
Don't sit on the shared massage chair, the strength and position are not suitable for everyone, especially the elderly

author:Department of Urology: Xing Naidong

On an ordinary afternoon, Uncle Zhang, a retired teacher, walked into a nearby shopping mall. His aim is simple: enjoy a soothing massage and relax tight muscles. In a corner of the mall, a shared massage chair with flashing blue and green lights caught his eye. Uncle Zhang did not hesitate, put in the coin, and looked forward to the next relaxation time. But just a few minutes later, he felt a wave of discomfort in his back, which quickly turned into pain. What was supposed to be a moment of relaxation and enjoyment suddenly turned into an unexpected and painful experience.

Don't sit on the shared massage chair, the strength and position are not suitable for everyone, especially the elderly

Be wary of the hidden concerns of sharing massage chairs

In this era of rapid technological development, shared massage chairs have become a common facility in many public places. They provide a convenient way to relax for the busy modern person, especially in shopping malls, airports, and even some parks, where you can easily find these devices. However, behind this seemingly convenient way to relax, there are hidden risks, especially for the elderly.

The popularity of shared massage chairs makes people ignore its potential risks. Most people don't realize that these devices don't 'fit all'. In fact, because older people have significantly different physical conditions than younger people, such as osteoporosis, arthritis, or weakened muscle elasticity, standardized massage strength and position may not be suitable for everyone, especially the elderly.

There is a common misconception that all types of massage are good for the body. However, if the massage is too strong or not properly placed, it can cause muscle strain or worsen arthritis symptoms, which poses a potential health threat to the elderly. In addition, because older people have thinner skin, they are more likely to have bruises and other skin problems.

Another issue that cannot be ignored is the hygiene of shared massage chairs. Equipment used in public places, such as not being cleaned and disinfected regularly, can become a vector for the spread of bacteria and viruses. For the elderly with relatively weak immunity, this is undoubtedly a health hazard that cannot be ignored.

Don't sit on the shared massage chair, the strength and position are not suitable for everyone, especially the elderly

How massage chairs work and their potential risks: the comfort behind the hidden crisis

How a massage chair works

A massage chair is a kind of intelligent device that simulates the technique of human hand massage through built-in mechanical structures such as electric rollers, air bags, and vibrators. These mechanical parts can be used to massage, knead, and tap on the user's back, waist, neck, and legs to relax muscles and stimulate blood circulation. Modern massage chairs also intelligently adjust the strength and position to adapt to the needs of different users.

Potential Risks

However, this one-touch relaxation is not without its risks. First of all, too much pressure or improper positioning can lead to muscle strain, joint pain, and even soft tissue damage. Secondly, for users with special health problems, such as herniated discs, osteoporosis, etc., improper massage may exacerbate the condition. Finally, prolonged use of a massage chair can lead to physical dependence, affecting the body's natural ability to recover.

Don't sit on the shared massage chair, the strength and position are not suitable for everyone, especially the elderly

Special considerations for the use of massage chairs for the elderly: choose carefully, safety first

Physical characteristics of the elderly

The body of the elderly is very different compared to the younger ones. As we age, muscle elasticity and joint range of motion decrease, and bones become more fragile. This means that the body of the elderly is less tolerant of external stresses and strenuous exercise.

Special Considerations

Therefore, the elderly should pay special attention when using shared massage chairs. First of all, low-intensity and short-duration massage settings should be chosen to avoid overstimulation. Secondly, for the elderly with chronic diseases, especially bone and joint related diseases, it is best to use a massage chair under the advice of a doctor. In addition, the elderly should pay attention to their physical reactions after using the massage chair, and if they feel unwell or painful, they should stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.

Don't sit on the shared massage chair, the strength and position are not suitable for everyone, especially the elderly

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