
From the production market demand to talk about the change trend of tomato varieties in China 1 Tomato production situation changes 2 Tomato market demand changes 3 Tomato variety development trend 4 Tomato seed industry development trend Author: Ma Zhaohong Special guest of the editorial board of China Vegetables:

author:Love the farmer's words



The trend of vegetable varieties has always attracted much attention from the industry, and it also has great guiding significance for the development of China's vegetable industry. Tomato is one of the important bulk vegetables in China, the Ministry of Agriculture Market and Economic Information Department released information shows that China's tomato perennial output of more than 50 million tons, in 2015 it reached 55.94 million tons, accounting for 7.1% of the country's total vegetable production. Because of its high economic value and popularity with the public, the yield and planting area of tomatoes have shown a steady growth trend. Nevertheless, the development of China's tomato seed industry still faces many challenges, such as the severe production situation, the increasing diversification of market demand, and the acceleration of tomato varieties, which has aroused great concern in the industry. This issue of "China Vegetables" interviews a number of experts and enterprise representatives in the tomato seed industry to reveal the changing trend of tomato varieties in China from the perspective of production market demand.

<h1>1 Changes in the tomato production situation</h1>

"Chinese Vegetables": What are the changes in the planting area and cultivation methods of tomatoes in China?

Zhao Yongming: In terms of sown area, the cultivation change of greenhouses and greenhouses and other facilities is small, and the change of open-field cultivation is relatively large, especially in Ningxia and Zhejiang Cangnan, the tomato purchase price in that year is too high or too low, and the change in the sown area in the following year can even exceed 50%, which seriously affects the stability of the entire tomato market. In addition, because the taste of pink fruit tomatoes is generally better than that of big red fruits, in recent years, the main production areas of pink fruit tomatoes in addition to the north remain relatively stable, the southern market is rising rapidly, such as in Zhejiang Cangnan, Yunnan Yuanmou and other old big red fruit tomato production areas, now the sown area of pink fruit tomatoes accounted for more than 20%, and there is a gradual upward trend.

Li Changbao: Tomato cultivation methods are diversified, soilless cultivation and conventional planting are available, and three forms of greenhouse, greenhouse and open land coexist. At present, tomato cultivation is mainly based on protected land cultivation, and soilless cultivation and open-field cultivation have developed rapidly. Soilless cultivation of intelligent greenhouses is a development trend of change in the field of tomato cultivation, concentrated in developed cities (such as Beijing and Shanghai) and special areas (such as Xinjiang desert and Hainan islands). With the renewal of varieties, the cultivation of open-field tomatoes has developed rapidly in recent years, such as inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. In terms of planting varieties, the share of pink tomatoes in the south is rising, red fruits are shrinking, and cherry tomatoes are showing an upward trend throughout the country.

Ren Xiuwen: In terms of cultivation methods, some parts of the south are considering the use of protected land cultivation to improve the commerciality of fruits, the grafting mode is constantly being tried to solve the harm of root diseases, and the cultivation of protected areas has also experienced from single-season long stubble cultivation to the current common spring and autumn short stubble cultivation. These changes are all in a favorable direction in accordance with the conditions. However, the current cultivation method does not fully realize the potential of the variety, far from reaching the yield of the variety itself. With the increasing problems of soil, pests and diseases, and the increase in production costs (especially the increase in the price of seeds and seedlings), new production models will be adopted, so as to fully realize the potential of product yields.

"China Vegetables": What are the outstanding problems in China's tomato production at present?

Ren Xiuwen: Field diseases are getting worse. Root-knot nematodes, rhizome rot, and tomato yellowing aspergillovirus virus (TYLCV) have caused problems in many regions and farmers, not only that, but spotted wilt disease (TSWV) and bacterial diseases have a tendency to expand. As disease pressure increases in the main producing areas, development and cultivation patterns in other regions will have the opportunity to change. In addition, with the increase of tomato planting area, some stubble and areas frequently have difficulty in marketing, which is related to the phenomenon of farmers "following the trend of planting".

Li Changbao: Tomato disease changes in an endless stream, and the requirements for varieties are getting higher and higher. At present, in addition to common viral diseases, fungal diseases and bacterial diseases, new diseases such as "motor oil disease", "soy sauce fruit" disease, melaleucavirus disease (To CV), tomato yellow head symptoms and so on are invincible. In addition, another prominent problem in the tomato production situation is that the specific requirements of the tomato industry chain for tomato varieties are inconsistent, such as tomato growers paying attention to the yield of tomatoes, tomato sellers focusing on the hardness of tomatoes, and tomato consumers paying attention to the appearance and quality of tomatoes.

