
has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

author:A collection of Leaping Stories
has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

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Looking back on the past, Fei Yuqing is undoubtedly the most eye-catching star in the Taiwanese music scene, and he is also a super idol in the hearts of the majority of fans.

However, the years are not forgiving, time flies, and he is 68 years old this year, like a tired bird returning home, leaving the stage he loves for four years, and living an ordinary life that is completely different from the past.

Recently, Fei Yuqing's brother Zhang Fei suddenly appeared in the public eye. The seventy-one-year-old man was in good spirits, and although his face was slightly thinner than before, his eyes shone with determination and wisdom.

When asked about his younger brother Fei Yuqing's recent situation, Zhang Fei was silent for a moment, and then replied meaningfully: "He doesn't want to be disturbed too much, he just lives the life of ordinary people, works hard on the farmland every day, actively exercises, repairs the house, and lives a simple and fulfilling life."

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

Although Zhang Fei's words carried a hint of ridicule, they also contained concern and helplessness for her younger brother. As an elder brother, he naturally hopes that Fei Yuqing can start a family like ordinary people and find a bosom partner to spend the rest of his life with.

However, it is a pity that Fei Yuqing has now entered his old age and is still alone.

Back in the 70s of the last century, Fei Yuqing's music career was in full swing and reached its peak. In 1977, he successfully held a concert in Taipei, and the atmosphere was very warm.

In the course of this shocking performance, there was an unforgettable episode, and this experience has become the most precious love chapter in Fei Yuqing's life.

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

At that time, backstage, a Japanese girl named Chie Yasui, in order to see the style of her idol, desperately broke through the layers of defense and bravely broke into Fei Yuqing's lounge.

Chie Yasui is a loyal fan from Toei, she has traveled thousands of miles to the sea, just to be able to witness the wonderful performance of her idol This sudden disturbing behavior made the staff present scramble, but Fei Yuqing was moved by the sincerity and simplicity of this fan.

Faced with Yasui Chie's request to take a group photo, Fei Yuqing agreed without hesitation and personally hugged her to leave a beautiful moment. In his opinion, it was just an ordinary interaction, but for Chie Yasui, it was the luckiest encounter in his life.

This timeless photo has undoubtedly become a prologue to the love of the two!

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

So, as the years passed, time passed, and a year later, they met again at a scene in Tokyo. The hand of fate is so wonderful that they quickly shorten the distance between each other, exchange contact information, and start a fiery and deep romance.

At this time, Fei Yuqing had just won the high-profile Golden Bell Award, and he unabashedly opened up about his relationship at the grand awards ceremony, frankly admitting that Chie Yasui was the other half of his life.

They spent 3 years together. Once, Fei Yuqing also proposed to Yasui Qianhui, looking forward to walking into the palace of marriage hand in hand with her.

However, unexpectedly, the elders of Yasui Chie's family put forward many harsh conditions for the future son-in-law, and even asked Fei Yuqing to give up the music career he loved and join the woman's family.

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

As a pure artist, Fei Yuqing's music career is as important as life. Faced with such a harsh reality, he experienced a painful choice and finally chose to let go of this relationship.

In this way, a earth-shattering love affair came to an end. Although it did not make it to the end, to this day, Chie Yasui still takes her children to Fei Yuqing's concert, and the three of them leave a precious group photo, as if they are deeply nostalgic for the lost love.

If Fei Yuqing can achieve today's brilliant achievements in the field of music, a considerable part of this is due to his sister Fei Zhenya. Fei Zhenya is also a well-known singer who was a bright star in the Taiwanese music scene back then.

In order to fully support her brother's music dream, Fei Zhenya did everything she could, using her own resources and connections to pave the way for Fei Yuqing in the music scene.

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

At first, Fei Yuqing was just an unknown bar assistant singer, who had worked this small stage for many years. However, with his unique voice and beautiful singing voice, he was soon appreciated by the songwriter Liu Jiachang.

It was with the help of her sister Fei Zhenya's strong recommendation and careful planning that Fei Yuqing was fortunate enough to get acquainted with Master Liu Jiachang, and finally won the favor of the master.

At this great moment, with the full support of Fei Zhenya, Fei Yuqing successfully stepped into a new stage of life in 1975, opening a brilliant and sacred door for his music career! Then, in the next two years, he first won the runner-up in the high-profile "Star to Star" singing contest.

There was a time when Fei Yuqing's fame was skyrocketing, and his magnetic voice echoed in people's ears all the time. However, these brilliant achievements have brought irreparable rifts between the siblings.

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

It is precisely because of her devotion to her younger brother's career that Fei Zhenya's own career has suffered a heavy blow and she is mired in the abyss of tens of millions of huge debts.

In order to help her sister get out of the predicament, Fei Yuqing resolutely stepped forward, generously donated money, and took out a large amount of savings to help Fei Zhenya repay all her debts. However, what is unexpected is that in just four years, Fei Zhenya has once again fallen into huge debts and has to ask her younger brother Fei Yuqing for help again.

This time, in the face of her sister's pleading, Fei Yuqing's heart was filled with endless anger and disappointment. Deeply saddened, he refused and decided not to give as much as he had done in the past.

As a result, the relationship between the siblings broke down completely, and they became strangers. Fei Zhenya, who was extremely angry, even held a press conference and publicly issued a statement, accusing her brother of being "ruthless" and denouncing Fei Yuqing as an "ungrateful person".

has been retired for many years, and now Fei Yuqing's recent situation has been exposed: he is not married, has no children, and helps his sister pay off her debts

In the face of such bitter and mean abuse from her sister, Fei Yuqing could not hide the pain in her heart. He always remembered his sister's nurturing grace back then, and still insisted on providing a living expense to Zhen Aya every month, hoping to make up for the regrets of family affection.

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