friendly.

All of this comes from the foundation laid by the older generation of electricians. It is their spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice that has achieved the rapid development of China's power industry.

Today, we enjoy the convenience of electrification in every household, and the seemingly ordinary lighting facilities are all made by the older generation of electricians with the most simple conditions and tools, in the complex and changeable terrain, step by step to open up the path of the circuit, and strive to achieve results.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

In the mountains and ditches, the old electricians carried dozens of kilograms of equipment and struggled on the rugged paths. During the day, they erect iron towers, and at night they sleep in the open field.

They sacrifice their lives to work, without weekends and holidays, just to complete the task as soon as possible. The wages at that time were meager, but no one complained about it. The ordinary electricians threw themselves into it with an almost fanatical enthusiasm, even at the cost of their lives.

An accident while blasting the line left the old electrician without his left arm. However, he didn't care about his disability and returned to work the next day. Because he knows very well that it is precisely by the persistent tightening of these "screws" that the power grid of New China can be firmly built.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

No one is dispensable. For him, the comrades-in-arms who fought side by side and shared weal and woe were his driving force to move forward, and contributing to the construction of the motherland was his firm belief. It is the spirit of selfless dedication of the older generation of electricians that lights up every family in China.

Thanks to the hard work of the older generation of electricians, the mainland has initially established a power grid system, and the power supply can basically meet the basic needs of cities and towns. This gives us reason to believe with confidence that in the near future, the mainland power grid will be more efficient, intelligent and green, and achieve the goal of "two rates and three modernizations", that is, by 2035, the electricity penetration rate in rural areas and remote mountainous areas will reach 100%, and in urban areas will reach more than 95%.

With the continuous development of science and technology, it is expected that the national power grid will be fully intelligent management and control by then. At that time, the power system will work highly synergistically with high-speed railways, highways and charging station facilities.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

Through the developed cloud computing and big data technology, the power grid company can monitor the electricity consumption of the whole country and even local areas in real time, flexibly allocate power resources, allocate them scientifically, and avoid waste.

At the same time, renewables will become a dominant part of China's power mix. It is estimated that by 2060, non-fossil energy will account for more than 80% of installed electricity capacity.

At that time, green power such as solar energy and wind energy will be widely used to replace high-carbon thermal power generation and achieve zero carbon emissions in China's power industry. This will not only contribute to the construction of ecological civilization, but also make people's electricity more convenient and economical.

The Chinese drone erects high-voltage electricity, high-voltage wires weighing several tons, how does it drag?

With the foundation laid by the older generation of power builders, the development of China's power grid is worth our expectation, we have reason to believe that China's power grid will gradually mature and improve, and even surpass developed countries in some aspects, to achieve a double harvest of quality and quantity.

At that time, people will be able to enjoy reliable and convenient electricity services wherever they are. This will greatly improve the quality of life of the people, and at the same time become an important symbol of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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