<h1>2 Changes in tomato market demand</h1>

Chinese Vegetables: How does the price of tomatoes change throughout the year?

According to the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture: According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Agriculture, the average wholesale price of tomatoes in 2016 was 3.11 yuan per kilogram. Affected by the price fluctuations in the same period of 2016, it is expected that the tomato openfield planting area will show a shrinking trend in 2017, while the greenhouse planting area is expected to increase. From January to March 2017, affected by the historical high price of tomatoes in the same period of 2016, the planting area will increase significantly, the yield will increase accordingly, and the market price of tomatoes will be lower than that of the same period in 2016. In April 2017, with the large number of tomatoes in the northern greenhouses, the price of tomatoes will drop rapidly; From May to August 2017, prices will continue to run at a low level, but it will be higher than the same period in 2016. After September 2017, prices began to recover, and if there is no disconnection problem of origin conversion, the growth rate will be reduced compared with 2016.

Li Changbao: According to the division of the four seasons of the year, the stubble can be roughly divided into spring stubble, yuexia, autumn stubble and overwintering, of which the tomato diseases and insect pests of yuexia and autumn stubble are the most complex, the tomatoes that overwinter and oversell are the most difficult to plant, and the production of spring stubble tomatoes is relatively easy. The balance of supply and demand in tomato production affects the market price, so during the year, the price of tomatoes in winter is slightly higher, the price of spring and autumn is relatively stable, and the price of tomatoes in May to July is lower.

"Chinese Vegetables": Many citizens report that tomatoes are getting worse and worse?

Li Changbao: There are three reasons why tomatoes are getting worse and worse: First, the varieties are different from the past. In order to adapt to long-distance transportation, the current tomato varieties have increased their hardness and better appearance, sacrificing some of the taste quality accordingly. Second, the picking period is different. At present, tomatoes purchased in the market or supermarket are usually picked and transported when they are eight ripe, and the taste and flavor of tomatoes should be optimal when they are fully ripe. Third, the cultivation method is different. Previously, it was cultivated seasonally, and the light temperature was suitable, but now most of it is anti-seasonal cultivation, and the light temperature cannot meet the optimal demand for tomato growth, and even the taste of the same variety will become worse. In short, the flavor of the tomato is relatively contradictory to the yield and resistance, and it is also dynamically balanced. Tomato varieties are not perfect, they are the product of a comprehensive balance, and it is a relatively tasty variety to find out without affecting resistance.

In order to improve both resistance and taste, we must first work hard from the aspect of variety breeding. Breeders should make full use of modern molecular biology techniques to improve the resistance of materials on the basis of taking into account taste. Secondly, it is necessary to develop a "high-quality and high-price" system, increase the price of high-quality varieties, and create a high-quality tomato brand. For example, through government matchmaking and supervision, the whole industrial chain of tomato is divided into different links or chains, and each link is managed by leading enterprises, interlocking with each other, so that the entire industrial chain can operate in a market-oriented manner. In this way, the income of each link has been improved, the enthusiasm of enterprises has been high, and consumers are more willing to pay with brand assurance.

<h1>3 Tomato variety development trend</h1>

"Chinese Vegetables": What are the most popular tomato types in the domestic market at present? What are the characteristics?

Ren Xiuwen: Fresh tomatoes require large fruits, preferably above 180g, with better appearance, hardness and quality, and are basically red and pink; Tomatoes for fruits require good flavor and taste, and the color, shape and size of the fruit are diversified; Processed tomatoes require high dry matter content, good centralized harvestability, and are conducive to cleaning and processing.

Zhao Yongming: There are three types of best-selling varieties. First, varieties suitable for greenhouse autumn delay and early spring planting, such as our company's Ruixing Dabao, the market has higher requirements for such varieties, disease resistance, yield, commerciality, early ripening must be passed, and it should be easy to manage in the cultivation process. The market demand for such varieties is large and the competition is fierce. The second is suitable for the summer cultivation of large arches, such as our company's Ruixing No. 5 and improved Ruixing No. 5, this kind of variety market requires medium-large leaves, good coverage of the fruit, easy fruit set at high temperature, crack resistance, high yield. The third is the variety with special trait requirements, such as the type that Liaoning requires good taste, some "dead trees" (fusarium root rot) and serious areas require resistance (resistance) to "dead trees" types, and some nematodes require anti-nematode varieties in serious areas.

