
African Folktale "The Drummer and the Crocodile" Reading Guide and Reflections: How Does Jealousy Come About?

author:Genting Language Teaching and Learning

Why are people always jealous of me? How to teach ill-intentioned people with wisdom? Read "The Drummer and the Crocodile" and you will be inspired!

1. Main characters and personalities

The story begins with the story of Mayor Etium and his actions to get the child, but the mother of the mayor's son, Adett, is the main character who drives the story forward.

Adett's mother loved her son very much, was very intelligent, calm, and good at using stratagem to punish the wicked.

African Folktale "The Drummer and the Crocodile" Reading Guide and Reflections: How Does Jealousy Come About?

Second, the wishes of the main characters

Adett's mother's main wish was to rescue her son from the Crocodile Society organization and punish the young people in the Crocodile Society for doing bad things.

3. How to realize your wishes

1. Adet was caught by 7 young men who joined the Crocodile Association and could turn into crocodiles, and was taken to the crocodile base to be killed. The mother kept calm and composed, first stabilized the young man who hurt her son, and did not kill her son, and she succeeded.

2. Bring the treasure and ask the wizard Yining to save his son, and the wizard agrees.

3. Yining joins the Crocodile Association and learns from a young man she knows that the 7 young people who hurt Adet are going to go ashore to eat before the tide goes low.

African Folktale "The Drummer and the Crocodile" Reading Guide and Reflections: How Does Jealousy Come About?

4. After the 7 young men left the crocodile base, the wizard Yining turned into a crocodile to rescue Adet and took the clothes of the 7 young men.

5. The mother found that her son had become deaf and dumb after being in the water for too long, and begged the wizard to treat him, and the wizard gave Adet a spell and took medicine, and finally recovered.

6. The mother hid her son, put on mourning clothes and pretended that her son was killed by 7 young men.

7. Half a year later, the mother summoned the town chief and the people to divide her deceased husband's property. In the chamber, the mother told the Crocodile Association about the crimes of the seven young people of the Crocodile Association, and the leaders said that they could dissolve the Crocodile Association and punish the young people by presenting evidence.

8. The wizard Yining brought Adet out and took out the clothes left by the 7 young men who turned into crocodiles, and the town leader ordered the 7 young men to confess the 32 members of the Crocodile Society.

9. The Crocodile Society was disbanded and 32 young men were put to death.

Fourth, the change of the main characters

The mother rescued Adett, and the mother and child were reunited.

5. Reading perceptions

Virtuous and talented people are often envied and hurt. Handsome, kind-hearted, and talented at beating drums, Adet is adored by the girls in town. His excellence was jealous of the other young people, who even wanted to kill him. If it weren't for his mother, he would have died.

African Folktale "The Drummer and the Crocodile" Reading Guide and Reflections: How Does Jealousy Come About?

An excellent person must know how to keep a low profile and hide, and don't let his excellence become an obstacle for others, otherwise he will be excluded and suppressed.

In order for a person to succeed, he needs to remain calm, not to reveal his true intentions, to use appearances to deceive others like Adett's mother, and then use stratagems to achieve his goals.

Zhuge Liang, who borrowed arrows from the grass boat, was such a hidden intention, using stratagem to crack Zhou Yu's conspiracy to harm him.

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