
Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

author:Be a little rascal affair

"My Parents Passed Away, I Seem to Be Unreasonable" The world is long, and Fei Yuqing wanders alone. The years are merciless and painful,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Where is the sorrow in the depths? The guzheng is low and the soul is ethereal, and the parting is speechless and tears. It's hard to settle down in the family road,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Alone with sorrow. Where is the destination in life, and eight out of sixty are lonely and hurt?

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Calm life is the ultimate central center. Praise her sister's music dream and support her younger brother to become a superstar. My sister supports the adult generation,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Create opportunities for brothers. Sister Fei Zhenya went first and paid sweat for her brother's business. Determined to guide the way,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Create opportunities to chase your dreams. My sister's choice had a deep impact, and Fei Yuqing was shocked to become a monk. The appearance of the robe attracted public opinion,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

I care about my sister's helplessness. My sister has a huge amount of debts and bears the burden of deception. Fei Yuqing silently undertook it,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Pay off her sister's debts. Kindness, affection and no complaints, family support to tide over the pass. Help each other in difficult times,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

No complaints, no regrets, and get through the difficulties together. Love has experienced twists and turns, and it is difficult to forgive the relationship with Chie Yasui. Although love is deep and difficult to continue,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

The relationship between the two places has never been lost. I swore to the whole world, but now love is gone. Give everything but can't,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

It's hard to express the humor behind it. The mother grew up with childhood, and the mother's love is selfless and unlimited. He will not see his father in the afterlife,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

The father-son relationship is ashamed. The death of parents is sad, and the family affection is deep and difficult to part. Half a life has been walked alone,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

In the end, there is only himself. When you live alone and quietly, you feel lonely but comfortable. Happiness in tranquility,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Life will eventually be quiet. Fei Yuqing was deeply affected by family changes and personal emotions.

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

His life experience was full of ups and downs and sorrows.

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

Sister Fei Zhenya gave great support and help in the initial stage of his music career,

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

But then his sister's ordination and debt problems brought great trouble to his life.

Facts have proved that Fei Yuqing, who is 67 years old and "has no wife and no children", has embarked on another road in life

And his tortuous love affair with Japanese actress Chie Yasui left an irreparable scar on his soul.

Despite all the setbacks and tribulations he has experienced, he has always held on to his commitment to his family and his dedication to love.

Silently give for your family and face the last stage of your life in peace. His story is both moving and thought-provoking.

Now it's your turn, what do you think and feel about Fei Yuqing's story? Welcome to leave a message to share your thoughts.

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