Li Changbao: In layman's terms, it is necessary to have good seeds, good sales, and good food. For growers, it is necessary to "good seeds", such as varieties with good resistance can save labor and time when planting, and varieties with high yields can improve yields; For the logistics and sales link, it is necessary to "sell well", requiring varieties with high pulp hardness and peel toughness; For consumers to be "delicious", varieties with good taste and good appearance are more favored by consumers. At present, China's tomato "high quality and good price" system has not been perfected, and the quality value of tomato has not been fully reflected, so growers still take yield as the first goal to pursue.

"Chinese Vegetables": What changes are China's tomatoes experiencing in terms of variety trends?

Ren Xiuwen: Compared with the varieties of a few years ago, the current varieties will consider the interests of the entire chain from growers to consumers. For example, the improvement of disease resistance and stress resistance, the current varieties almost all have the resistance of tomato yellowing curvature virus, to meet the basic requirements of the market; There has also been a significant improvement in fruit set and single-season yields; At the same time, the hardness of pink tomatoes is improved, and the shelf life is extended, which ensures the safety of long-distance transportation and long-term storage, and reduces the loss in each link. The appearance and neatness of the fruit have also been greatly improved, so that consumers have a better shopping experience. However, the flavor of the tomato is not as good as before, and we call for a return of taste.

"Chinese Vegetables": In what direction will domestic tomato varieties develop?

Zhao Yongming: First, varieties with better TY resistance are needed. Since the large-scale occurrence of the TY virus, the trend of increasing in some major producing areas has increased year by year, which has plagued growers. The second is the need for varieties with better taste. The northern cities represented by Shenyang, Liaoning Province, originally had the habit of eating raw tomatoes, so these areas have higher requirements for the taste of tomatoes, and tomatoes with good taste, more resistant to cracked fruits and suitable for short-distance transportation will be a trend. The third is the variety that needs to resist (resist) "dead trees". Especially in some of the old tomato-producing areas where stubble has been planted for many years.

Zhou Qin: Popular varieties require good disease resistance, strong adaptability, high yield and good fruit quality, and some niche markets pursue specialization, such as different colors, shapes and tastes.

Li Changbao: Ordinary large-fruit tomatoes pay attention to yield and resistance, taking into account quality; Specialty tomatoes focus on quality first, taking into account yield and resistance. At present, tomato production has higher and higher requirements for the disease resistance, stress resistance and commodity appearance of varieties.

Li Xiaodong: In terms of disease resistance, resistance to fusarium root rot, melaleucavirus disease, spotted wilt virus disease, and gray leaf spot disease will become the main targets of disease resistance breeding. In terms of commodity, it is not deformed at low temperature, does not crack fruit at high temperature, and the fruit shape, fruit surface, fruit color, brightness, and sepals must reach a higher level. Tomato varieties with large hardness, long shelf life and resistance to storage and transportation will continue to be the mainstream in the future, which is determined by the large circulation pattern in China. And the taste and nutrition of the fruit will be highly concerned, and the varieties of cherry tomatoes and cherry tomatoes will be valued; Rootstock will also have a certain market in the future, such as tomato varieties that overwinter in the north, delay autumn, and early spring stubble need rootstock that is resistant to fusarium root rot. Personally, I believe that the main solution for green blight in the southern production areas should be based on rootstock grafting cultivation, rather than choosing disease-resistant varieties, because anti-green blight varieties can easily lead to a decline in commerciality, thus being eliminated by the market.

Ren Xiuwen: Tomato should meet diversified needs in the future. China is a big tomato grower and a big consumer, and the complexity of demand will exist for a long time. In terms of tomato resistance, some diseases can be solved through breeding, and some need to be solved by other means such as cultivation; Some places have a heavy incidence, some places have a mild incidence, but the overall trend is more and more serious, especially root diseases, viral diseases and bacterial diseases, so disease resistance breeding is still a major direction, of course, varieties with weak disease resistance will also have its living space; For the trend of commodity, aesthetics, personality and functionality should be considered more. For example, fresh tomatoes should be further improved in appearance traits such as color, shape, size, neatness, and hardness, shelf life, etc., and cherry tomatoes should pay attention to taste.

