
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

author:GB Entertainment said

The ending of "Flowers" and actor Qin Lan's reaction to the plot. "Flowers" is directed by Wong Kar-wai and stars Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei, etc. The plot ends with an open-ended ending, leaving the audience with infinite reverie. mentioned in the article that Qin Lan was dissatisfied with the ending of the role of Li Li played by Xin Zhilei in the play, and thought that Li Li's decision to finally let go of his obsession was surprising.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

Qin Lan's reaction sparked resonance and discussion among the audience. As a high-quality TV series, "Flowers" is deeply loved by the audience for its storyline and character building. Each character in the play has their own story and emotional entanglements, which are delicately displayed in the play.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

For example, Xin Zhilei played the role of Li Lee, whose experiences and emotional changes have profoundly affected the audience. Qin Lan's pursuit of "Flowers" and her reaction to the ending reflect the voice of the audience. Many viewers have a strong emotional resonance with the characters in the play in the process of chasing the drama. They are full of anticipation and curiosity about the direction of the plot and the fate of the characters.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

Qin Lan's reaction is not only an emotional expression of the plot, but also represents the audience's love and expectation for high-quality dramas. When an actor plays a role, he or she often needs to have a deep understanding of the character's personality, background, and motivations. This understanding is not only a superficial imitation, but also a deep emotional resonance.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

For example, in "Flowers", Xin Zhilei plays the role of Li Li, and she needs to dig deep into the character's inner world to understand the character's emotional changes and psychological activities. This in-depth understanding and experience allows the actor to present the character's emotions and stories more realistically and profoundly. The actor's performance is an important medium for the transmission of emotions.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

They convey the emotions of the characters to the audience through words, expressions, body movements, etc. When the actor deeply understands and truly expresses the character's emotion, the audience can feel the authenticity and depth of that emotion, which can resonate. For example, when Qin Lan was chasing "Flowers", she had a strong emotional reaction to the ending of Li Li's character,

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

This response is not only an investment in the plot, but also a resonance with the emotions of the characters. For actors, every role is an opportunity for self-exploration and growth. Through the experience of different characters, the actors are able to gain a deeper understanding of the diversity and complexity of human nature. This understanding not only helps them grow professionally,

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

It also promotes their in-depth thinking about life and self-perception. In "Flowers", the actors not only showed their acting skills, but also grew emotionally and cognitively through their in-depth interpretation of their roles. The actor's performance is not only a one-way emotional transmission, but also an interactive process with the audience. The audience's reaction and evaluation are crucial for the actors.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

They are not only a recognition of the actor's work, but also a feedback and incentive for the actor's performance. For example, the performances of the actors in "Flowers" were widely praised by the audience, which not only proved their acting skills, but also inspired them to continue to improve themselves in future works. The resonance and reaction of actors in TV dramas is a complex and profound process.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

It involves the deep integration of the actor and the character, the authentic transmission of emotions, personal self-reflection and growth, and the interaction with the audience. The combination of these factors makes the TV series a powerful form of artistic expression, which not only shows the artistic talent of the actors, but also deeply touches the hearts of the audience.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

Through their in-depth understanding and vivid performance of the characters, the actors are able to arouse the emotional resonance of the audience. For example, in "Flowers", the superb performances of the actors allow the audience to empathize with the emotions and experience the joys and sorrows of the characters. The emotional expressions in TV dramas often touch on the deep commonalities of human nature, such as love, hate, happiness and sadness.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

The actors' performances can inspire the audience to understand and perceive these basic emotions. TV dramas are important carriers of cultural values. Actors convey specific cultural messages and values through their characters, such as family relationships, social responsibility, moral values, etc. Many TV series focus on social issues such as poverty, inequality, racial discrimination, etc.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

Through real performances, the actors make these issues more prominent and arouse the attention and thinking of the society. The TV series offers a diverse worldview, with actors showcasing the diversity of the world through the playing of different roles. This helps the audience broaden their horizons and understand different lifestyles and mindsets.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news
At twelve o'clock at noon, the famous Qin Lan came with news

Certain TV series focus on specific historical periods, scientific knowledge, or social phenomena. The actor's performance can be used as a tool for knowledge dissemination and enhance the audience's interest in learning and knowledge reserve. TV dramas often show specific communities or groups, and actors help viewers connect with these groups and enhance their sense of social identity through the presentation of their characters.

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