
You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

author:Versatile Kitchen

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look.

Hello everyone, this is Variety Kitchen.

Many people like to eat fish in life, not only because of its delicious meat, but also because of its high nutritional value. In particular, the protein contained in it is incomparable to many other foods.

But did you know that although fish is nutritious and delicious, not all fish can be eaten in the vegetable market, there are several kinds of fish that cannot be eaten no matter how cheap they are, and many people often buy them in life, and the price is not cheap.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

The first type is catfish.

Catfish, bought in the countryside, friends are more common, the price of this kind of fish is moderate, and the general catfish is divided into white catfish.

Catfish lives in garbage heaps, the water quality of the water where he lives is bad, and a lot of food he eats is very dirty, and it contains super multiple metals, which are very harmful to the human body.

Scavenger is also the name of a fish, and I believe many friends know what kind of fish it is. Scavengers are generally fish that feed on garbage, and in the eyes of people, it is a very dirty fish.

And the ranking of catfish is actually before the scavenger, which shows how dirty catfish is, so everyone must keep their eyes open when buying fish in life, and never buy "dirty" fish.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

The second type of yellow eel.

The yellow eel is actually a fish, and it mainly lives in some silt. As a native of Sichuan, I still have a lot of say in the yellow eel. Why?

Since we were children, we have lived in the countryside, and our house is built in a field. In the summer, there are many people in the village who can't sleep at night to catch yellow eels in the ditch behind our house.

Although the yellow eel is a fish, it is not fished, and our local dialect is called catching the yellow eel. The nests of yellow eels are generally made in some of your ditches. I believe that many friends who have lived in the countryside since childhood know this.

Generally caught

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

Yellow eel has a lot of mud on the surface of its body, which is very dirty. It can be seen that the living environment of yellow eels is very harsh, and the water quality is extremely poor.

Let's think about it, there are a lot of various water quality and all kinds of parasites in the ditch, and the yellow eel also grows in this environment.

Just imagine, the food that yellow eels usually eat is very dirty and may even contain a lot of parasites. Think about it, can you still eat this kind of "fish"?

The third species, tilapia.

This fish is not very common in general supermarkets, tilapia is also called African crucian carp, Vietnamese fish and so on

Tilapia is a fish that has an extremely strong ability to grow and reproduce. He survives both in high-quality and heavily polluted waters.

And it is different from other fish, it is a fish with meat and vegetable stones, therefore, some tilapia is very dirty.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

We can't say that all tilapia are dirty, and why do we say that? Because there are some tilapia that are cleaner if they are bred in very clean water, and tilapia like this one.

And if it grows in poor water quality, tilapia will be very dirty.

So tilapia is a very peculiar fish, whether it is dirty or not has a lot to do with the environment in which it grows? Therefore, if you like to eat tilapia, you must keep your eyes open when you buy it.

Because it is difficult to tell from the surface that it is clean and the tilapia is still dirty, so for the sake of insurance, our family never buys tilapia to eat.

In fact, friends who like to eat fish, we can usually buy more deep-sea fish to eat, deep-sea fish not only contains higher nutrients, but also has a very high protein content, and often eating it also has many benefits for the body.

Common deep-sea fish include tuna and hairtail.

Here is a very delicious recipe for hairtail. Not to mention adults, even the elderly and children love to eat.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

We prepare a deep-sea hairtail and cut off the excess fins from the hairtail with scissors.

Then cut his stomach open with scissors to clean the internal organs.

After cleaning it, put it under tap water and rinse it again, then use a knife to cut it into 4 to 5 cm long pieces.

After cutting the hairtail, we now add a little green onion to it, as well as ginger shreds, a handful of peppercorns, a little salt, a little cooking wine, a little white vinegar, bring disposable gloves, grasp and mix evenly, in the process of grasping and mixing, everyone should pay attention and don't prick your hands.

After grasping and mixing evenly, we first put it aside, cover it with plastic wrap, and marinate for half an hour, the longer the marination, the more flavorful it will become.

The next time, we prepare two eggs and beat the eggs into a bowl and stir together.

Then prepare a serving of breadcrumbs, friends who don't have breadcrumbs, we can also use starch and flour instead. I use breadcrumbs here, because breadcrumbs make the finished product not only more golden in color, but also children will enjoy eating it more.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

After half an hour, cut out a section of the tape, and the seasoning in it will be gone.

Wrap the marinated strip in a layer of egg wash and then a layer of breadcrumbs.

Next, shake the breadcrumbs on the skin of the fish and shake off the excess breadcrumbs.

So after all the hairtail fish is evenly wrapped, now pour a large amount of vegetable oil into the pot and boil the oil until it is 50% hot.

Put the hairtail into the pot in turn, don't be in a hurry, turn it, we wait until it is completely set, and then turn it slowly. At this time, turn the heat to medium-low heat and fry it slowly over low heat, so that the fried hairtail will not be mushy, and there will be no situation where the outside has been fried and the inside is still raw.

The whole process here took about five minutes, and the specific time depends on the actual situation, so you must pay attention to fry the hairtail pieces until they are golden brown on all sides.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

Then remove the oil and put it on a plate, then heat up the oil in the pan again, and when the oil is hot, we will pour the fish pieces into it and fry it again. In this way, the fried hairtail will be more crispy and delicious, and even the fish bones will be crispy.

When it is large, the time should not be too long, about 3 to 40 seconds can be fried. When the time is up, remove it and put it on a plate.

Wow, it looks like it's full of luck, and the fried hairtail segment made in this way is crispy and slag on the outside, and the inside is fragrant and tender, which is particularly delicious.

If you like it, you can collect it and give it a try. Dear friends, you have seen the sharing here, if you think my sharing is helpful to you, then please give me a like with your rich hand, every one of your likes and support is my greatest driving force, thank you for your attention and support.

You can't eat these 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and I just learned today, and many people often buy them, so take a look

Today I mainly share with you some dirty fish and the practice of taking fish, I hope it can help you.

Well, that's all for today's sharing, thank you for watching us see you tomorrow, bye-bye.