<h1>4 Tomato seed industry development trend</h1>

"China Vegetables": What is the current competitive landscape of the domestic tomato seed industry? What are the main tomato varieties?

Li Changbao: At present, the domestic tomato seed market can be described as a group of deer. The variety is the core carrier of the whole tomato industry chain, and it is also the criterion for the division of the market competition pattern. Foreign seed enterprises with tomato independent research and development strength, such as Syngenta, Saint Nice, Nunem, Rixwang, Hazela, Bantian and so on, occupy a place in the domestic market. There are tens of thousands of domestic seed industry enterprises, mainly based on agent sales, and there are not many who really have independent research and development strength. At present, most of the domestic tomato independent breeding research and development is concentrated in scientific research units, while the research and development of enterprise breeding shows a development trend, such as the powder fruit breeding of Xi'an Jinpeng and the small tomato breeding of Taiwan farmers. According to incomplete statistics, the high-end varieties in the tomato market are still dominated by foreign varieties, the mid-end varieties are domestic and foreign, and the low-end varieties are mainly domestic; In terms of profitability, foreign countries account for about 70% and domestic accounts for about 30%. Foreign varieties such as Syngenta's red fruit Zidali and Beiying, Saint Nice's pink fruit Oudun and Oubei, Hezera's pink fruit Lola, Sakata's pink fruit fantaro, etc., are all iconic varieties; Domestic well-known tomato brands include Jintang, Zhongza, Xianke, Jingfan, Dongnong, Zhejiang powder, Jinling, Shen powder and so on. At present, domestic breeding is developing rapidly, showing a trend of catching up, catching up and surpassing, and the tomato market pattern may be reversed in the future.

Li Xiaodong: As far as our company is concerned, the tomato varieties currently operated can be divided into three categories: the first type is the "Golden Shed No. 1", including the Golden Shed No. 1, 3, 5, 6, etc., which have been used in production for 17 years, and have declined more in recent years; The second category is the root-knot nematode varieties such as Golden Shed M6, including Golden Shed M6, 5, 158, 213, etc., which have been applied in production for 5 to 7 years, and are expected to decline significantly this year; The third category is anti-TY varieties, including Golden Shed No. 8, 88, 9, 10, 11, Qiusheng, No. 358, etc., which are anti-TY and anti-nematode varieties that have been launched successively after 2010, and at present, in addition to the market share of Golden Shed No. 10 and No. 11, other varieties are generally rising. It is found that there are two main types of TY-resistant varieties that our company sells well in the market: one is The Golden Shed No. 88 and No. 9, Qiusheng, which are mainly used in the cultivation of autumn greenhouses in North China, with strong resistance to TY, and good resistance to nematodes and good yield; The second is The golden shed No. 8, 8B, etc., mainly used in autumn extension greenhouse cultivation, the fruit hardness is high, the color is good at low temperature, the fruit uniformity is high, and there is a high market share in some parts of the country. However, at present, there are still some problems in our company's varieties: the fruit is small, and there is no average of 250g of the main selling varieties; The commerciality of the fruit is not good, if the shape is not correct, there will be empty fruits, prisms, cracked fruits, etc.; Poor adaptability, large flower scars at low temperatures, slow fruiting, cracked fruits at high temperatures, etc.

Zhao Yongming: At present, the main sales areas of our company's varieties include Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Yunnan, Zhejiang and other places, mainly greenhouse and greenhouse planting. The main sales varieties are Rising Dabao, Rising No. 5, Improved Rising No. 5, Rising Classic, Opel No. 3. Among them, the latest and best-selling variety is Rising Dabao, and the success of this variety is mainly due to four points: First, Rising Dabao has the advantages of high yield of large fruits and high-quality transportation, which can meet the needs of farmers and buyers at the same time, and is quickly accepted after being put on the market; Second, the fruit is dark pink and the fruit surface brightness is good, and the color change is still beautiful under low temperature and weak light, which is a more popular variety in greenhouse cultivation; Third, the leaf color is green, the leaf is small, the comprehensive disease resistance is good, and the incidence of common yellow heads and yellow leaves in autumn and winter is low, which is easy for growers to manage; Fourth, the early maturation is outstanding, the resistance to leaf mold is good, and the spring planting is also outstanding. Growers benefit from continuous planting and mutual recommendation, resulting in the best-selling of Rising Dabao.

