
CBA's second week of voting was officially announced! Zhou Qi, Zhao Rui, and Xu Jiecheng, the vote kings of the north and south districts, were the winners, and the gold was the lowest

author:CBA hall

At present, the second week of the CBA All-Star ticket has been officially announced, and as far as the vote king is concerned, this person is Zhao Rui. Indeed, Zhao Rui's overall popularity is very high. Even if he didn't play and left Guangdong, his popularity among fans can still make him the player with the most votes at the moment. Of course, he is not bad at playing on the field, the national team turned the tide and joined Xinjiang, he can stabilize the defender, I hope he will recover as soon as possible, he is still limping.

CBA's second week of voting was officially announced! Zhou Qi, Zhao Rui, and Xu Jiecheng, the vote kings of the north and south districts, were the winners, and the gold was the lowest

The ticket king of the southern district is Zhou Qi. Of course, he is only about 12,000 behind Zhao Rui, and the gap is not very big. In fact, Zhou Qi didn't play much this season, but his dominance on the court was extremely strong. As long as he's on the court, he can dominate the situation on both ends of the pitch. It is true that Zhou Qi's strength is here, but this foot injury is estimated to heal after half a month.

CBA's second week of voting was officially announced! Zhou Qi, Zhao Rui, and Xu Jiecheng, the vote kings of the north and south districts, were the winners, and the gold was the lowest

As for the other players in the South Zone, they are Choi Yong-hee, Hu Jinqiu, Hu Mingxuan and Xu Jie. Among them, for Cui Yongxi, he is the representative of the new generation and the absolute core of Guangzhou. Hu Jinqiu can stabilize the inside line, has a good character, and is very strong at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends. Hu Mingxuan and Xu Jie are popular players in Guangdong, and their performance at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends this season is not bad.

Of course, Xu Jie is the big winner at this time, he couldn't enter the starting line when Zhao Rui was there before, and now he is almost 240,000 ahead of Sun Minghui, who is third in the backfield, and has basically locked the starting position.

CBA's second week of voting was officially announced! Zhou Qi, Zhao Rui, and Xu Jiecheng, the vote kings of the north and south districts, were the winners, and the gold was the lowest

The other players in the North Zone are Yang Hansen, Zhang Zhenlin, Abudu and Zhao Jiwei. Abudu's call has been very high this season, and it is true that he has a huge advantage in all aspects. Especially after returning to the top of his form this season, with points, rebounds, assists and defense affecting the game in all aspects, he has hopes of making it to the national team.

CBA's second week of voting was officially announced! Zhou Qi, Zhao Rui, and Xu Jiecheng, the vote kings of the north and south districts, were the winners, and the gold was the lowest

And Yang Hansen's current dominance in the inner line is very strong, and his presence has enhanced Qingdao's comprehensive strength. Zhang Zhenlin and Zhao Jiwei, they are both popular players in Liaoning. Although Allen Guo was not selected, they are responsible. It's that Zhang Zhenlin's vote this time is a bit low, and it is only 360,000 so far, the lowest among the starters.

CBA's second week of voting was officially announced! Zhou Qi, Zhao Rui, and Xu Jiecheng, the vote kings of the north and south districts, were the winners, and the gold was the lowest


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