
Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

author:Humorous da-da

The discussion of China's retirement age is once again on the hot search. This time it was Zheng Bingwen who proposed it, yes, it was the expert who raised the fertility difficulties before so that young people could seize the opportunity and have children with the help of relatives and friends!

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

This time, it was pointed out that if you do not delay retirement, you will have to face a huge burden of 35 trillion pensions in 2050.

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

China has the youngest retirement age in the world, 12 years earlier than the United States. "Chinese retire early, do they want to enjoy life, or worry about pensions early?" Zheng Bingwen suggested moving towards "asset-based" pensions, don't wait for pensions to be empty.

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

After all, whether it's a square dance or a pension, it's part of our future lives.

Netizens, you all know how to comment, and you really can't laugh anymore

May Heaven retire early [frown]

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

Miss has been destroyed, sir use with caution.

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

Assembly line bar [crying silently]

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

35 buried in the soil, 55 dug out again [covering his face]

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

It is caused by the small population

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

The expert doesn't say [snickering]

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

Start with a bowl and don't pick up equipment

As an ordinary person, in the face of the experts' discussion about delaying retirement, I can't help but want to say: "Lao Tie, I didn't say you, you have such a suggestion, I feel that we have to live until we die!"

To be honest, I'm a little tired of these seemingly high-minded, not-so-down-to-earth expert advice. After all, who doesn't want to "break out of the world when you're young", but this is not a reason to "work hard and not save enough for a pension". It's no wonder that this kind of advice, which makes people feel out of touch with reality, has made society more and more angry.

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

Today's young people are not only facing work pressure, but also more social pressure. Without a sufficient economic foundation, no matter how good the ideal is, it is a castle in the air. We don't have a broad vision to see the data you talk about, but we understand a simple truth, which is more than what is less than what is below. In this case, we need not only empty proposals, but also workable solutions that are close to the people. It is recommended that the state check this kind of 'brick family', I personally prefer experts like Yuan Lao. Every Chinese hopes that the country will be prosperous and strong, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment!

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

Okay, that's all I have to say. Friends, what do you think? And when did the word 'expert' start to stigmatize? Feel free to leave a comment below to discuss, and let's discuss how to find our happiness and peace in this unpredictable world.

Experts suggest raising the retirement age in China, and the laughter is no longer alive, and the anger of netizens comes from stigmatizing the brick family

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