
When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • In the bustling city of Shanghai, there is a middle school history teacher named Chen Wei. One day, Chen Wei went to the hospital to visit his friend Liu Ming, who was hospitalized with a cold. Liu Ming was lying on the hospital bed, coughing, his face pale.

    "This cold was so torturous, I felt like I was about to turn into a coughing generator. Liu Ming said jokingly.

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    Chen Wei smiled, but he was secretly worried in his heart, because he had also felt unwell recently, coughing, fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite, all of which were very similar to Liu Ming. So, he also decided to register to see a doctor.

    In the waiting room of the hospital, Chen Wei sits, coughing from time to time. He began to think back to his recent life and work and wanted to find out the cause.

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    After seeing the doctor, Chen Wei described his symptoms in detail. The doctor is an experienced veteran doctor named Dr. Zhao.

    After hearing this, Dr. Zhao said seriously: "Teacher Chen, according to your symptoms, we need to consider a possibility - influenza A, commonly known as 'influenza A'. ”

    Chen Wei was a little surprised: "A flu, I thought it was just an ordinary cold." ”

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    Dr. Zhao shook his head: "Influenza A is a type of influenza caused by the H1N1 virus. Unlike the common cold, the virus is more contagious and the symptoms are more severe. There are four typical symptoms of influenza A: persistent high fever, cough, muscle pain, and fatigue. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea may also occur. ”

    Chen Wei nodded, he almost had all of these symptoms.

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    Dr. Zhao continued, "In some groups, there is a high probability that influenza A will cause serious complications, even life-threatening. This is especially important for people with chronic diseases, weakened immunity, pregnant women and children. ”

    After hearing this, Chen Wei felt very important, and he decided to follow the doctor's advice, carry out treatment, and take a break for a while.

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    Dr. Zhao also mentioned several similar cases in which patients experienced significant relief in their symptoms after prompt treatment and rest.

    When Chen Wei left the hospital, his heart was much clearer, and he decided to pay more attention to personal hygiene and try to avoid infection.

    This story reminds us that influenza A is not an ordinary cold, it is highly contagious and has severe symptoms. Recognizing its symptoms and seeking medical attention in time is the key to preventing and treating influenza A.

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    So, this begs the question: how can we effectively prevent influenza A infection during the high influenza A season? First, maintain good personal hygiene, wash your hands frequently, and use soap and running water.

    Second, avoid going to crowded places, especially during flu season. At the same time, pay attention to the ventilation of the living environment and keep the indoor air fresh.

    When these 4 symptoms appear in the body, it means that you may have "influenza A", so you should prevent it as soon as possible

    In addition, influenza vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent influenza, especially for high-risk groups. With these preventive measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of contracting influenza A and protect the health of yourself and your family.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!