
When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

author:Eagle Exploration Station

It's almost the end of the year, and every family is busy preparing for the New Year.

However, when shopping for groceries, everyone should pay attention.

There are several hormone dishes in the vegetable market, which are not recommended for everyone to buy.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Red tomatoes

Speaking of tomatoes, this is probably a must-have ingredient in everyone's home.

Whether it's cold or cooked, tomatoes are a great meal pairing.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In the 80s of the last century, tomatoes were more popular than now, because tomatoes at that time tasted sandy, and the feeling of taking a bite was really nostalgic.

For many people, tomatoes are not really a vegetable, but a fruit.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

What's more, tomatoes at that time tasted sweet and didn't have any strange taste, and once they fell to the ground, they would be smashed to pieces, so people would be very careful when buying tomatoes.

At that time, sales of tomatoes were in short supply.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

However, it is precisely because tomatoes are not resistant to falling, it is obvious that the easiest way is to make tomatoes hard, so people have begun to find ways to improve this habit.

Gradually, people began to use various catalysts and other chemicals to improve tomatoes, and so there are tomatoes that are now the market.

Some tomatoes on the market today are actually hormone tomatoes.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

And the main ingredient of the ripening agent is ethylene, which can make tomatoes turn red quickly, thus shortening the growth cycle.

However, long-term consumption of tomatoes containing ethylene may cause problems such as dizziness, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, and may even affect children's development.

Therefore, when choosing tomatoes, we also need to choose carefully.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

One of the most important is to look at the color of the tomatoes.

It is important to know that under normal circumstances, the color of ripe tomatoes will not be particularly uniform, because there are always places where the sun does not shine.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

But the appearance of the tomatoes with the hormones turned on is very attractive, but unfortunately the taste is not proportional to the color.

Therefore, if the tomato is red as a whole, then everyone should pay attention to the fact that the tomato may have been injected with hormones, and we should be cautious when buying.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Hit the hormone of the leeks

Leeks are also a very common vegetable in our lives, especially when making dumplings, it appears particularly frequently, and many people like its taste very much.

It is said that leeks first appeared in the Book of Songs more than 2,000 years ago, but at that time leeks were not called by this name, but were called "Fengben".

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

The name is also very meaningful, that is, "the silver book of the harvest".

At that time, people discovered that leeks had a very unique taste, and they could not only be fried but also fried.

What's more, the leeks under each recipe will bring a different taste to people.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Gradually, with the progress of society, leeks have become a food that often appears on people's tables.

Many people will find an empty land in their own fields to grow leeks, and when the harvest season comes, people will go to cut leeks.

Nowadays, the word "cutting leeks" is also used in Internet terms.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Generally speaking, normal leeks are thin and short, and they are very rich in dietary fiber, which can be said to have great benefits for the human body.

However, after autumn, this is not actually the ripening season for leeks, but we can often see leeks in the market.

If you want to buy leeks at this time, then you should pay attention, it is very likely that you have been injected with hormones.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

You know, if leeks are grown in their natural environment, then their leaves will look like thin patches.

However, if hormones are inaugurated, the leaves of leeks become very large, even thicker than ordinary leaves.

Therefore, when we see big and thick leeks, we need to be extra careful.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them


Speaking of eggplant, in fact, many people will think that its presence is very low, and it is not as common as tomatoes.

If you ask a person what the taste of eggplant is, it is estimated that the answer will be different for each person.

To be honest, I can't tell what eggplant tastes like.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

I made eggplant once at home before, and my family actually said that it tasted meaty.

At that time, I actually felt very surprised that a fried eggplant would have the taste of fried meat.

Can we imagine what kind of dishes can be made from eggplant?

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Braised eggplant?

In addition to these two, what other dishes can you notice about eggplant?

However, we should not ignore the selection of this dish because of its weak presence.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

When buying eggplants, many people will choose those that are big, straight, and look very good.

But what many people don't know is that eggplants don't need to be so good-looking.

In order to make the eggplant grow faster, some merchants will give the eggplant a little hormone.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In fact, a small amount of hormones does not affect our health, but we can't guarantee that the eggplant we buy back really only has a small amount of hormones.

Therefore, when choosing eggplants, we also have to choose carefully.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In fact, eggplants and tomatoes are the same, and the more positive the color, the more hormones they contain.

Because naturally grown eggplants and tomatoes are uneven in color.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them


For people who are fit, broccoli is their favorite food because broccoli is very rich in vitamins and carotene.

