
Dampness in the liver scrotum is damp, dampness in the spleen is short, dampness in the kidney is weak and weak, Chinese medicine helps you get rid of dampness 1, dampness in the liver scrotum dampness: if dampness and heat accumulate in the liver and gallbladder, it will manifest in the scrotum

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Jia Xiaolin

Dampness in the liver and scrotum, dampness in the spleen for a short time, dampness in the kidneys and weakness, Chinese medicine helps you get rid of dampness

1. Wet in the liver and scrotum

Manifestations: If the dampness and heat are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder, the scrotum will be damp, and the thighs will always feel damp, as well as odor, itching, accompanied by dry mouth and bitter mouth, poor appetite, and nausea

Conditioning ideas: clear the liver and gallbladder dampness and heat

Reference: Artemisia Qin clear gall soup, gentian laxative liver soup

2. The wet time in the spleen is short

Manifestations: If the spleen is deficient, it will have a decrease in physical strength, lack of energy, and will not be able to fill the tendons, and it will be short-lived, accompanied by heavy limbs, fatigue, easy bloating, and loss of appetite

Conditioning ideas: strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness

Reference: Shenling Baizhu San, Spleen Strengthening Pills

3. Dampness in the kidneys is weak and weak

Manifestations: Kidney dampness will lead to deficiency of kidney yang, and there will be weakness, accompanied by soreness in the waist and knees, fear of cold, paleness, clear and long urine, and unformed stool.

Conditioning ideas: warm and replenish kidney yang

Reference: Jin Gui Kidney Qi Soup

Dampness in the liver scrotum is damp, dampness in the spleen is short, dampness in the kidney is weak and weak, Chinese medicine helps you get rid of dampness 1, dampness in the liver scrotum dampness: if dampness and heat accumulate in the liver and gallbladder, it will manifest in the scrotum
Dampness in the liver scrotum is damp, dampness in the spleen is short, dampness in the kidney is weak and weak, Chinese medicine helps you get rid of dampness 1, dampness in the liver scrotum dampness: if dampness and heat accumulate in the liver and gallbladder, it will manifest in the scrotum
Dampness in the liver scrotum is damp, dampness in the spleen is short, dampness in the kidney is weak and weak, Chinese medicine helps you get rid of dampness 1, dampness in the liver scrotum dampness: if dampness and heat accumulate in the liver and gallbladder, it will manifest in the scrotum

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