
Lifting the veil behind the clubhouse, a clubhouse woman bravely tells her story.

author:Looking at Yu Hua

Hello everyone, I am a humble clubhouse girl in this city who carries many stories. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to be honest with you about my life, my thoughts, and my inner experience. To the outside world, the clubhouse is a glamorous symbol, but the story behind it is little known. Please be patient with me, those untold stories.

My choices, my stories

Everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle, and I chose to be a clubgirl. At first, that decision was difficult, like embarking on a road of no return. But in the face of the cruelty of reality, I chose to accept and adapt. This job has allowed me to experience countless ups and downs, pains and challenges, but it has also given me a lot of opportunities and room to learn Xi.

Lifting the veil behind the clubhouse, a clubhouse woman bravely tells her story.

The truth behind the clubhouse

You may have all sorts of opinions and speculations about the clubhouse, but few people really know the truth behind it. In the eyes of some people, we are the women who accompany the wine, just to accompany and entertain others. However, behind this profession, there are hidden stories and desires that each of us has.

The world is unfair, and I fight hard for life

Once upon a time, I was also a young woman full of dreams and hopes. However, the cruelty of reality and social injustice forced me to choose this job. The poverty of my family, poor education, and lack of opportunities all became the reasons why I chose the club. I'm not doing nothing, I'm fighting hard for my life and trying to change my destiny.

Lifting the veil behind the clubhouse, a clubhouse woman bravely tells her story.

The wandering and thinking of the mind

You may wonder what is the heart of the clubhouse woman? Yes, we are also ordinary people, and we also have emotions and thoughts. On this illusory stage, I learned to disguise and hide my true emotions. In the face of the smiles of guests, I can see through but cannot say it, and in the face of many temptations, I have to learn to protect my dignity and bottom line.

The world is like a play, the story behind the stage

When the spotlight shines on me, I feel like a character in a play. I want to learn to play my role well, endure loneliness and loneliness, and make every guest feel happy and satisfied. However, the story behind the stage is little known. We silently endure physical and mental stress and suffering, and only we understand the inner struggle and confusion.

We also crave love and respect

Just like everyone, we also crave to be understood and respected. For clubhouse girls, this job is just a part of our lives, and we also have our own families, friends, and dreams. Don't just define us as superficial images, it's just a role-play when we work. We also have joys and sorrows, and we want to be treated like ordinary people.

Lifting the veil behind the clubhouse, a clubhouse woman bravely tells her story.

Thank you for listening, my story is not over

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my untold stories. Your listening and understanding are the motivation for me to face life bravely. Although this job has brought me countless challenges, I believe that everyone should be respected and cared for. I will use my own efforts to pursue a better future, and at the same time, I hope that the society can give us more understanding and support.

Thank you for reading this tweet! Perhaps, this self-description can make you know more about the clubhouse women. Each of us has our own stories and desires, and everyone deserves to be respected and loved. If you have any thoughts and opinions, please feel free to share them with me in the comment section. Let's work together for a more tolerant and caring society!

If you have any comments or thoughts on this tweet, please feel free to leave a message and share it with me! Let's work together to make this society a better place!

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