Ren Xiuwen: Since Entering the Chinese market in 1998, Syngenta Seed Industry has promoted a series of excellent tomato varieties in various main planting areas, such as Beiying, Zidali, Rabi and Sibeide, etc., which have a sales history of nearly 10 years in the market, and still dominate the red fruit market in Shandong, Hebei, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia and other places. The reason why these varieties are so popular is mainly because of the combination of commerciality and resistance. From the perspective of the market, it satisfies the requirements of consumers and value chains for tomato commerciality, if the real size is appropriate, the shape is beautiful, the color is bright, the hardness is good, the shelf life is long, and the flavor is good; From the perspective of cultivation, the variety itself has good resistance and extensive adaptability, whether under the pressure of pests and diseases or under adversity, there are higher yields and good commerciality, so as to ensure that farmers have higher returns.

Zhou Qin: There are many varieties of tomatoes sold in the market, and new varieties are introduced to the market every year, especially the variety of powder and fruit, with a wide range of sources and a mixture of fish and dragons. St. Nice's pink fruit Ou Dun and Ou Bei were once famous, and with the rapid development of domestic varieties, it is difficult to have a monopoly situation now. Red fruit is mainly concentrated in the varieties of foreign enterprises, such as SV4224TH and SV7845TH of Saint Nice, which are more well-known in the Shandong and Yunnan markets, which are characterized by good fruit quality, long shelf life, and can bring more benefits to farmers.

"China Vegetables": Compared with foreign enterprises, what are the advantages and gaps of domestic enterprises?

Zhou Qin: Foreign enterprises pay more attention to R&D investment and intellectual property rights, have a very clear strategy for the target market to select breeding varieties, the breeding level is leading, breeding efficiency is high, so the overall advantages of the product line are obvious and sustainable development. The development speed of domestic enterprises is fast, and the adaptability of locally selected varieties is relatively good.

Ren Xiuwen: Each has its own advantages. The domestic advantage is mainly in the resources of pink fruit tomatoes, which usually taste better than ordinary big red fruit tomatoes; Countries such as Europe and the United States have richer resources in red fruits and special types. However, domestic companies have an advantage in seed prices compared to farmers. The gap is mainly reflected in the concept and cultivation mode. In China, a tomato carries too many dreams, both to meet the needs of daily kitchens and the needs of casual desserts; Foreign countries are divided into relatively fine, and the basic types used as meals, soups, and desserts are exclusive. In addition, the cultivation of single-season stubble in foreign countries is more common, more will consider the continuous fruit setting of the variety, the upper fruit set and the resistance of the plant to premature aging, grafting is also widely used to solve these problems, while some varieties with poor root disease resistance but other good traits have also been well promoted through soilless cultivation; China, on the other hand, generally adopts double-season short stubble cultivation, paying more attention to the yield of the first few spikes and the appearance of commercial fruits, grafting is a forced cultivation method, and it seems that all problems should be solved by the tomato itself.

Li Changbao: The overall research and development strength of foreign countries is stronger than that of China, and China is still in the stage of "following". First, in terms of breeding subjects, foreign tomato breeding is mainly based on enterprises, such as Syngenta, Hazel, Nunem, Rixwang, Bantian, etc.; Domestic tomato breeding is based on scientific research units, including provincial and municipal academies of agricultural sciences, higher agricultural colleges, etc. Although private breeding enterprises are booming, there are not many with sufficient breeding and scientific research strength. Second, in terms of the characteristics of tomato varieties, foreign varieties have obvious advantages in yield, commercial fruit rate, continuous fruit setting ability, and disease and insect resistance. The domestic varieties have advantages in stress resistance and quality. Third, in terms of the seed sales price system, the seed price of foreign varieties is much higher than that of Domestic. Even the same tomato varieties have the same seed quality, and the domestic seed price is much lower than that of foreign countries. For example, the sales price of vegetable seeds in Jingyan Yinong in China is one of the best, and the fine powder fruit tomato Jingfan 101 is compared with a similar foreign variety, even in the case of the comprehensive score of the variety, the foreign varieties can sell for 90,000 to 120,000 yuan per kilogram of seeds, and the Jingfan 101 is only 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, a difference of nearly 3 times, which is the brand effect. In general, the price of foreign seeds is 3 to 5 times that of domestic seeds. However, at present, the domestic breeding development speed is fast, is gradually narrowing the gap with foreign countries, in terms of powder fruit varieties have partially caught up with and surpassed similar varieties abroad.

