
Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

author:Little Fish's bedtime story

On January 11, in the education circle of Manhattan, New York, there was once a young math wizard - Jeffrey Epstein, who sat on the calculus podium of the top private school Dalton School at the age of 20 with his extraordinary wisdom.

This "youngest" high-IQ teacher not only won the admiration of students, but also met many celebrity parents with his unique charm and interpersonal skills in just three years of teaching, including Wall Street predator and Bear Stearns head Alan Greenberg.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

Greenberg's eye for Epstein's eclectic intellect and business acumen introduced him to the bustling halls of Wall Street. After joining Bear Stearns, Epstein was a rock star in the financial world, and in just four years, he was promoted to partner with distinction and completed an amazing career comeback.

In 1982, the sought-after trader decided to start his own business and founded Jay Epstein Financial Management, which quickly rose to become a leader in the industry. In just a few years, his AUM soared to more than $1 billion, cementing him to a prominent position in the financial world.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

As his wealth snowballed, Epstein also showed the investment vision shared by the rich, pouring huge sums of money into the real estate market. By the time of his dramatic turn in life, his estate empire had spread across the United States and France, with six luxury properties worth a total of $150 million, including five mansions in the United States and a mysterious estate in the romantic capital of Paris.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

Jeffrey Epstein, once known as a business wizard, could have achieved more in the financial world, but chose a dark and controversial path. He secretly built a mysterious "paradise" called "Loli Island", intending to use this platform to serve the world's powerful and carry out a series of unknown trading activities that challenge the bottom line of morality.

Recently, the veil of this hidden world has been further lifted, involving many international celebrities, including Alan M. Dershowitz, a prominent American lawyer and professor emeritus at Harvard Law School. This titan in the legal profession actually revealed his little-known side in the "Loli Island" incident.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

According to credible sources, Professor Dershowitz has been on the island 137 times, and on this luxurious island, he is suspected of being involved in a series of heinous acts that completely upend everyone's perception and admiration for him.

It is reported that Alan Dershowitz is also accused of committing a heinous assault on the island against a minor girl, Virginia Giuffre, who was only 14 years old at the time. According to the in-depth disclosure of foreign media, the details provided by the victim are heart-wrenching and infuriating, and she recalls the painful experience she suffered in a room decorated with a striking red velvet chair, and those ten minutes became her lingering nightmare.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl
Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl
Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

After revealing that Alan Dershowitz was involved in a moral controversy for allegedly assaulting underage girls, an emotional blogger directly @ the social media account of Luo Xiang, a well-known criminal law lecturer and internet celebrity, and publicly accused him of remaining silent in the face of negative news about his idol, questioning whether he was pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl
Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

As we all know, Alan Dershowitz enjoys a high reputation in the global legal community with his outstanding legal talents and brilliant career, and has always been Luo Xiang's life mentor and idol. The scandal that broke out this time shocked many netizens, and many netizens bluntly said that they were disappointed in Luo Xiang.

Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl
Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl
Emotional blogger scolded Luo Xiang! His life mentor went to Loli Island 137 times and violated the details of his 14-year-old girl

However, the accusations and harshness of netizens seem unreasonable, after all, no one can spy on the private life of their idol, who would have thought that the superficially righteous and awe-inspiring Dershowitz would have such a dirty side.

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