
Cross talk big names gathered, Li Boxiang commented on Yu Qian in four words, netizens, what qualifications does he have to say so?

author:Interesting beams

Hard work and talent: Which one do you value more? Yu Qian and Li Boxiang, superstars in the cross talk world, commented on each other at a party, which sparked a discussion about hard work and talent. Li Boxiang used "very hard-working" to describe Yu Qian, but this evaluation was misunderstood by some netizens as a hint that Qian's talent was not enough. This leads us to think about which is more important, effort or talent, and how to evaluate a person's talent and effort more comprehensively. Regarding the dialectical relationship between effort and talent, we first need to re-examine the so-called "talent" and "effort". The so-called "talent" is not an innate and unparalleled talent, but in some way more gifted than the average person. However, this talent also requires hard work to be realized.

Cross talk big names gathered, Li Boxiang commented on Yu Qian in four words, netizens, what qualifications does he have to say so?

And the so-called "effort" is not simply doing the same thing repeatedly, but it requires reflecting on one's own shortcomings and shortcomings, and constantly seeking ways to improve. Only in this way can you really improve your ability and level. Yu Qian and Li Boxiang, as superstars in the cross talk industry, are not immune to doubts and misunderstandings from the outside world. However, they did not give up because of this, but proved their abilities and talents with practical actions. They know that only through continuous efforts and practice can they truly improve their level. As for the dialectical relationship between effort and talent, we should face it with a peaceful mind. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the important thing is to keep working hard and constantly improving your abilities. Hard work and talent are not an either/or choice, but complement each other. Those who seem to have achieved something easy have also put in a lot of hard work behind them.

Cross talk big names gathered, Li Boxiang commented on Yu Qian in four words, netizens, what qualifications does he have to say so?

And those who have been working quietly but are not known may also have their own unique talents. Therefore, we should encourage everyone to take care of both, constantly improve themselves, and achieve a better version of themselves. When evaluating a person's talent and effort, we should perhaps think about whether a person's evaluation should be based on a comprehensive understanding of them, rather than based on a one-sided view. Everyone deserves to be respected and understood. Which is more important, hard work or talent? In your opinion, how to evaluate a person's talent and hard work? What is your opinion on this topic? Pursue your dreams with a positive attitude and enjoy success and happinessEveryone desires success and happiness, but how can we achieve it? Perhaps we can find some inspiration from Yu Qian and Li Boxiang.

Cross talk big names gathered, Li Boxiang commented on Yu Qian in four words, netizens, what qualifications does he have to say so?

Their stories show us that regardless of whether they are considered gifted or not, it is possible to achieve their dreams, achieve success and happiness if they have a positive attitude and keep working hard. So, how can we approach work and life with a positive attitude and realize our dreams? First of all, we need to establish a correct concept of success. Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes a lot of effort and perseverance. Just like Yu Qian, he was not expected to become a dancer from the beginning, but through unremitting efforts and self-cultivation, he eventually became a high-profile dancer. Therefore, we must understand that success comes at a cost, and only by continuous efforts and persistence can we move towards the road to success. Secondly, a positive attitude is also crucial. With his optimism and positivity, Li Boxiang has won a piece of heaven for himself.

Cross talk big names gathered, Li Boxiang commented on Yu Qian in four words, netizens, what qualifications does he have to say so?

No matter what difficulties he encounters, he can face them with a smile, and this optimistic attitude can not only help him get through the difficulties himself, but also infect others and get more support and help. Therefore, we must learn to maintain a positive mindset and believe that everything will be okay even in the face of difficulties and setbacks. In addition, hard work is also the key to success. Success is inseparable from hard work, and only by paying can there be gains. Yu Qian and Li Boxiang are both people who love their careers, they continue to study, keep practicing, and finally achieve their own success. Therefore, we must be down-to-earth, bravely pursue our dreams, and continue to work hard and practice in order to show the best of ourselves on the stage of life. In general, everyone has the right to pursue success and happiness, and the key to achieving this goal is to establish a correct view of success, maintain a positive attitude, and keep working hard and practicing it.

Cross talk big names gathered, Li Boxiang commented on Yu Qian in four words, netizens, what qualifications does he have to say so?

As the story of Yu Qian and Li Boxiang tells us, it is only through unremitting efforts and a positive mindset that we can move towards success and realize our dreams. So, how do you deal with your work and life, and what kind of stories and insights do you have on the road to pursuing your dreams? Let's share and discuss together.

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