
Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • In a neighborhood in Beijing, 53-year-old Uncle Li is a well-known drinker. One night, he had a lot of alcohol with his friends as usual, returned home drunk, and then fell asleep on the couch.

    The next morning, Uncle Li's wife found him still lying on the sofa and walked over to shake him awake, only to find that he was no longer breathing, and the whole person was cold. This sudden tragedy plunged the whole family into deep grief.

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    In the same neighborhood, another 53-year-old neighbor, Wang Dawei, was shocked when he heard the news. Wang Dawei is also a drinker, and has often felt chest tightness and fatigue recently. This incident made him worry about his health, so he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

    In the hospital, Wang Dawei met Dr. Zhang, a doctor, who began to explain to him the effects of alcohol on his body after listening to Wang Dawei's description.

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    "Wang Dawei, did you know that long-term excessive drinking can seriously damage your health. First of all, alcohol can damage your liver, and long-term heavy drinking can lead to fatty liver, cirrhosis and even liver cancer. Dr. Zhang said.

    After hearing this, Wang Dawei's heart was a little hairy, and he remembered that he had indeed felt distended and painful in his upper right abdomen in recent years.

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    Dr. Zhang continued, "Secondly, alcohol can also affect heart function and increase the risk of cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias. Have you ever felt palpitations or tightness in your chest?"

    Wang Dawei nodded, this is exactly his recent symptoms.

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    "Also, long-term alcohol consumption can also cause pancreatitis, a very serious condition that can cause severe abdominal pain. Dr. Zhang added.

    Wang Dawei felt more and more uneasy, and he began to regret his indulgence over the years.

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    Seeing Wang's concerns, Dr. Zhang said, "It's not too late to realize the problem and start to change. From now on, you should gradually reduce your alcohol intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle. ”

    After Wang Dawei left the hospital, he decided to change from today, drink less, exercise more, and adjust his diet. He didn't want to repeat Uncle Li's mistakes.

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    This story reminds us that although alcohol can bring joy in some occasions, the harm of excessive drinking to the body still needs to be paid more attention to. It's wise to stay in moderation and focus on your health.

    So, this begs the question: how can people who are accustomed to drinking alcohol every day effectively reduce their alcohol intake and avoid causing harm to their bodies?

    Tragedy! The 53-year-old man fell asleep after drinking, and his body was already cold when he was found! The doctor gave advice

    First, you can set a daily alcohol limit and gradually reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Second, try substituting alcohol with other beverages, such as diet drinks or fruit juices. At the same time, increase physical activity and transfer dependence on alcohol.

    In addition, it is important to seek psychological support to share the determination and process of reducing alcohol with family and friends to gain their support and encouragement. Through these methods, people who are habitual drinkers can be helped to gradually reduce their alcohol intake and protect their health.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!