But it is also said that broccoli is the worst vegetable in the world, and there is no one.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Of course, everyone's palate is different, so it's understandable that people love broccoli differently.

But there are many things that we also need to pay attention to when buying broccoli.

You must know that in the process of broccoli cultivation, there will be many pests.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

To prevent these pests from destroying broccoli, people spray pesticides on top of the broccoli.

And on this basis, in order to promote the growth of broccoli, there will also be some hormones that are sprayed on broccoli.

You know, for a plant like broccoli with a very porous surface, once chemicals are used, it will be very easy to absorb these harmful substances.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In this way, the broccoli that people buy contains hormones.

So, when you buy broccoli, you must take care of it when you go home, be sure to soak it in salt water, and then make sure to clean it before eating.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them


As the saying goes, "cucumbers eat tender", this sentence expresses many people's preference for tender cucumbers.

Tender cucumbers have won people's love with their unique crisp and tender taste and rich aroma, which makes people bite after bite and have an endless aftertaste.

For many people, cucumber is a must-have dish in summer.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

On a hot summer afternoon, people mix a cucumber with some food, which is simply delicious.

When buying cucumbers, many people will choose cucumbers with small yellow flowers, believing that they are fresh.

I don't know if you usually choose it this way?

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

If so, then you need to pay attention.

In fact, if the gherkins on the cucumber look very bright, it can actually indicate that the cucumber is hormones.

It is important to know that, in general, cucumbers usually take 3 to 4 days from flowering to fruiting.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In this natural growth process, the flowers will gradually wither and fall off, which is an ecological law that cannot be violated in nature.

But the cucumbers we see in the market generally arrive at the local area after a long time of transportation, but after several days, the little yellow flower has not yet wilted, which just shows that these cucumbers are hormones.

If we buy cucumbers at the place where they are picked on the farm, then the yellow flower will be counted separately.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Of course, if we look closely at the shape of the cucumber, we can actually see whether it has been injected with hormones.

Normally grown cucumbers are actually a little curvature, but the cucumbers on the market are often the kind that look very straight, which means that this cucumber is likely to be hormones, but we can't say that this method is 100% correct.

When you buy cucumbers, you can refer to these two points.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them


For us, bean sprouts are a very common vegetable on the table.

Whether it's soybean sprouts or mung bean sprouts, their prices are not particularly expensive.

Generally speaking, two to three dollars of bean sprouts is enough to stir-fry a dish.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

It is said that in the United States, the value of bean sprouts has changed and has become a vegetable that people "can't climb", and it has even been included in the vegetables of the National Defense War by the United States.

You know, bean sprouts are rich in nutrients, and they contain many vitamins and minerals.

It is precisely because of this that people's love for bean sprouts is also very deep.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Gradually, in order to increase the sales of bean sprouts, growers began to find ways to increase the growth rate of bean sprouts, and hormone sprouts were born.

However, these sprouts have a very big impact on people's bodies.

When buying sprouts, the first thing we need to look for is whether the product has a clear label that indicates that it is hormone-free or certified organic.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

This type of label usually means that the sprouts are produced without any growth hormone, thus protecting the natural and healthy nature of the product.

Of course, we should also pay attention to the origin and quality of the sprouts.

In different regions, due to the difference in climate, soil and other conditions, the bean sprouts produced will be different in taste and nutritional value, and high-quality bean sprouts are generally bright in color, full in texture, and no decay.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In addition to paying attention to the origin and quality, the freshness of the sprouts is also an important consideration when we buy.

Fresh sprouts not only taste better, but also have higher nutritional value.

When purchasing, we can judge the freshness of the sprouts by observing their color, shape and smell, fresh sprouts are bright in color, straight in shape, and have a natural bean flavor.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

Of course, we should also pay attention to the problem of food restraint.

For example, bean sprouts should not be eaten with pork liver because the nutrients between them will react and affect the body's absorption of nutrients.

So, when buying sprouts, we should take some steps to ensure that our food is safe.

When stocking up on vegetables at the end of the year, try not to buy these 6 hormone vegetables, and the vegetable sellers themselves never eat them

In any case, we need to be very vigilant in the important part of choosing vegetables to avoid consuming vegetables that contain hormones.

It is very important to choose hormone-free or certified organic vegetables so that we can ensure that we are eating safely for ourselves and our families.

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