"China Vegetables": In the face of the gap with foreign countries, what should domestic companies do to catch up with and surpass foreign countries?

Ren Xiuwen: If domestic enterprises want to catch up with foreign enterprises, it is very difficult to rely on the strength of the enterprises themselves. What exactly should I do? First of all, China's market environment, competitive environment and laws and regulations are not very sound, which is not conducive to the development of enterprises, which requires the government to take the helm. With the promulgation and implementation of the new Seed Law and its supporting regulations, as well as the improvement of intellectual property protection, it will create a more positive and healthy market environment for us. Secondly, for the vast majority of enterprises, especially those in the vegetable seed industry, they should improve their entrepreneurial spirit and improve the courage and awareness of the industry to become bigger and stronger, rather than just holding a piece of the industry, the size of the industry has little to do with me. Finally, industry consolidation is imperative. Domestic enterprises have low thresholds, small scale, a company to fight the world, not much to do, such as the market without research and development, research and development and the market is not closely connected or the energy is too scattered, so either lack of goals, or goals and actions are inconsistent. Once the foreign enterprise determines the strategy, all departments will act in unison, and everything is market-oriented. Therefore, if domestic enterprises want to become bigger, I am afraid that they must make great efforts in scale and division of labor.

Li Changbao: Personally, I think it is not realistic to completely surpass foreign countries in tomato scientific research, but domestic units have the ability to catch up with foreign countries. This is for 3 reasons: First, the national policy and local measures to benefit farmers are in place, such as the policy of "decoupling the state-run collective seed industry from enterprises", the "No. 1 Document of the Central Committee" vigorously supports the policy of "developing modern agriculture", etc., which is conducive to the development of the tomato industry. Second, the state and the government are paying more and more attention to scientific research talents. For example, in terms of tomato breeding talents in China, a compound talent chain has been formed: scientific research institutions + enterprise units + foreign-funded enterprises + private enterprises + individuals. Third, China's market demand is diversified. Foreign companies should consider taking into account the global market, unable to fully meet the needs of the Chinese market, precisely the domestic unit has geographical advantages and regional adaptability of materials, and can occupy the regional market more advantageously.

However, domestic units still have to face many realities, such as China's breeding technology and resources are still relatively backward, foreign molecular breeding has done earlier, resource accumulation is more, and the speed of launching varieties is fast. Domestic units should focus on improving the level of tomato breeding and scientific research strength as soon as possible, which requires further attention to the originality of variety breeding and the standardization of the seed market. At the same time, at present, the main energy of most domestic units is focused on collecting and introducing and isolating breeding, and also partly doing some Syllabus and breeding, but the fusion creation has done very little, so it is difficult to obtain original and breakthrough tomato germplasm resources, and then it is more difficult to obtain breakthrough varieties with independent intellectual property rights. Therefore, the acquisition of original tomato germplasm resources and the cultivation of breakthrough tomato varieties require the top-down support and guidance of the government, the investment of scientific and technological funds and the formulation of favorable policies, and the joint efforts of seed enterprises or units from the bottom up. In 2013, the China Tomato Seed Industry Alliance (TSFC) was spontaneously established, which is committed to establishing the national seed industry brand of Chinese tomatoes by cultivating and promoting new varieties of high-yield, disease-resistant, high-quality and stress-resistant tomatoes with independent intellectual property rights. It is believed that with the national policy and the government's emphasis on the tomato national seed industry, China's tomato breeding scientific research talents will continue to condense, and the gap with foreign countries will gradually narrow, and will soon catch up with and partially surpass foreign tomato breeding.

<h1>Author: Ma Zhaohong Editorial Board of China Vegetables</h1>

<h1>Special Guest:</h1>

Li Changbao, researcher of vegetable research center of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences

Li Xiaodong, general manager of Xi'an Jinpeng Seedling Co., Ltd

Zhao Yongming, general manager of Shanghai Fito Seed Industry Co., Ltd

Shouguang Xianzhengda Seed Co., Ltd. Tomato Product Manager Ren Xiuwen

Zhou Qin, Product Manager of Tomato Crops in North Asia, Saint Nice Seeds (Beijing) Co., Ltd

Source: Chinese vegetables. 2017,(03)