
"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

author:Gently bookish

The beginning of "The Years of the Great River" brought problems to the three protagonists, Song Yunhui, who was sent to Pengyang Pesticide Factory, was shot in the head, Lei Dongbao, who had just come out of there, was excluded everywhere, and Yang Xun, who was discriminated against by his sister, a series of suspense is fascinating.

01 Song Yunhui, the production of pesticides caused death

"Your pesticides are poisoning. Song Yunhui, who has just taken office, has not yet come out of the joy of successful technological transformation. was taken away by the Public Security Bureau. This incident is not small, two people died due to excessive pesticide phosphorus, and more than a dozen people were hospitalized with poisoning.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Song Yunhui (Wang Kai)

The angry family members, Song Yunhui, who was directly punched, broke his head and bled out. And the more troublesome thing is still to come, the county organized an investigation team, to investigate to the end and never tolerate, let the pesticide factory stop production for investigation, until the real cause is found.

In fact, the batch of pesticides that poisoned people was produced by the previous factory director when he was in office, and it had nothing to do with Song Yunhui, but as the factory director, he found that there were indeed many problems in the factory, and he was willing to take the initiative to stand up and take responsibility, and cooperate with the investigation team to investigate.

Song Yunhui used his own experience to analyze that there may be excessive phosphorus due to the aging of the equipment. The investigation team then organized experts to take samples for testing.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Song Yunhui and Liang Sishen

At the same time of investigation, Song Yunhui found that there were problems with the employees of the factory, who were good at purifying and increasing the amount of pesticides when making pesticides, and deceived them on the test sheets. When Song Yunhui knew that they were doing this because the previous director was selfish and narrow-minded, and when he heard that he was going to be transferred, he stopped the project that was being renovated, distorted the facts, and shifted the blame to Cao Zili, saying that her research direction was problematic and embezzling public funds without permission.

After knowing the reason, Song Yunhui was very bitter in his heart, he understood the difficulties of these people, but now that he is making trouble, how can it end?

The results of the investigation team's inspection of the equipment also came out, saying that the excessive phosphorus was due to equipment problems, but Song Yunhui was very entangled when he saw this report, and he didn't want to hide the truth. After so many years of baptism in the workplace, Song Yunhui is still the upright, responsible, and principled Song Yunhui.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Fortunately, through the concerted efforts of Song Yunhui and the police, the source of the poisoning was finally found, although it was not the work of their pesticide factory, but there were several problems within the pesticide factory that were enough for him to scratch his head.

02 Lei Dongbao established Thunder Company and was bound everywhere

After being released from prison, Lei Dongbao did not become depressed, but integrated the industries of the Xiaolei family to form an industrial chain with scale and opportunities.

But when he carried out the implementation, he found that the original brothers had changed, and many people began to put the collective property into their own pockets. For the development of the enterprise, they still have to use them, and what's worse is that the Thunder Company they set up actually sent a secretary Gong Xinming to watch Lei Dongbao and prevent him from making mistakes. The small business owners who were integrated were dissatisfied with Lei Dongbao's leadership, and they all gathered around Gong Xinming to pat himself on the back and make Lei Dongbao stumble.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Lei Dongbao (Yang Shuo)

Lei Dongbao, who wants to show his skills again, is really hindered, and these are different from when he first started his business, when everyone was determined to make money, and now they have their own eyes.

The road ahead is still very difficult!

03 Yang Xun, who failed to start a business, was devastated by the death of his mother

Yang Xun worked his own, but failed in the process of starting a business, in order to continue to start a business, his mother borrowed money for the villagers many times. It wasn't until his mother died that Yang Xun knew that it was because the creditors came to the door again and again to force debts, which caused his mother to die of emaciation.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Yang Xun (Dong Zijian)

What made him even more unbearable was his most beloved sister, who accused him of being so ambitious and blindly expanding, which led to the death of his mother. No wonder my sister is so angry with him, the money she earned from her work-study in college was used to treat her mother, but her mother felt sorry for Yang Xun, so she saved the money and sent it to him. The money was earned, but the mother was gone.

This also increased Yang Xun's fighting spirit, and he wanted to make his business bigger.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Song Yunhui, Lei Dongbao, and Yang Xun represent the development experience of state-owned, collective, and private enterprises in the reform of the economic system in the same era. After years of precipitation, they have become more mature and stable, but they have not given up their ideals and have been growing.

"Big River" has brought too many surprises. After years of precipitation, Wang Kai has become more stable and charming, and his acting skills have matured a lot. In the face of the crisis of the pesticide factory, he responded calmly, and could feel the self-confidence of a factory director after frustration, composure, and later.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Lei Dongbao, played by Yang Shuo, has been imprisoned, has lost his anger, and knows how to do things, but his dedication to his career has not changed.

What is surprising is Cao Zili, a technical female factory director, I am also a technician, in reality, a capable female engineer is like her, with a thin figure, full of spirit, and does not pay attention to her appearance. It looks very kind.

"Big River 3": The beginning is hot, and the three protagonists rise from the trough to usher in a song-like finale

Cao Zili (Liu Dan)

There are too many old actors in the play, and they will constantly bring surprises.